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Indian Army to move air defence units closer to Pakistan border

I feel as long as Pakistan reins in the terrorists it has nothing to fear from India.
It has already got in line after the 26th feb punitive bombing as the terrorist activity in jk has reduced to neglegible. And remember these are the summer months when infiltration is at the highest normally.
Of course now that india has tasted blood, their is always a chance of more preemptive strikes on Pakistani territory, incase of additional intelligence inputs. And I say this only because Modi has shifted the goal posts with the 26th Feb strikes. With a Congress government, I am not sure what policy will be followed. Though Important to remember that the 1971 Pakistani defeat was under the Congress government. Interesting days ahead.

Nobody knows what happened during balakot strike.it was clear from day one that iaf missed all targets.satellites don't lie.you guys understand satellite data much better because of your understanding of satellite technology.they missed all targets.not even single media channel reported success but infiltration was too deep.we are prepare to deal anything.even if you target madrassas, civilians will die so basically paf have to Target similar indian buildings like your religious places so I believe it's better for India to think about war and it's consequences.
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