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Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

India has taken correct step in right direction
now u guys will acquire weapon by this way

at least we don't beg to countries to designate people terrorist by paying billions of Dollars ..we get Weapons however we want ,as far as that keep our neighbors at bay, we are happy with them
truth be told india
Oh, no again a guy from a tiny speck. :p:


It means alot when a tint speck wants to tell a giant something
= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man

i did say my country is full of high IQ folks,

I didnt say whether this high IQ would help us to win any war.

oh and btw, India do not have the capability to sail across the eastenr IOR and come into conflict with us anyway.
No reason to, since we are friends- jsut like we are friends with China too.

You're the 1 who got defensive and attacked my nationality when i voiced out my opinion- that India is indeed a 3rd rate nation with a 3rd rate military. haha.

Thanks, this definition suits you exactly I guess. Straw Man huh ??

It was not me but you who diverted the discussion from military to IQ. A typical straw-man style.

Moreover if India is a 3rd rate country with a 3rd rate army, what should you call a country (4th Rate ??) who is ready to take lessons from this 3rd rate army to improve their armed forces ??? Just a genuine doubt. :p:




I mean if we have a 3rd rate military, why are you training with us. FYI, it's the Singapore air-force and Army who is coming to India not the other way round. :-)
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Is there still something left that Pak hasn't shared with China??????

can't say .. Pakistan never let Chinese to check F-16's Block 52's ..rest whatever we have Chinese already have better system in their inventory

And IA has no MANPADS or PLA has no attack helos.. Kind of childish statements.

Of course you do, but the OP talk about IA deploying the Helo's on LAC , not the other way around .. so stupid comment

Few Apache can't change anything, those bought toys from USA won't change India army's destination.

Of course they won't but it will create issues for your Infantry and Armour Columns

China and Pakistan will have bright future with CPEC despite that sour grape Indians like to bad mouth this project , there is no doubt that CPEC will bring prosperity to Pakistan, western China and the region, a prosper Pakistan is only in China's interest, a rich Pakistan will be able to modernize it military at an acceleration pace.

we always wish Good for our Relationships and Chinese Help for our home grown weapon industry cant be avoided .. soon JF will become the Back bone of PAF , later joined by J-31 ( Inshallah ) , we already got HQ-16 , hopefully more orders will come with some ToT so we can produce in home .. I see Pakistan's defense Industry booming in next decade ..
truth be told india

It means alot when a tint speck wants to tell a giant something

Look friend, India and Singapore share very cordial and friendly relation from the time of our independence. We have been cooperating in different fields and we never dictated or insisted anything against Singapore unlike some of your neighbors. But your comments against my country are unwarranted, which made me to call your country a speck. Sorry for that. :-)

If you are a genuine Singaporean you might understand. :)

It shows competency, if you can kill that many soldiers, why can't you repeat the same thing in Aksai Chin? And it has never crossed your mind that this is an ego booster fabricated incident to boost Indian pride after losing both AP and AC?

It depends more on the priorities. Let me show you the strategic importance and the difference. Sikkim is more than important for India since the stakes are too high there. Our entire North-East depends on the Sikkim and Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. Moreover the access to Aksai Chin is easy from the Chinese side rather than our side, mass mobilization of troops to Aksai Chin is too difficult, and it is not a place worth committing and risking the life of our soldiers, it's above 90% barren.

I know you may come up with something else to ridicule. But this is the reason, why Aksai Chin is least important. :-)
Lol we violate no one space, that's just an accusation and it's just transport helo, you guys do the same with even bigger one such as Mi-26 but this one is combat helo, if you guys want to show muscles and have arm race at the border, I think you find the right adversary.

Mi 26 is a big transport helis which carry troops. And dont BS. We are just now deploying Weaponised Dhruv for the first time. And you guys did violate Indian airspace. So dont cry. There is no record of Mi 26 trespassing Chinese territory. its not even fast enough to escape. Keep ur hypocritical BS to urself

Of course you do, but the OP talk about IA deploying the Helo's on LAC , not the other way around .. so stupid comment

Of course we will do. Chinese deployed helos a decade back. Its just now we are catching up. Remember we too are modernising.
Look friend, India and Singapore share very cordial and friendly relation from the time of our independence. We have been cooperating in different fields and we never dictated or insisted anything against Singapore unlike some of your neighbors. But your comments against my country are unwarranted, which made me to call your country a speck. Sorry for that. :-)

If you are a genuine Singaporean you might understand. :)

It depends more on the priorities. Let me show you the strategic importance and the difference. Sikkim is more than important for India since the stakes are too high there. Our entire North-East depends on the Sikkim and Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. Moreover the access to Aksai Chin is easy from the Chinese side rather than our side, mass mobilization of troops to Aksai Chin is too difficult, and it is not a place worth committing and risking the life of our soldiers, it's above 90% barren.

I know you may come up with something else to ridicule. But this is the reason, why Aksai Chin is least important. :-)
doesnt changes the fact that India's military are indeed 3rd rate and India herself is also indeed a 3rd rate nation




and training with Indian army means nothing. All friendly militaries around the world train with 1 another as part of state-to-state exchanges, not because Indian army is superior enough that Singapore wants to train with them(which is an extremely ludicrous point u r trying to bring)<== even my grandma would have laughed at the thought of this.

Doesnt means just because we have a low opinion of India and Indians, we are not 'genuine singaporeans'(whatever that means)

*btw, Singaporean army follows the Israeli war doctrine. Israel was the 1 that helped us build up our army back in the 60s. Ironically, India REFUSED to help us back then(when we were weak and unstable) when we approached them for help and merely sent a diplomatic letter rejecting our request. (google this historical fact yourself) Thus, your statement that we seek guidance from India army to 'improve ourself' is yet, another ludicrous rhetoric.
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Of course we will do. Chinese deployed helos a decade back. Its just now we are catching up. Remember we too are modernising.

As i say, this thread is about IA deploying Copters , IA has no advance Attack helicopter for now, until Apache your Attack Helicopters are nothing when it comes to Chinese Air defense systems , manpads and FM-90 is just two systems i mentioned , of course you have SAMS too but They have Advance Attack Helicopters compared to your fleet ..
As i say, this thread is about IA deploying Copters , IA has no advance Attack helicopter for now, until Apache your Attack Helicopters are nothing when it comes to Chinese Air defense systems , manpads and FM-90 is just two systems i mentioned , of course you have SAMS too but They have Advance Attack Helicopters compared to your fleet ..

Lol. Advanced Attack helos or not. They will be taken down by MANPADS and SAM system. Yes, We dont have any active attack choppers. Do u even know what u r typing? So advanced helos mean they are stealth or can move like a jet? Compared to other attack choppers, an "advanced chopper" might be 2-3 seconds faster. And it can carry more weight, good armour and range. Not immune to SAM's. Moreover nobody knows the quality of Chinese copters to begin with. Atleast we have established components, electronics (developed under JV with western companies) and we actually knows its capability. Cheerlead as far as u want.

And to invade AP, the Chinese have to climb over the mountains and come to us. The moment they cross the mountains, the only SAM will be on the Indian side facing and destroying them. No body has discovered a radar that can scan across high mountains and use air defences on the other side.

However if we are to invade Tibet that's a different story.
doesnt changes the fact that India's military are indeed 3rd rate and India herself is also indeed a 3rd rate nation




and training with Indian army means nothing. All friendly militaries around the world train with 1 another as part of state-to-state exchanges, not because Indian army is superior enough that Singapore wants to train with them(which is an extremely ludicrous point u r trying to bring)<== even my grandma would have laughed at the thought of this.

Doesnt means just because we have a low opinion of India and Indians, we are not 'genuine singaporeans'(whatever that means)

*btw, Singaporean army follows the Israeli war doctrine. Israel was the 1 that helped us build up our army back in the 60s. Ironically, India REFUSED to help us back then(when we were weak and unstable) when we approached them for help and merely sent a diplomatic letter rejecting our request. (google this historical fact yourself) Thus, your statement that we seek guidance from India army to 'improve ourself' is yet, another ludicrous rhetoric.

Yukkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!.............if that's what a superpower looks like then God help us all. Especially us non-superpowers..........:disagree:
Just drama , modi wants to make his message clear to xi that this is serious unlike dozens encounters .

China is nolonger on a neutral ground , they sided with Pakistan on geopolitical fields , so if china messes with allies like Bhutan , they better be ready for war.

Bar with Bhutan== war with India

Yukkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!.............if that's what a superpower looks like then God help us all. Especially us non-superpowers..........:disagree:

Tell your people to stop migrating to India in thousands for citizenship first .

If India is as bad as you say it to be the gods only know how bad Pakistan is , for 5000+ Pakistani citizens to migrate to India every year.
Just drama , modi wants to make his message clear to xi that this is serious unlike dozens encounters .

China is nolonger on a neutral ground , they sided with Pakistan on geopolitical fields , so if china messes with allies like Bhutan , they better be ready for war.

Bar with Bhutan== war with India

Tell your people to stop migrating to India in thousands for citizenship first .

If India is as bad as you say it to be the gods only know how bad Pakistan is , for 5000+ Pakistani citizens to migrate to India every year.

Probably because they're the same religion as you. So Pakistani-Hindu migration to india makes india a superpower..........lol..
Probably because they're the same religion as you. So Pakistani-Hindu migration to india makes india a superpower..........lol..
I can't even imagine how bad the situation is there that they are willing to live in their nations longest enemy

That also reminds me the fact that thousand Pakistani nationals travel to India every year for medical treatments , how desperate do these Muslims have to be to come to India for medical services. The place they teach you as genocidal barbarians.

Irony is , I'm not even trying to bash, the facts cut your pride deeper than any blade could.
I can't even imagine how bad the situation is there that they are willing to live in their nations longest enemy

That also reminds me the fact that thousand Pakistani nationals travel to India every year for medical treatments , how desperate do these Muslims have to be to come to India for medical services. The place they teach you as genocidal barbarians.

Irony is , I'm not even trying to bash, the facts cut your pride deeper than any blade could.

Then there's something seriously wrong with india if that's happening as it is India that has 30-40% of the world's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor. Not Pakistan:


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