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Indian Army using Bofors and heavy artillery after getting a beating

Well, that clear and open admission by indian army that it can't handle PA's retaliation so upping the game a notch...so shall we do.. where would this madness end?
if we start opening a thread on every tweet we need daily 10202340973405734075 threads
No Imran Bhai...we need 10202340973405734073 threads...you reported 2 extra :undecided:
Nothing wrong from defensive or counter attack point of view for a force but India one's up the level of caliber as such, other side may bring in more heavier gun. May be the emphasis is, India couldn't counter current PA caliber attack so bringing in heavier one which will actually give PA a reason to come with next level fire power. The question arises that what type of gun India may use as such?

That's fine, then some Indian troll (like OP) will be happy to open a thread that pakistan brings in XYZ after a beating.

Infact you dont need a beating but an objective to escalate it to next level.
Whats wrong with use of bofors?If we have the advantage using bofors and our soldiers lives are at stake we should use it.Pak artillery(the 155 mm american guns ,122mm and 130 mm soviet/chinese guns) has no real answer to bofors in range and brute power.
We have answer for everything and I'm happy that india is being forced to use the best and most expensive gun it got....
Nothing wrong from defensive or counter attack point of view for a force but India one's up the level of caliber as such, other side may bring in more heavier gun. May be the emphasis is, India couldn't counter current PA caliber attack so bringing in heavier one which will actually give PA a reason to come with next level fire power. The question arises that what type of gun India may use as such?

After Bafor, they have to resort to nukes.
its not the tweet but a famous indian journalist repirti g from front line admitting the use of Bofors andits not a small news.

A famous Indian journalist? Who is this bozo? This is the first time I've heard of him. And how did you guess that he was famous? Or does the news become more spicy if he is famous, rather than any other Grub Street hack?
Nothing wrong from defensive or counter attack point of view for a force but India one's up the level of caliber as such, other side may bring in more heavier gun. May be the emphasis is, India couldn't counter current PA caliber attack so bringing in heavier one which will actually give PA a reason to come with next level fire power. The question arises that what type of gun India may use as such?
will Pakistan use M110 ? :P
Whats wrong with use of bofors?If we have the advantage using bofors and our soldiers lives are at stake we should use it.Pak artillery(the 155 mm american guns ,122mm and 130 mm soviet/chinese guns) has no real answer to bofors in range and brute power.
You have many advantages
More men
More guns
More aircraft
More naval ships
More more more.....but you lack one thing

COURAGE......that can't be bought
no brahmos. one brahmos can defeat Pakistan and China at the same time.

True, India include PPP in deciding the weapons firing power.

You have many advantages
More men
More guns
More aircraft
More naval ships
More more more.....but you lack one thing

COURAGE......that can't be bought

And India count all these, including courage, in PPP.
True, India include PPP in deciding the weapons firing power.

And India count all these, including courage, in PPP.
What's a PPP???
That's fine, then some Indian troll (like OP) will be happy to open a thread that pakistan brings in XYZ after a beating.

Infact you dont need a beating but an objective to escalate it to next level.

Who said anything about the beating. Why scared then. How come you accuse a member as troll? Don't you just think before typing? We can do better for a conversation without doing so.

None seeks any reason to escalate it to next level. Soldiers posted at point of action, can understand and are well aware that who is using what hence, anyone raising the bar, should also expect bigger reply. This is the emphasis, which I highlighted to a friend here.
I have received the news about escalation, artillery exchange from multiple sources. Indian Army needs a face saving after recent attacks on its camps in occupied Kashmir.

They should understand one important point here that Pakistan Army will love to face any such escalation due to the doctrines and trainings they are currently working on.
Give them hell.... escalate...

That's the only way to descalation
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