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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

Claimed by Swamy and he was mocked by general Indians. See the replies in that post and the post where all Pakistanis were claiming that Kasab was Indian. Totally different.
Just one question my friend, why did ajmal kasab said 'Bhagwan will not forgive me'. Search it on internet there is a video there. For what purpose that for, Mujhadeen don't say that when they are dying
I have heard 'trust a poisonous snake, not a pakistani*' quite often for it to be a proverb. I dont think I should believe it. :lol:

Mine is a LOT older than yours.. almost a 100 years infact.. since 1857 apparently.
Swamy speaks for himself. Not for Indians. And be honest. Dont the people in Pakistan think that Malala is CIA agent sent to malign Pakistan.
And your country didn't even know who won the nobel prize they went along with Modi to the wrong person and gave him the awards. Don't believe me search it on Times of India
Kiyun jal gayi kia? Shining India aur supa puwa ka sapna toota gaya? :)

remain on LOC right now, rest are off topic posts. there are 400 threads on such topics which you have just quoted. Please tell us, why are you crying about BSF going mad and killing your NLI, when your NLI started it first
they are trying to divert from topic... after getting slapped by our BSF today badly.
Remember operation BAT, in which 5 BSF was killed in Indian territory, and Pakistan soldier came unharmed from your territory. Don't celeberate to early my friend.
Just one question my friend, why did ajmal kasab said 'Bhagwan will not forgive me'. Search it on internet there is a video there. For what purpose that for, Mujhadeen don't say that when they are dying

Just one question my friend. Why did Pakistan government accepts that he is from Pakistan. Your own PM says so. You are the perfect proof for what Pakistan is today. LOL.
remain on LOC right now, rest are off topic posts. there are 400 threads on such topics which you have just quoted. Please tell us, why are you crying about BSF going mad and killing your NLI, when your NLI started it first
Are you sure we are taking about the same topic. Even on Indian media it is said that they took revange for killing BSF in the morning. Means indian side opened the fire
And your country didn't even know who won the nobel prize they went along with Modi to the wrong person and gave him the awards. Don't believe me search it on Times of India

So what. 99% dont know who won the Nobel prize. Even I dont know who won it. But I dpnt think he is a CIA or Jew agent. You male too little sense to argue.
Just one question my friend. Why did Pakistan government accepts that he is from Pakistan. Your own PM says so. You are the perfect proof for what Pakistan is today. LOL.
If you have that much trust in Pakistani government then why do you claim that lakhvi case was wrongly judged
Are you sure we are taking about the same topic. Even on Indian media it is said that they took revange for killing BSF in the morning. Means indian side opened the fire
you started we ended.
Indians showing their inferiority complex at the border again. Attacking soldiers at flag meetings is ludicrous. Just an Indian thing though.
Flag staff meeting or not. the Pakistani personnel were cheap shotted.

most probably by an Indian sniper. reminds me of a day when we camped for like 5 days to spot an Indian sniper in the tress who was shooting at villagers and Pakistani soldiers across the river tavi in Kashmir some 20 years ago when I was in Bhimbher.
they have just lowered the bar now and there will be tit for tat attacks on each other which will result in death of personnel and civilians as well.

when the victims will be Pakistani villagers then Indians will post one liners mocking statements saying they were trying to infiltrate and its befitting reply. when the victims will be Indians then they will post the pictures of their their damaged properties and grieving relatives mourning over the "barbarianism" of Pakistani rangers. (why expect anything different from them)

there is a reason behind the Indian surge since the Gen Rahil's visit to USA and Afghan government's recent cooperation with Islamabad. real hurt is in Afghanistan to Indian efforts in Afghanistan against Pakistan and I sincerely pray to God that recent Peshawar tragedy doesnt turn out to be an Indian frustration. I hope it remains a TTP only job although some (if not all) terrorists were foreigners.

Indian plan is to escalate the border incidents to skirmishes and lead it to a "convenient" terror attack in mainland India to malign Pakistan and then mobilize its forces once again like 2008 when Pakistan army was engaged in Sawat/ South Waziristan operation.
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