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Indian army running short of ammunition

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Indian generals have become incompetent because they are not fulfilling the role of an army!

If the replies would not lead to off-topic posts.. and infractions for those that try to answer it tit for tat.. that statement could very well backfire.

I think the general simply twisted the reality.
The IA would have enough ammunition for a progressive war.
But may run into difficulty if every asset it had was on the front line shooting.

Somebody is really upset about his 500 sq yards retirement home... well... he should be.
If the replies would not lead to off-topic posts.. and infractions for those that try to answer it tit for tat.. that statement could very well backfire.

I think the general simply twisted the reality.
The IA would have enough ammunition for a progressive war.
But may run into difficulty if every asset it had was on the front line shooting.

Somebody is really upset about his 500 sq yards retirement home... well... he should be.

i think he should have said 5 days.2 days seem to be fake and laughable:P
Well it seems indian army will run out of ammunition very soon as there is a major war game coming up.

Its not surprising to hear IA is short of ammunition but that it will last for just 2 days in case of war cannot be true. It has to be seen on what context he said this thing. what kind of ammo he was talking about. btw even usa's ammo can expire in one day if they use it all at once.
he basically meant a couple of days i believe. and media brought it to 2 which means a couple. lol
If a Pakistani member can believe that China can wipe Indian in 4 hours, then I dont think my logic of hypothetical war is that far fetched.. Specially since I am talking about my own country but the esteemed Premium Pakistani member in question has to rely on China even when making boisterous claims on an Internet forum. Even there Pakistani members dont consider themselves self sufficient.. That in my view should make you sad :)

Basically means, if a person makes a kiddish comment in your view, you must make one that puts even him to shame. Dude keep living in your own world where India is supreme. Since your posts are nothing short of total BS and fanboy comments, I see no reason to even bother snatching your little dream from you :lol:

Kids with special needs these days...

P.S. I can tell that the person making the 4 hour china victory over India was joking to mess with you, just how everyone has been over this news. But it seems you took it to heart and started coming up with your silly dreams.
No bhai..for us economy is the most important thing now. A strong economy is the backbone of a strong army.

This thread is about whether the Indian army chief is a liar or if Indian procurement is incompetent and corrupt not about your economy.

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

Nor our army chief is liar niether indians here.you all pakistanis missing the one point which i mentioned earlier that diplomacy.

So a liar in India is called a diplomat??

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ----------

when same chief says that we can fight two front war then you guys get burns but when same chief says we are short of ammo then you laugh.

So he is a liar because one minute he is expounding the prowess of Indian army when he must have known that they only had ammunition for 2 days??

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------

well there is trust deficit with some countries along Indian border and ongoing sponsored terrorism in India gives us no other option.

So is your chief of army a liar?? or is your procurement incompetent and corrupt
This thread is about whether the Indian army chief is a liar or if Indian procurement is incompetent and corrupt not about your economy.

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

So a liar in India is called a diplomat??
Or maybe it None of the above.
Just a few days ago, you would stop at nothing to ridicule the Indian media, but today since they have scoffed at the Indian Army, their word becomes the truth and nothing but the truth.
Double Standards at it's best. :blink:
A number of us are giving their opinion.. Just like you.. I dont see you giving any evidence for the BS you put down :)

Is it a factor of being a premium member ?

Calm down mate why the personal attacks. The OP suggests that Indian chief is either a liar or that Indian army procurement is poor and hence Indian security is compromised. Why are some of you getting a bit hot under the collar

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------

Pakistan doesnt need a day, Either the war will become nuclear or Indian Army will reach Islamabad in 2 hours (Pincer movement from India and Afghanistan) with Air assets from the Tajzak base providing close air support..

What has this got to do with Indian army chief statement. Do you think he is a liar??

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

SInce you are discussing India, you seem to be as obsessed with India as some Indians are with Pakistan. The only difference is that Indians are not afraid of coming to a Pakistani forum and discussing these things, where as Pakistanis like you, need comfort of having Mods on your side and hence are too scared to talk on Indian forums.. Like a child is afraid to cycle without his dad holding the bike from behind...

Well can you discuss what's on this thread?? Is the Indian army chief a liar and therefore dishonourable? Or is Indian procurement incompetent and corrupt as some Indians have stated?

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

As I said before, a liar Army Chief (India) vs a Criminal president and a murderer ex president (Pakistan).. I think we are pretty good in comparison :)

---------- Post added at 07:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

No, but it makes us feel better to see how much better off are we from our neighbor.. After all, everything in life is relative ;)

Simply you dont like the choices that you have and that is:

1. Indian army chief is a liar

2. Indian procurement is inadequate.

3. Either way Indian armed forces are not what some here on the forum would have us believe.

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

Imran Ji.. Unlike Pakistanis, we are quite happy to challenge the words of our Army chief.. I

So you are challenging him cos you think he is a liar??

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

LOL india can't even manufacture its own ammo. It needs to import from Russia.

That is an incredible shame and that is why they have not a lot of ammunition left according to their chief

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ----------

LOL india can't even manufacture its own ammo. It needs to import from Russia.

That is an incredible shame and that is why they have not a lot of ammunition left according to their chief

---------- Post added at 02:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ----------

If a Pakistani member can believe that China can wipe Indian in 4 hours, then I dont think my logic of hypothetical war is that far fetched.. Specially since I am talking about my own country but the esteemed Premium Pakistani member in question has to rely on China even when making boisterous claims on an Internet forum. Even there Pakistani members dont consider themselves self sufficient.. That in my view should make you sad :)

No one suggested that. I suggested that Chinese troops "could" be in Dehli in 4 hours. Maybe that's why only ammunition for 48 hours is being kept??

---------- Post added at 03:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 PM ----------

China is 3 times the size of India its not similar :hitwall:

Your population is similar to China's. So why do you like to compare to smaller countries to make yourself feel better?? Anyway do you think to become Indian army chief you have to be a liar??

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 PM ----------

China is 3 times the size of India its not similar :hitwall:

Your population is similar to China's. So why do you like to compare to smaller countries to make yourself feel better?? Anyway do you think to become Indian army chief you have to be a liar??

---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

Btw,i think VK Singh has really gone mad...from a small issue of birth date,he is picking up this issue now,when he is about to retire(probably retiring against his will)..doesn't go down my throat.

At last so some Indians think Indian army chief is mad? that's an interesting angle I thought you wee suggesting he was a liar. Suppose he could be mad and a liar

---------- Post added at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 PM ----------

we are only feeding trolls, I would ask Mods to come and clean the thread.

They have done that's why your Indian mates have had their comments deleted cos they couldn't face talking on topic about Indian army officer corps being liars

---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 PM ----------

A joke country thinks one day he would become a world power.

You only need two days ammunition to be a super power??

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

I think the general simply twisted the reality.

Seems like a lie to me??
Or an inaccurate truth..
To increase his image with the rest of the Army..and take his pot shot at the GoI.
This could be true as well.
The General has done some great work and has been praised by all sides but his last ditch effort to save his crown, was really a thorn in his otherwise great term and this is primarily what he will be remembered for. He has got the full support of the army and statements like this might increase his stature even further. Though I still believe that this is a typo of the Media. And there aren't many source to back up his claim anyway.
Or an inaccurate truth..
To increase his image with the rest of the Army..and take his pot shot at the GoI.

Having said that I must say that I think he might be telling the truth after all no evidence has been provided to the contrary whereas there has been talk of Indian procurement not being the best in town in the past
Or an inaccurate truth..
To increase his image with the rest of the Army..and take his pot shot at the GoI.

but what has he got to gain to say "an inaccurate truth"? - is this the legacy he wants to leave behind so people remember him in this way? - a semi liar? I don't think so. I think he wants to alert the GoI at the gross negligence of the army to be low stocked on ammunition for a country of their size - it really is astounding.
its unfortunate that pakistanis writing same and same again.They dont understand even single thing.
sad affairs:hitwall:
its unfortunate that pakistanis writing same and same again.They dont understand even single thing.
sad affairs:hitwall:

So please enlighten us in a more coherent way than you have done so far
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