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Indian Army Threatening Civilians in Kashmir for Protesting Against Using them as Human Shields

Again typical bharati gandu reply. We know you are a gandu. Why prove it again and again?

What I am asking is that show us from Reuters that militant training was being given there. You claimed it. Now show it.

Reuters said, that it was camp run by terrorist.
Well maybe pork does have more number of diseases compared to beef, but overall likelihood of humans getting them is very very low. Next to 0 if you cook it properly. Besides, if you are afraid of pork only due to the diseases, then you should be extremely afraid of chicken. That shit is on the next level for diseases. I've gone to costco and you can see gelatin cysts on their $8 rotisserie chicken
Trichinosis due to a roundworm found in pigs (and some obscure animals like bears), in case the tapeworm needs some company from his rounder cousin...

(Note the "cannibalism" stage quite unique to piggies)



Last picture, I promise...

I will after you tell me, what does a terrorist organisation do.

Since you are a gandu and we don't questions from gandus. You should know that by now

Now show us from Reuters that militant training was being given there
Since you are a gandu and we don't questions from gandus. You should know that by now

Now show us from Reuters that militant training was being given there

Beta If were a gandu, you wouldn't exist.
Beta If were a gandu, you wouldn't exist.

Beta you are a gandu. In your culture you mistake bhabhi for wife and some random guy as abbu or beta but that doesn't make them a beta or abbu

Now back to the topic

Show us from Reuters that militant training was being given there?
Beta you are a gandu. In your culture you mistake bhabhi for wife and some random guy as abbu or beta but that doesn't make them a beta or abbu

Now back to the topic

Show us from Reuters that militant training was being given there?
It's no use trying to get sense out of these guys. The pork tapeworms have messed up their brains already.
They do matter, because it exposes Pakistan's lies. It can either of two things or both.

1. Either Pakistan will not let media come near the Madarssa, because it was bombed by IAF and its lie would get exposed.


2. As opposed to Pakistan's claims, Balakot was a terrorist training center and again Pakistan's lie would get exposed.

If you can come up, with any other logical explanation, why journalist would not be allowed near a children school, that was not a terrorist training center and was not bombed, do tell ?
The fact that the IAF did not strike any structures in Balakot was established through satellite imagery analysis by independent organizations & analysts around the world.

The only lies that were exposed were India's.

Continued arguments on established facts will get you warnings. Like I said before multiple times, we are done proving to Indians that the world isn't flat.

It's no use trying to get sense out of these guys. The pork tapeworms have messed up their brains already.
Itni khabis or dheet qaum hai kay even after multiple reputable independent analysts debunked Indian Military and Government claims on Balakot, they're still trying to argue that anything other than trees or rocks were hit.

Many of them continue on these delusional tracks because their so called 'respected retired military' contacts continue feeding them BS - they ignore all evidence debunking their claims. Of course they elected a party into power whose leadership claims ancient Indians invented internet, plastic surgery and space and time travel so ...

@Osiris & other Indian members.

My comment above should not construed as meaning there is a ban on debating the Balakot strikes, but if you're going to argue against the multiple independent analyses that debunk Indian claims, you're going to have to bring in fresh evidence or new analysis by credible independent sources to support your claims.
The fact that the IAF did not strike any structures in Balakot was established through satellite imagery analysis by independent organizations & analysts around the world.

The only lies that were exposed were India's.

Continued arguments on established facts will get you warnings. Like I said before multiple times, we are done proving to Indians that the world isn't flat.

Itni khabis or dheet qaum hai kay even after multiple reputable independent analysts debunked Indian Military and Government claims on Balakot, they're still trying to argue that anything other than trees or rocks were hit.

Many of them continue on these delusional tracks because their so called 'respected retired military' contacts continue feeding them BS - they ignore all evidence debunking their claims. Of course they elected a party into power whose leadership claims ancient Indians invented internet, plastic surgery and space and time travel so ...

@Osiris & other Indian members.

My comment above should not construed as meaning there is a ban on debating the Balakot strikes, but if you're going to argue against the multiple independent analyses that debunk Indian claims, you're going to have to bring in fresh evidence or new analysis by credible independent sources to support your claims.

Thanks for your post. You bring up a very important point in regards to the mass psychology of our Indian friends here. It appears that any evidence that is contrary to what they believe in is a propaganda by the West, but if that evidence is pointed against Pakistan the Indians use that as a victory parade that the 'WORLD' believes us.

Now if you look at members such as @Osiris and @anathema , they are very smart individuals. I am sure if you have a conversation with them that is Non Indian-Pakistan related it would be very intellectually stimulating. But when it comes to India-Pakistan, their bias takes over and the narrative becomes that we believe everything our Government tells us and everyone else is wrong.

Case in point:

1. Despite independent sate-little images showing no destruction on the Pakistani side by IAF strikes, @Osiris refuses to believe the evidence from neutral sources and his argument is that i will believe whatever my Government tells me.
2. @anathema who is a very smart guy said it straight up that he does not believe in neutral sources and neutral opinions. You're welcome to read our discussions but eventually i gave up. Some snippets.
- PAF missed the mark on its airstrike when there's a video showing PAF hitting its mark with a bulls eye. Where's the video from the IAF side? Nothing, but the word of IAF is believed like its a gospel.
- MIG21 shot down the F16. But all four BVRAAM's of the MIG21 were recovered intact. No, that's a lie by PAF and they procured that through Ebay. I am seriously not making this sh** up.

This is a very interesting case and if i for one was a psychologist, i would love to study this phenomenon as to how the mass psychology among our Indian friends work.
1. Either Pakistan will not let media come near the Madarssa, because it was bombed by IAF and its lie would get exposed.

Look at this as an example @AgNoStiC MuSliM

There is enough proof that IAF bombs were dropped on an open field, and in my opinion IAF did that intentionally. But our friend here just refuses to accept it.

If no one died, then what were you hiding by denying journalist entry ?

I have a better idea

IAF should release the video of its targeting pods just like PAF did.

Pig eats rats too?
Yes. If they're hungry they'll eat anything around.

Separately to what they may eat of their own accord, all livestock used to be deliberately fed offal (derived from remnants of other animals) as a cheap substitute for proper food. This is where the "cannibalism" stage potentially arises in the previously described parasitic life cycle. Even pigs - which eat almost anything palatable - won't cannibalise knowingly.

However, feeding livestock with offal has been banned in Europe since the BSE outbreak decades ago.
I have a better idea

IAF should release the video of its targeting pods just like PAF did.
We also asked them to provide the coordinates of their previous 'surgical strikes' (as well as the most recent ones), and they have refused.

Pakistan even took local and foreign journalists to the alleged strike locations (prior to Balakot) to illustrate how nothing was damaged except for civilian infrastructure. Not providing evidence like targeting pod footage of exact coordinates of targeted locations allows the Indian military and government to continue spinning lies and keep hoodwinking their populace.
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