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Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

You certainly don't have the last laugh ..as yet...this event still not over.

We are having the laugh. China can do zilch other than issuing endless warnings....As the saying goes; barking dogs seldom bite.

In 1967 also China took a huge thrashing from us and we merged Sikkim....Chinese were left sucking their thumbs.
doesnt changes the fact that India's military are indeed 3rd rate and India herself is also indeed a 3rd rate nation




and training with Indian army means nothing. All friendly militaries around the world train with 1 another as part of state-to-state exchanges, not because Indian army is superior enough that Singapore wants to train with them(which is an extremely ludicrous point u r trying to bring)<== even my grandma would have laughed at the thought of this.

Doesnt means just because we have a low opinion of India and Indians, we are not 'genuine singaporeans'(whatever that means)

*btw, Singaporean army follows the Israeli war doctrine. Israel was the 1 that helped us build up our army back in the 60s. Ironically, India REFUSED to help us back then(when we were weak and unstable) when we approached them for help and merely sent a diplomatic letter rejecting our request. (google this historical fact yourself) Thus, your statement that we seek guidance from India army to 'improve ourself' is yet, another ludicrous rhetoric.

Now again a typical Straw-man ??? LOL :p:

Have nothing else to support the relevant discussion, so diverting it with out of topic stuff.

With few pictures of Dharavi, are you trying to generalize it as entire India ??

Then please take a look and read the following articles as well. You guys are merely 5 Million with high HDI and GDP. But still you guy's couldn't eradicate slums and poverty from your society and ridiculing a country of 1.3 Billion ?? :o:

Agreed ours are 3rd rate but you still have worlds 1st rate slums and poor. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yukkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!.............if that's what a superpower looks like then God help us all. Especially us non-superpowers..........:disagree:

Don't worry, why we have our Dharavi, you have own Orangi Town. :p:

You certainly don't have the last laugh ..as yet...this event still not over.

Seriously in strategic and technical terms, there is only two option left with China.

1) Keep on complaining, raise the issue diplomatically or stop the current road construction.

2) Go on with an all out war across multiple fronts throughout the boarder with India.

Because a mere skirmish in an around the Chumbi Valley, will be highly in favor of India and Royal Bhutanese Armies. PLA will be always under the threat of being outflanked and even encircled, since IA and RBA can easily assault them from at-least three fronts. And here the advantage is altitude is something in favor of us. :)

TH21_bhutan map_new.eps0

So apart from a full blown war, there is very little chance for a final laugh in your favor. :p:
Indian and modi must be son of bitch.modi does not consider developing india economy well but to stir up trouble.
he is an idiot and willing to be exploited by trumpan.the ignorant indians were also excited like a herd of pigs .
can't say .. Pakistan never let Chinese to check F-16's Block 52's ..rest whatever we have Chinese already have better system in their inventory

Of course you do, but the OP talk about IA deploying the Helo's on LAC , not the other way around .. so stupid comment

Of course they won't but it will create issues for your Infantry and Armour Columns

we always wish Good for our Relationships and Chinese Help for our home grown weapon industry cant be avoided .. soon JF will become the Back bone of PAF , later joined by J-31 ( Inshallah ) , we already got HQ-16 , hopefully more orders will come with some ToT so we can produce in home .. I see Pakistan's defense Industry booming in next decade ..
China deploys manpads and HQ16b along the border, those helis are sitting ducks.
Now again a typical Straw-man ??? LOL :p:

Have nothing else to support the relevant discussion, so diverting it with out of topic stuff.

With few pictures of Dharavi, are you trying to generalize it as entire India ??

Then please take a look and read the following articles as well. You guys are merely 5 Million with high HDI and GDP. But still you guy's couldn't eradicate slums and poverty from your society and ridiculing a country of 1.3 Billion ?? :o:

Agreed ours are 3rd rate but you still have worlds 1st rate slums and poor. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Don't worry, why we have our Dharavi, you have own Orangi Town. :p:

Seriously in strategic and technical terms, there is only two option left with China.

1) Keep on complaining, raise the issue diplomatically or stop the current road construction.

2) Go on with an all out war across multiple fronts throughout the boarder with India.

Because a mere skirmish in an around the Chumbi Valley, will be highly in favor of India and Royal Bhutanese Armies. PLA will be always under the threat of being outflanked and even encircled, since IA and RBA can easily assault them from at-least three fronts. And here the advantage is altitude is something in favor of us. :)

TH21_bhutan map_new.eps0

So apart from a full blown war, there is very little chance for a final laugh in your favor. :p:

at least in singapore we dont eat dead bodies like in india
google the aghori
Maybe in some villages (still bigger than singapore) or in some forests (still bigger than singapore) where such aghoris live. But we have thousands of towns bigger than singapore where such people do ot live. Point is - you are small and insignificant in matters that are being discussed here.

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