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Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

It's not that you're not getting it right now!!!!!

But we can get more in this conflict, Israel tech, French tech, US...is will be a paradise for collection of these toys, imagine if we capture Indian C-17 :lol:. Unless want to keep their high tech weapon in the safer box and never use its against China, During Vietnam war, China has sent technician and scientist to Vietnam to evaluate all US plane brought down and F-117 in Yugoslavia. So you will expect that we will trick and trap Indian army and forced them to use high tech weapon against us, that will be the only chance to capture its.
Then there's something seriously wrong with india if that's happening as it is India that has 30-40% of the world's most severely malnourished, deformed and extreme poor. Not Pakistan:



Now just imagine how bad Pakistan is they your Muslim brothers migrate in thousands for decades to India.

India has the most dynamic cities in the world


Indian cities has the most valued start-ups in the world

and youngest and most successful in the world

now u guys will acquire weapon by this way

China had mastered this art since ancient time, we tricked the enemy and borrow their arrows and then used its against them back, In 1962 China has captured hugh stockpile of Indian weapons but we generously return them back to India. Now India acquired new weapons purposely against China, PLA would be delighted to put the hands on Apaches and any advance US sold to India, that you can be certain.


Yes! first win a war against Vietnam.

Don't you guys always accuse China of bullying small countries such as Vietnam...and now you dare us to have war against Vietnam...that's not logic at all:lol:.

aksai chin was nearly 4,000 km from Beijing and u guys got kicked at china's rear.

india essentially got buttf*cked

4000 km from Beijing but merely 300~500 km from New Delhi :lol:
Now just imagine how bad Pakistan is they your Muslim brothers migrate in thousands for decades to India.

India has the most dynamic cities in the world


Indian cities has the most valued start-ups in the world

and youngest and most successful in the world

Dont bother.

India only has 7 companies on fortune 500 while china has over a hundred :rofl:

Even in singapore, we have 3 companies on fortune 500.
which is a country that is 1/250 of india population
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4000 km from Beijing but merely 300~500 km from New Delhi :lol:
800 km actually
Also Dumb argument ,today's Kashmir is in impenetrable castle . Housing 50% of Indian arm forces expecting a war from Pakistan.

Passing through desly populated cities with millions of civil officerss and military bases is next to impossible.

On the otherhand , china is very sparsly populated in Tibet , its armed forces are scattered in choke points only , India has all mobility advantage , its going to be a slaughter house if india did a surprise attack , you will need all the air support and troops to retaliate .


Dont bother.

India only has 7 companies on fortune 500 while china has over a hundred :rofl:

Even in singapore, we have 3 companies on fortune 500.
which is a country that is 1/250 of india population

Funny so what does that maked your iron brother Pakistan , the 5th most populous country that is the poorest in the region from literacy to percapita
Lol. Advanced Attack helos or not. They will be taken down by MANPADS and SAM system. Yes, We dont have any active attack choppers. Do u even know what u r typing? So advanced helos mean they are stealth or can move like a jet? Compared to other attack choppers, an "advanced chopper" might be 2-3 seconds faster. And it can carry more weight, good armour and range. Not immune to SAM's. Moreover nobody knows the quality of Chinese copters to begin with. Atleast we have established components, electronics (developed under JV with western companies) and we actually knows its capability. Cheerlead as far as u want.

And to invade AP, the Chinese have to climb over the mountains and come to us. The moment they cross the mountains, the only SAM will be on the Indian side facing and destroying them. No body has discovered a radar that can scan across high mountains and use air defences on the other side.

However if we are to invade Tibet that's a different story.

When did i say they wont be taken out ? even best Attack Helicopter Apache can be taken out easily .. I never Claim that Advance heli's are invisible to Radars , but they can dodge it for sure, and as for Quality of Chinese Attack Heli's your comment shows jealously and your own lack of tech which you dont have it and they have it ..

so you want to Destroy Chinese Army with SAM ? :lol: @Beast @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @Chinese-Dragon brothers you are doomed ...
That gives you nothing more than some nuisance value. Effectively you haven't achieved anything more than harming your reputation internationally. Then keep on crying "Yeah Dunya Dhokhli Hey" in almost all your TV discussions. LOL :lol:

And intruders doesn't have any value more than Aedes Mosquito over humans. They can hurt a bit, but can't cause any permanent damage. :p:
2-3 Pakistani journalists crying in a tv discussions isn't nearly as embarrassing as indians crying on Pakistani defence forums.:rofl::rofl:

Many Chinese intrusions have damaged your reputation after boasting alot online. I suggest you stop and save face.

This military helicopter is just for display just like those missiles you named "china killer" .
800 km actually
Also Dumb argument ,today's Kashmir is in impenetrable castle . Housing 50% of Indian arm forces expecting a war from Pakistan.

Passing through desly populated cities with millions of civil officerss and military bases is next to impossible.

On the otherhand , china is very sparsly populated in Tibet , its armed forces are scattered in choke points only , India has all mobility advantage , its going to be a slaughter house if india did a surprise attack , you will need all the air support and troops to retaliate .

Lol if it's that easy, you guys could have claim Aksai Chin back long time ago, sure you guys outnumber us but you never know the fire power on these small sparsly PLA, it will take them to make one call to rain rocket and artilleries to your Indian army positions, I don't know who will have the last laugh to claim champion of the slaughter house...nowadays war is like Nintendo or PlayStation, it's more about button pressing than Karate skill combat...unless you claim that Indian army have more button to press than China.

We have stopped your road construction and won't allow it to happen. Do whatever you can do apart from trolling in the internet..

You Indian just have a snap shot new about Dorklam event as the land is been liberated from the commies :lol:, if you guys feel so tough why need to rush Helos and reinforcement in these area, there must be something going on there , we all can read the sign of insecure in Indian army's move.
Sounds like War!
Not at all, the Rudra is a new system and is now in production and will be deployed to bases all over India, this deployment was always going to happen. The media is predictably spinning this in sensationalist ways...
800 km actually
Also Dumb argument ,today's Kashmir is in impenetrable castle . Housing 50% of Indian arm forces expecting a war from Pakistan.

Passing through desly populated cities with millions of civil officerss and military bases is next to impossible.

On the otherhand , china is very sparsly populated in Tibet , its armed forces are scattered in choke points only , India has all mobility advantage , its going to be a slaughter house if india did a surprise attack , you will need all the air support and troops to retaliate .

No need.

20% of roads along the border with china is built i think after 1 year when u all finally mobilise, china will mobilise at sri lanka

u all will only strengthen chinese resolve to take over more parts of india

Now just imagine how bad Pakistan is they your Muslim brothers migrate in thousands for decades to India.

India has the most dynamic cities in the world


Indian cities has the most valued start-ups in the world

and youngest and most successful in the world



Dont bother.

India only has 7 companies on fortune 500 while china has over a hundred :rofl:

Even in singapore, we have 3 companies on fortune 500.
which is a country that is 1/250 of india population

And still CEO of the biggest company in Singapore is an Indian. Check who is the CEO of DBS Group and where he was born. On a side note, have a lot of respect for Singaporeans. Just responding to snide remarks.
Have you heard the term "china maal"?. If I was a soldier, I wouldn't take a china made gun into a war.

You should tell this to the families of the soldiers who lost their life and surrender in 1962 war ..

Funny so what does that maked your iron brother Pakistan , the 5th most populous country that is the poorest in the region from literacy to percapita

What Pakistan has to do with this thread ? have you even read OP ? i guess not !!
It depends more on the priorities. Let me show you the strategic importance and the difference. Sikkim is more than important for India since the stakes are too high there. Our entire North-East depends on the Sikkim and Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. Moreover the access to Aksai Chin is easy from the Chinese side rather than our side, mass mobilization of troops to Aksai Chin is too difficult, and it is not a place worth committing and risking the life of our soldiers, it's above 90% barren.

I know you may come up with something else to ridicule. But this is the reason, why Aksai Chin is least important. :-)
You are claiming victory in a place not even disputed, where China has no intention of invading while disregarding an area occupied by China. What makes you think it is not easier for China to mobilize to Sikkim border? We are on the plateau, you are below the plateau. See the difference?

If barrenness was the issue, I don't mind you giving us Ladakh.:-). Yet until today your only proof is a photoshopped picture of a 'mass grave'.



India's attack helicopter numbers is going to much, much bigger than before.

Before it was only a few transport MIs, few MI25s controlled by IAF. Now IAF and IA are going to get more assault helicopters.
You Indian just have a snap shot new about Dorklam event as the land is been liberated from the commies :lol:, if you guys feel so tough why need to rush Helos and reinforcement in these area, there must be something going on there , we all can read the sign of insecure in Indian army's move.

We have done what we had to do...No road...No compromise....If you can do something about it, then do it. :)

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