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Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

We all understand why India in great panic and nervous situations. These attacks are telling us, RAW still has no idea about how their 8 commandos were killed and off-course India is going to close terrorist breading consulates in Afghanistan and shut their eyes on libraries investment. Shameless. Cowardly. Indian.the most inhuman nation on earth. Virus spreading in India but shelling goes on innocents are being killed shame.
I hope Pakistan should not target them with artillery as it is very imprecise instead use precise guided munition like H4, REK or JDAM.
We don't need to target those artillery in the middle of villages. There are thousands of Indian army post along loc posts. Just lay waste to those posts away from civilian population just lay waste to those posts and Indian artillery fire will stop automatically.
Let’s not make sh!t up just because you are hurting.
Not making up shit there is video proof and as a deterance we are hitting other Indian posts the cost of destruction will make India stop. You have 900k troops in IOJK kill 10 with artillery else where would be enough to make India stop targeting civilian population.

How about drone strike on forward Indian posts. We need to let lose our military. No more measured response. Since they are targetting our civilian population and we dont have the luxury to do that as Kashmiris on the other side are Pakistanis as well, we really need to up our game. Lets involve Barraq.
No need they have many posts on loc just hit those and India will get the message loud and clear and that is what we are doing.
Because we rejected that as it was contrary to what was passed in first resolution mutually agreed by both parties. It marked a big shift from UN first stand on the subject and bias was clearly evident.
First, India does not get to pick and choose which UNSC Resolutions it gets to implement.

Second, the UNSC Resolutions that were passed subsequent to UNSCR 47 only further expand upon the lack of clarity and lack of specifics regarding the specifics of withdrawal & mechanisms of verification of withdrawal etc (by both sides). The language of UNSCR 47 does not, as has already been pointed out repeatedly, make any specific demands for unilateral withdrawal of Pakistani forces.

You're arguing that Pakistan is required to start withdrawing her troops first so India has no responsibilities placed upon her until Pakistan fulfills her commitment of 'starting the withdrawal'. The reason this argument is wrong is because of the last part of the highlighted text, "in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission". This is where the introductory paragraph of Part II is significant, and reinforced by Part II-C (1) - see highlighted sections below:

PART II TRUCE AGREEMENT Simultaneously with the acceptance of the proposal for the immediate cessation of hostilities as outlined in Part I, both Governments accept the following principles as a basis for the formulation of a truce agreement, the details of which shall be worked out in discussion between their Representatives and the Commission.

C. (1) Upon signature, the full text of the Truce Agreement or communique containing the principles thereof as agreed upon between the two Governments and the Commission, will be made public.

So the critical 'principle that was to be the basis for the formulation of a truce agreement' for India and Pakistan boils down to one line in Part II - B (1), which states that:

"and further, that the Pakistan forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission."

India. Pakistan and UNCIP had to come to an agreement on the details of a Truce Agreement that defined the withdrawal plans of both Pakistan AND India, and it isn't as simple as you would think - the phrase 'Pakistani forces are being withdrawn' doesn't detail what percentage of Pakistani forces need to be withdrawn, and the withdrawal verified, before Indian forces started withdrawing.

The withdrawal of 'Pakistani soldiers/forces' (or Pakistani tribesmen) is vague (are being withdrawn) -- lets get a little semantic here: what does 'are being withdrawn' mean?

'Are being withdrawn' refers to an ongoing action. Technically, the withdrawal of one Pakistani soldier per year is a process of 'Pakistani forces being withdrawn', and said withdrawal of 'one Pakistani soldier per year', while a materially inconsequential change, satisfies the language of 'are being withdrawn' in the text of UNSCR 47. This is precisely why both Sarmad and I referenced the language highlighted above regarding the 'Truce Agreement', and it was India that scuttled all proposals made by Pakistan and the UN Commission under the Truce Agreement negotiation mechanism established by the UNSC.
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Indians wont be Indians if they dont hit Civilians to release their frustration. Freedom Fighters hit them hard Recently their pride is hurt. Any Way Rules of Engagements are clear here PA will hit them hard.

Wait for more Murder Suicides and Accidents.
No external repairs were made. Or else Indian satellites or commercial satellites would have caught the activity easily and would have published it online for the whole world to see. Afterall, It was those Satellite pictures which negated Indian tall claims that they destroyed and killed X number of terrorists in Balakot and forced the indian narrative to change to " That was penetrative warhead which would not cause collapse of the building" A Laughable claim which has no sound logic or facts attached to it. If you want to support indian narrative, do so based on the the evidence, not based on popular propaganda puff pieces put out by a Lying Modi Government.
Says a lot about the descent into madness in India when even extremely sensible and sane posters like @Joe Shearer continue to cling to absurd claims by India that have been debunked by multiple independent analysts globally using satellite imagery.

Quite disappointing really, Joe. You've let nationalism blind you to evidence based analysis.
Says a lot about the descent into madness in Indian when even extremely sensible and sane posters like @Joe Shearer continue to cling to absurd claims by India that have been debunked by multiple independent analysts globally using satellite imagery.

Quite disappointing really, Joe. You've let nationalism blind you to facts.

The guy you are mentioning was never sane.
In fact guys like these are ideological vanguards of people who burn people alive pogroms like the one in Delhi

Only sane ones are people like arundhati Roy but then you can count them on your finger tips in this nation of a billion plus people
@AgNoStiC MuSliM, I am disappointed at your putting pressure on this unexpected Indian poster, @IMARV, even though he is making his points with the greatest courtesy and decorum. There are known Indian baiters among the moderation team; it comes as an unpleasant surprise that your sympathies are with them.
He only started making posts with 'the greatest courtesy and decorum' after I essentially had to force him to quote the language of the UNSC Resolutions to support his points. He's still being selective and not reading the UNSCR's or supporting documentation in totality, but at least it's an improvement over the previous posts where he was just stating an opinion without anything to back it up.
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Dont need to fight Indian and Pakistan.You will be given funds for coronavirus.Awam doesnt want to fight but these rascals in politics want to keep things heated up.Provide the food.We dont need fking war
Sabir Shakir reporting that Pakistan Army has gone 3 Kilometers into OIK territory. "Toak bagardan-e-ravi".

@Joe Shearer Looks like he took an easy exit. Must not have said me a liar though when clearly he could not read well or perhaps is sleepy.

Intellectual dishonesty getting displayed at its peak, within a same paragraph he selectively took part and assign it to ICJ but tried to pass rest as if ICJ is quoting a third party.

The whole paragraph is made by ICJ while setting up the historical background to set the context for their findings. Ironically mission was on "fact finding".
The only intellectual dishonesty I see here is on your part - refusing to comprehend even simple English explanations.

Like I said, we are done proving the earth isn't flat to irrational Indians such as yourself.

You can also read additional explanations of the UNSCR's here:

Says a lot about the descent into madness in India when even extremely sensible and sane posters like @Joe Shearer continue to cling to absurd claims by India that have been debunked by multiple independent analysts globally using satellite imagery.

Quite disappointing really, Joe. You've let nationalism blind you to evidence based analysis.

It is only some guys on PDF that get impressed by Indians with good writing skills , even if all they do is lie and masquerade as an objective entity.
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