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Indian Army using Bofors and heavy artillery after getting a beating

You have many advantages
More men
More guns
More aircraft
More naval ships
More more more.....but you lack one thing

COURAGE......that can't be bought
And a Pakistani talking about courage.
Thanks macho man
Pakistan has Panter howitzer which has range of 18 km to 40 km coupled with Aselsan BAIKS-2000 Field Artillery Battery Fire Direction system.Firing 42 kg shell at ranges upto 40 km,it easily outguns FH88.
Pakistan as also M198 155mm.
You can say that when India deploys state of the Art M777's,they would really be game changers.At that stage Pakistan may be forced to procure Ah-4 from china.
Rest assured today Nor India, Nor Pakistan has much advantage on each other on LOC,when it comes to Artillary.

Weight of 155mm shell is about 42 kg,
Weight of M46 130mm Shell is about 33 Kg,Bofor has advantage as compared to M46 a.k.a Type 59-i.
I have no data on Guided shells of 130mm,Pakistan may have Guided Munitions for them.

Actually none of these Guns has any disastorus effect due to geography and altitude sometimes when compared to well placed and well directed 120mm Mortor Battery.In hilly areas these little tubes can bring Havoc,on enemy sitting anywhere.

There has been a lot of talk of panter deal,but status remains unknown and so far none have been seen on LOC.
M198 is the only equivalent gun,but numbers are lower.

Title is misleading.Bofors has only been used in those sectors where pak posts are well dug in and 120 mm mortars are relatively ineffective and PA has geographic height/terrain advantage.In other sectors business as usual.
will Pakistan use M110 ? :P
why not M115 largest one ? 203mm monster . the mighty largest gun of south asia 8inch rounds


why not M115 largest one ? 203mm monster . the mighty largest gun of south asia 8inch rounds


Better for plains.
Indian troops initiated mortar fire in Nikayal sector targeting civil population in Thurti Narr Village (distance from LOC is 1200ms ). An innocent citizen M Farooq s/o Ali Akbar embraced Shahadat and 3 civilians got injuries.Injured have been evacuated to THQ Nakiyal. Pakistan Army target Indian post which initiated fire.
if India is using Bofors , next step for PA should A-100's .. Smoke them
if India is using Bofors , next step for PA should A-100's .. Smoke them

No, it will be over kill, if you want MBRL to be used then upgraded KRL-122 is better option
No, it will be over kill, if you want MBRL to be used then upgraded KRL-122 is better option

we cant use unguided Rockets my friend, the people on the other side is ours to .. we need precision strikes , so hence A-100 is better choice .
Whats wrong with use of bofors?If we have the advantage using bofors and our soldiers lives are at stake we should use it.Pak artillery(the 155 mm american guns ,122mm and 130 mm soviet/chinese guns) has no real answer to bofors in range and brute power.
Last time i checked M-109s alone had a range of 30km vs 24km of bofors.

What advantage do you possess?

We have alot more 55cal guns than you.. have BB and cluster munition rounds etc.
We have both range and more destructive power backed by SP/shoot n scout.
will Pakistan use M110 ? :P
M-110,M-109A5s,M-114,M-198,M-115,Pantar etc are all 155mm or above.

We might even have SH1 or Denel... (if they chose one— and are not showing it like other procurements).
These skirmishes have been happening for a long time between India and Pakistan, but this will not change the ground realities in Kashmir.
It’s just that modern media is quick to report and blow it out of proportions for their TRPs.

Pakistan cannot militarily achieve any of its objectives against the might of the Indian armed forces, this has been proven time and again in the many wars that both countries have fought.

unlike you Indian Army knows it very well that other than 71 (in east Pakistan part) they got good whooping every time.
There has been a lot of talk of panter deal,but status remains unknown and so far none have been seen on LOC.
M198 is the only equivalent gun,but numbers are lower.

Title is misleading.Bofors has only been used in those sectors where pak posts are well dug in and 120 mm mortars are relatively ineffective and PA has geographic height/terrain advantage.In other sectors business as usual.
They raised entire fukin arty regiments armed with Panters.

And do you even know how many M109A5s Pak has?

Let alone other 155s?
Any updates of what is happening?
Perhaps that is the reason why Pakistan has asked the Kashmiris on Indian side to move away from the LOC. We are bringing in our big toys out now.
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