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Indian army running short of ammunition

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Not at all but two days? If it is true I would suggest that is negligence.

he won't disclose to the media how much ammunition and what kind of ammunition is low. If we are really low then we need to produce it. simple.
But what concerns more is, if we have enough infrastructure to produce it in mass.
So please enlighten us in a more coherent way than you have done so far
Army chief is being diplomatic. Diplomacy is the art of saying " nice doggy" till you get a large stone to hit him.
You use words to gain something that you want. These words may not be the complete truth but they are used because they bring you the results.
Your population is similar to China's. So why do you like to compare to smaller countries to make yourself feel better?? Anyway do you think to become Indian army chief you have to be a liar??

More population mostly adds to the strain on the resources which any country has in a limited amount, let me enlighten you

You conveniently miss the point of the population density, is it because you are just a troll?
3 people in 1 sq km (China) compare it with 10people in 1sq km (India)

Can you even compare the constraint each country has? So please tell me how did you compare.. Should I tell you a secret? You are so much consumed in hatred against India that you can see nothing beyond... Atleast I and many Indians take pride in being a country which even people like you compare with China. See your best friends likes to compare us not the Indians themselves (to Chinese folks).

Having said that I must say that I think he might be telling the truth after all no evidence has been provided to the contrary whereas there has been talk of Indian procurement not being the best in town in the past

I think you are seriously being ignorant here, no country will provide you with any thing related to their defence.. Kapish?

So please enlighten us in a more coherent way than you have done so far
To enlighten you on each and everything seems like a very arduous task as you are stuck like a broken record wich can neither be played properly nor can be fixed, it is just broken..

For what it is worth explaining it to you, these are called pressure tactics.. every armed force around the world plays this card. What is Pakistan's reason for testing new missiles when its economy is broken? How does the army get funds? Oh, I forgot I should have taken a better example as this concept is alien to Pakistan

China, increased it budget to $106 billion and the reason being? US wants to have a south-Asia pivot and that might be one of the reason this increase in their spending.. and how did they get it from the CCP?

Stop acting like a broken record.. and put forward some good healthy arguments if you have, is it too much to ask you, let me know I will atleast not waste my time replying to you..
Not at all but two days? If it is true I would suggest that is negligence.

Thats what happens if all the assets owned by IA are employed in a war, all firing their munitions at the same time - non-stop! Two days is more than enough, no?
If you thin THAT is negligence, then I am amused at your thinking abilities.
The ridiculous thing is that in every other thread Indian fan boys don’t tire talking about cold / semi cold ,hot/ semi hot starts. SUs and what not.

Then one genius amongst them comes up with a news while trolling the internet and without thinking twice Copy Pastes the article and starts a thread. The guy is working like a zombie, on mission to find proofs on ISI causing polar ice to melt, global warming. The daily routine gets the best of him, even if his brain was working he would never have started this Copy Paste thread, but it has become a muscle memory Crtl+C .. Ctrl+V Paste. He prays that his countrymen can turn this around by make it sound like ‘ISI steals Indian ammo’.

Cut him some slack. The internet warrior has been hard at work for many days.
Well Guys, ..... Their is always a tussle between Army and Def Ministry (Civilians) as things don't go the way they wanted and goes as per slow /red tapped civilian style.

In India Civilian is Supreme and Army can make suggestion and aware about situation to civilians and that make decision on that basis, As new are now in air defense budget might get cut instead on rise , therefore army launched campaign against the same, citing some decencies .

India is not Pak, where Army rules civilians and any decision taken by army is hide from people or forced upon govt. with no question asked.
The ridiculous thing is that in every other thread Indian fan boys don’t tire talking about cold / semi cold ,hot/ semi hot starts. SUs and what not.

Then one genius amongst them comes up with a news while trolling the internet and without thinking twice Copy Pastes the article and starts a thread. The guy is working like a zombie, on mission to find proofs on ISI causing polar ice to melt, global warming. The daily routine gets the best of him, even if his brain was working he would never have started this Copy Paste thread, but it has become a muscle memory Crtl+C .. Ctrl+V Paste. He prays that his countrymen can turn this around by make it sound like ‘ISI steals Indian ammo’.

Cut him some slack. The internet warrior has been hard at work for many days.

and this thread has been a truly remarkable example of them living in denial. If (like Nitin did about post 100) they accepted there was a major issue with either the chief not being honest or there was a shortage of ammunition then we could have all moved on.
However Indians have to show their stubborness - even those seasoned campaigners in denying denying and denying to the point of bringing Kargil, suicide bombers, drones and of course dont forget Balochistan into the thread to derail it.
Its been quite amusing my Indian friends - keep googling ISI BAD BAD - and forget what goes on around you.
Have a great evening boys....
Well well. There have been quite a few unjustified personal attacks on me on this thread. Some Indian members have had infractions and some have had posts deleted. I take your insults as medals lol

What is it that gets so many Indian members so hot under the collar about this thread?

The Indian army chief has made as a statement that Indian army has only two days ammunition. If this is true it would suggest that the Indian army is not the force that a lot of Indian members on the forum would like us to believe it is. So quite a number of Indian members have suggested that he is being diplomatic or slightly untruthful etc. To me its rather more simple if we accept what forum members are saying that India must have more than two days of ammunition then the Indian army chief is a liar.

If for a moment we accept that the Indian army chief is telling the truth then the Indian army is not the force that some Indian members would like us to believe.

I think Indian forum members do not wish to accept that their army chief is a liar nor do they wish to accept that their army is unprepared. But surely logic would dictate one of these statements is true. The result of this is

1. Some Indian members of the forum have tried to go off topic and brought up "the price of tea in china" and other off topic subjects.

2. Some Indian members of the forum have decided that they will attack me personally.

Neither 1 nor 2 brings any credit to you.

I would say that immaterial of whether it is true or not this statement by the Indian chief was at the very least foolish and shows that Indian officer corps are not fit for purpose if their chief is so untactful imagine this guy having a say in deployment of Indian nukes.
and this thread has been a truly remarkable example of them living in denial. If (like Nitin did about post 100) they accepted there was a major issue with either the chief not being honest or there was a shortage of ammunition then we could have all moved on.
However Indians have to show their stubborness - even those seasoned campaigners in denying denying and denying to the point of bringing Kargil, suicide bombers, drones and of course dont forget Balochistan into the thread to derail it.
Its been quite amusing my Indian friends - keep googling ISI BAD BAD - and forget what goes on around you.
Have a great evening boys....

who showed denial??it has been mentioned several times that its pressure tactic to increase budget and to bring attention towards army which is getting less attraction of modernization but no pakistani realized it and thks to aryan(who is in my ignore list) repeatedly asking same thing here.You have to understand that here civilian govt have hold over budget and armed forces.
you should think that a army who is doing excercises with 60k troops at pakistan border and too at china border having ammo of 2 days.??

if you have got my above post then its good.i hope you will get it unlike others;)
gullibility has no limit....they can't simply understand the pressure tactics...few days back MOD asked forces to prioritize their purchases.. and they have got their reply.
So is your chief of army a liar?? or is your procurement incompetent and corrupt

No offence man, but you need help. To have continued ranting across 20 odd pages of a thread - "LIAR or INCOMPETENT?", hoping that no one can cut through your "impregnable" defence of logic to reach you.

Pull back a little, brother. The answer will not a panacea for ridding oneself off of emasculation.

As for the comments by the army chief, it's difficult to imagine that one of the largest fighting forces on the planet runs operates with reserves for only two days. I'm guessing that his comments with respect to ammo of a certain specification was confused as the status quo of "ammunition" at large. Just a guess, though.

But, if the ammo is genuinely so low, perhaps, the govt would need to urgently revisit its recent decision on blacklist some defence suppliers.

no pakistani realized it and thks to aryan(who is in my ignore list) repeatedly asking same thing here.

Once again its Aryan_B's fault eh? Feel like what the ISI must be feeling ie blame for everything by Indians. Maybe I am trying to show you something that you don't want to see and that is the not so incredible India??

Back to topic Indian Army officer corps not fit for purpose if their chief is coming out with such silly statements for whatever reason.
who showed denial??it has been mentioned several times that its pressure tactic to increase budget and to bring attention towards army which is getting less attraction of modernization but no pakistani realized it and thks to aryan(who is in my ignore list) repeatedly asking same thing here.You have to understand that here civilian govt have hold over budget and armed forces.
you should think that a army who is doing excercises with 60k troops at pakistan border and too at china border having ammo of 2 days.??

if you have got my above post then its good.i hope you will get it unlike others;)

Prism - mate just go through the thread you kindly started. I know and you know the reason why you started it and unfortunately it got side tracked. Have a look at how many Indian posts have been deleted and think why they have been removed. Also have a think how many personal attacks they have made. Simply both of us are aware many of your countrymen have taken it to heart and personally.
Have a little think - when they take cheap shots at our nation and of course dont forget which nations site this is, its sometimes disheartning. Without Indian members the spice would be removed - so i love Indians being on our side but jeeeez have some respect and trust me you guys will get double back!
Lets just assume your army chief went mad for the day and close the chapter!
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