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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

1. It was an air launched version of Brahmos.

2. It was a simulated exercise by IAF, with Rafiqui AFB as a potential target (Mian Channu is in line with Rafiqui by 20 seconds at Mach 3, it was used to simply simulate Rafiqui as its target).

3. IAF was conducting what is considered an ORI, an exercise whereby the base needs to conduct a war-time mission, with a live weapon, albeit the final trigger is pressed in a simulated scenario. In this case, the aircraft never went into sim mode. IAF has axed 3 officers so far, more on the line.

4. The lack of proficiency of IAF targeting staff delivers, yet again. The pilot's career is gone, but had this strike connected to say even a school or hospital, a retaliatory strike was 100% guaranteed.
Sir, can you please provide the source?
That's petty since they just did that.

Imagine international headlines.

"India accidentally fires missile into Pakistan"

"Pakistan accidentally fires missile into India"

Like some sort of childish game.

We should just set some demands regarding the "malfunction", if they are not met with satisfaction, claim you view the missile strike as intentional, and PAF should conduct a similar strike like Swift Retort.

-Monetary reimbursement for the damage caused

-Joint probe on the incident

-Public apology
good point, India should make amends and make sure that this doesn't happen.
were they related? were the jets scrambled for the Bramhos?

as they should.
No PAF jet crashed. The missile crash was initially misreported. Although Indians were tweeting that a J10CP had crashed to find out later that it was their own missile launched by their own rogue military personnel that had crashed in Pakistan.
give me a break with your false equivalency, revoking article 370 was the best thing to happen to Kashmir, It opened the floodgates for investment. Hell, I'm even looking into investing.
Indians as well as you should take your investment and shove it up the place where sun never shines, Kashmiris rather have their freedom and their beliefs. As for your family being murdered by Pakistan Army, stop BSing and stop trying to get sympathy. Even if true, most probably they deserved it.
As for your family being murdered by Pakistan Army, stop BSing and stop trying to get sympathy. Even if true, most probably they deserved it.
Basically an indirect way of him admitting his family were armed terrorists

gonna cry?
Anyone with a hint of humanity probably would after reading what the Kashmiri women experienced during Kunan Poshpora

Unfortunately for you, no amount of monetary investment gets rid of rape, genocide and crimes against humanity which were and are committed against the Kashmiris

It only excites you as a non-Kashmiri
If Pakistan wanted to make India sweat it out a bit more on this incident - it should have closed its airspace immediately - doing that would mean this news becomes global ... and the world would have known that India cannot manage basic SOP around cruise missiles that have a strategic dimension to them.

It does seem like Pakistan is allowing India to "move on" far easier than if the situation was reversed ..... a more sensible approach by Pakistan would have been to close down its airspace for a day or 2 until the explanation was provided. A non kinetic response that would have amplififed the significance of what India had done on a global stage..

That's exactly what I hate about softies leading the Forces, they are more interested in proving that they are mature/professional than maintaining deterrence. I am not advocating that we should have fired missile in return but we shouldn't have let it pass easily. If as claimed they tracked missile all the way then why airspace wasn't closed (Bhartis didn't admit that it was mistake for more than 48 hours) - It's even more perthitic considering that we were unable to activate AD because of air-traffic but still kept airspace open for civil aircrafts? what was guarantee that monkeys doing "maintenance" will not fire another one "accidentally". Why idiotic ISPR always come up with all good / no loss happened narrative (they did same in past two incidents as well) and limit response options. As of now, they have set the precedence that safroon chadies can pull trigger whenever they want, we will take a day to evaluate our loss and then inform them that we will respond or not.
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