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Indian Bollywood mocks Tamil struggle in "Madras Cafe". Chola Revival!

Relax guys, you will see a disclaimer before the movie starts. That disclaimer will reveal that if the story is similar to that of any person living or dead is purely coincidental.

BTW, I knew that people will talk about "Tamil Nadu country" gets succession from India!:lol:
I'm very proud that Sri Lanka created a international hero figure. I would like you to tread on the path of Piribhaharan and start a fight in India for a seperate Tamil state.

We already got what we want here and we are happy to be a part of India.
As far as history is concerned, in 1017, the Cholas could have wiped out the whole of Sinhala pseudo race, but they didnt although they should have to safe the future of Tamils in the island.

The cholas tried and failed. Do not try to justify the failed attempt. "Cholas ultimately failed to capture the whole island and massacre the Sinhalese and Sinhalese ultimately kicked out the Cholas from the island"

And the Pandyas were Singhala`s allies, which explains the survival of the Lions' progeny , remember the Queen of the pseudo Singhala race was a Tamil Pandya Princess from Madurai.

Remember this it was a Sinhalese ruler who helped the Pandyans to keep their thrown in Madurai. It was the Sinhala army that saved Madurai from failing into the hands of Cholas. It was the Sinhala army that renamed Rameswaram "Lankapura". Read the history of the 12th Century son. :P

And the last Buddhist King of Kandy was a Tamil , who died in Tamilnadu ..

Sinhalese imported them from Madurai for do our biddings. :P and it was Sinhalese who had thrown them out.

We already got what we want here and we are happy to be a part of India.

Oh really.... I doubt that.
The cholas tried and failed. Do not try to justify the failed attempt. "Cholas ultimately failed to capture the whole island and massacre the Sinhalese and Sinhalese ultimately kicked out the Cholas from the island"

Remember this it was a Sinhalese ruler who helped the Pandyans to keep their thrown in Madurai. It was the Sinhala army that saved Madurai from failing into the hands of Cholas. It was the Sinhala army that renamed Rameswaram "Lankapura". Read the history of the 12th Century son. :P

Sinhalese imported them from Madurai for do our biddings. :P and it was Sinhalese who had thrown them out.
Cholas Ruled the whole island for 8years. You need to read your history.

The period of Chola occupation of Sri Lanka began in 993 when Raja Raja Chola sent a large Chola army which conquered northern Sri Lanka and added it to the Chola Empire. The rest of Sri Lanka was annexed by Rajendra I in 1017–18.

There were frequent rebellions by the dispossessed Sinhalese monarchs mainly Mahinda V, Vikramabahu I, Mahalanakitti and Vijayabahu. In 1077, Vijayabahu succeeded in driving out the Cholas thereby putting an end to more than eight decades of Chola rule in the island.

The Cholas fought many subsequent wars and attempted to reconquer Sri Lanka as the Sinhalese monarchs were allies of their arch-enemies, the Pandyas.

Chola occupation of Anuradhapura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cholas Ruled the whole island for 8years. You need to read your history.

The period of Chola occupation of Sri Lanka began in 993 when Raja Raja Chola sent a large Chola army which conquered northern Sri Lanka and added it to the Chola Empire. The rest of Sri Lanka was annexed by Rajendra I in 1017–18.

There were frequent rebellions by the dispossessed Sinhalese monarchs mainly Mahinda V, Vikramabahu I, Mahalanakitti and Vijayabahu. In 1077, Vijayabahu succeeded in driving out the Cholas thereby putting an end to more than eight decades of Chola rule in the island.

The Cholas fought many subsequent wars and attempted to reconquer Sri Lanka as the Sinhalese monarchs were allies of their arch-enemies, the Pandyas.

Chola occupation of Anuradhapura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cholas never ruled the whole island. They sent large armies to down south time to time but never able to wrest the control of the south. They never kept a garrison in down south. The only thing the Cholas did was to come down south burn down the Magama city and go back to Polonnaruwa again. Even then the most of the time Cholas were massacred by the Sinhalese army.


This image says it all. Though the extent of the Rohana enclave should have been larger.


This is the map of the reconquest of Sinhalese army. You can see the operation starts from Rohana.

FYI read the panakaduwa golden phamplet in pdf form.

Cholas Ruled the whole island for 8years. You need to read your history.

Foreign invaders unable to take control over Lanka until 1815. British took fully control over SL in 1815, that's the only incident in the history.
Yeah these jokers gave a nigh mare for you for 30 long years which you will never ever forget! Anyway I am not a supporter of terrorism, Let peace prevail and let SL become Singapore of south Asia!

Glad you have agreed mistakes in the past!

nah. Sri Lanka will become "Sri Lanka", that's the most Sri Lankans wish. We don't want to become or copy another country! ;)

South Asia's most coolest countries are Maldives and Sri Lanka. lol
Foreign invaders unable to take control over Lanka until 1815. British took fully control over SL in 1815, that's the only incident in the history.

Just to understand, what is the point being made here? I mean why are indian and sri Lankan posters debating history of cholas etc? Does it have a purpose?

WRT your statement above, weren't sinhalas ''foreigners'' once?
Just to understand, what is the point being made here? I mean why are indian and sri Lankan posters debating history of cholas etc? Does it have a purpose?

WRT your statement above, weren't sinhalas ''foreigners'' once?

I don't know who started this debate, just corrected the statement made by an Indian member.

Sinhala race is native only to Lanka.

but you have said otherwise.... you said your hero is Piribhaharan.... so I can assume that there are bloodthirsty monsters in India.

I didn't say that.

The OP and other posters deliberately dragged in SL in to the thread.. Now if you cant comprehend that to through your retarded brain, You should keep away from posting about subjects beyond your mental capacity.. Not surprised though common straight among Madrasis.. Crying blue murder when they are exposed.. Btw this is a international forum, You don't have a say on who and what can be posted, You should be the one to shut your trap

Like I mentioned before that term is not universal nor aimed at all Tamils, It has political concoctions, If you deem fit to wear it do.. Don't cry foul
You must be checked for rabies. So much anger sheesh lol
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Sinhala race is native only to Lanka.

You do know that's a clever statement right? It invents a a ''race'' and then claims its native to SL?

Like saying the Australian race is native to Australia? If one agrees Australians (or british, or americans, or maldivians or mauritians) are a race, then the statement holds valid.
You do know that's a clever statement right? It invents a a ''race'' and then claims its native to SL?

Like saying the Australian race is native to Australia? If one agrees Australians (or british, or americans, or maldivians or mauritians) are a race, then the statement holds valid.

According to your theory all are native to Africa only. lol
I didn't mention "Sri Lankans" native to Sri Lanka.
Yes - I guess the revival of the Chola Empire rests on the broad shoulders of John Abraham - that makes perfect sense.

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