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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

War is very very serious and should not be taken lightly. The loss of human lives should be avoided (but offcourse not at any cost....). So hence the demand of an explanation with and expiry date. If no plausible explanation is given you respond. Acting after a clear and wise analysis should always be the norm.

Did we say something that if you don't explain in due time be ready to bare the consequences?
The local people claiming they heard two loud sounds ....
"Sir g rehn devo kujh v ni j kita siwaye mun takny de "
It was failure from our side to not intercept imagine 30 km just from shorkot it fell down. Just think about if it was armed and mistakenly or malfunctionly landed near shorkot then what will be happened?
Either that or the Indians would have to be idiotic to send what is a first strike system at which Pakistan was ready to lob Shaheen-2s back at them based on shoddy intelligence.

But then, they are no longer led by sane people. @Joe Shearer - not to put you in a pickle but the messaging with this weapon system crosses red lines pretty sharply so that leadership on top really must be nuts.
The leadership question, is well fairly understood by now, no? I mean. We know it for a fact after Balakot that they'd take chances. Also, Indians just cancelled one of their biggest aerial exercises only days ago.

Could that have been to prepare for our response, had this hit gone through?
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