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Indian Army requested to suppress Bangladesh violence

He has darker skin as compared to the Bangladeshi soldiers, who are of Afghan, Turkic and Persian stock :sarcastic:

Maybe @DRAY @LaBong can translate it for us.

He don't look Taimurid like rest of Taimurid Bangladeshis, where is his Taimurid horse with shining Taimurid sword.
The sovereign state of Bangla-Bihar-Orissa that we lost to the English Co,23June1757,shall be retrieved. The project for the establishment of BANGSAM has been going on since the 1960's.

I am from Odisha and I am happily living in my country India. Now you can happily live in your delusion.

May be other Odia members can help you. @Dash @thesolar65 @Hope4btr @gslv
I am from Odisha and I am happily living in my country India. Now you can happily live in your delusion.

May be other Odia members can help you. @Dash @thesolar65 @Hope4btr @gslv

What can I help man, just now I finished my lunch, Ull kobi mutter curry, bin and mula bhaja and (desi tamato poda and badi paga as an item)!!. Where will I get this If this Bangasam or whatever comes! I am perfectly happy with my present state, same as you.
The sovereign state of Bangla-Bihar-Orissa that we lost to the English Co,23June1757,shall be retrieved. The project for the establishment of BANGSAM has been going on since the 1960's.

You mean the same Bengal which was Hindu majority until 1905 and you East Bengalis always desperate to separate from that. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: If it became Hindu majority, your artificial Bangladesh cease to exist. :omghaha::omghaha:
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You mean the same Bengal which was Hindu majority until 1905 and you East Bengalis always desperate to separate from that. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: If it became Hindu majority, your artificial Bangladesh cease to exist. :omghaha::omghaha:
Rajmahal Hills eastward is our sovereign territory. It would have been fair if the British had left us in the shape they had got this territory. We now have to wait for the Brahminic hold on Delhi to weaken.
Rajmahal Hills eastward is our sovereign territory. It would have been fair if the British had left us in the shape they had got this territory. We now have to wait for the Brahminic hold on Delhi to weaken.

You want to live in Hindu majority Bengal which will remain in India. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko:
i thought same.

Do u seriously think Allah will bless it?

1.When you are under attack, your family,people and kind are under attack, when your property is being destroyed, and when your people are subjected to atrocities, then the choice is clear. Any man with a grain of character must resist. Any honorable man must fight back.That was the test that many of us were put to in1971 by the debouched drunken animals that were sitting at the helm of an Islamic Republic. 1971 was definitely the darkest chapter in the history of Islam.

2. 1965 was a war to protect a country that I loved. It was to serve Islam and free Kashmiris from the Indian yoke. It was a proud moment when my PA ID card was taken away to join the Op Gibraltar Mujahids. While later I fought the '65 War in Sialkot many Bengalees in PA fought valiantly all over W Pakistan. 1 E Bengal fighting in LHR came out of the War receiving the highest number of gallantry awards received by any PA unit.

3. Anyone interested in the subject and looking to form an objective opinion can read loads of books written by many including PA commanders. Hamudoor Rahman Commission Report is objective.
Rajmahal Hills eastward is our sovereign territory. It would have been fair if the British had left us in the shape they had got this territory. We now have to wait for the Brahminic hold on Delhi to weaken.


1.When you are under attack, your family,people and kind are under attack, when your property is being destroyed, and when your people are subjected to atrocities, then the choice is clear. Any man with a grain of character must resist. Any honorable man must fight back.That was the test that many of us were put to in1971 by the debouched drunken animals that were sitting at the helm of an Islamic Republic. 1971 was definitely the darkest chapter in the history of Islam.

2. 1965 was a war to protect a country that I loved. It was to serve Islam and free Kashmiris from the Indian yoke. It was a proud moment when my PA ID card was taken away to join the Op Gibraltar Mujahids. While later I fought the '65 War in Sialkot many Bengalees in PA fought valiantly all over W Pakistan. 1 E Bengal fighting in LHR came out of the War receiving the highest number of gallantry awards received by any PA unit.

3. Anyone interested in the subject and looking to form an objective opinion can read loads of books written by many including PA commanders. Hamudoor Rahman Commission Report is objective.

Would you tell us about this Op Gibraltar Mujahids? There's no point addressing @Armstrong, he is just counterpart of our BAL spirited chaps in Pakistan.
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1.When you are under attack, your family,people and kind are under attack, when your property is being destroyed, and when your people are subjected to atrocities, then the choice is clear. Any man with a grain of character must resist. Any honorable man must fight back.That was the test that many of us were put to in1971 by the debouched drunken animals that were sitting at the helm of an Islamic Republic. 1971 was definitely the darkest chapter in the history of Islam.

2. 1965 was a war to protect a country that I loved. It was to serve Islam and free Kashmiris from the Indian yoke. It was a proud moment when my PA ID card was taken away to join the Op Gibraltar Mujahids. While later I fought the '65 War in Sialkot many Bengalees in PA fought valiantly all over W Pakistan. 1 E Bengal fighting in LHR came out of the War receiving the highest number of gallantry awards received by any PA unit.

3. Anyone interested in the subject and looking to form an objective opinion can read loads of books written by many including PA commanders. Hamudoor Rahman Commission Report is objective.
Yes sir i agree with u. The way u put it, even if i were in yr place then i would have done the same.
Regarding 71, well do u know Gen Yahya just after the fall of dhaka nearly missed protocol for visiting shah of iran (as he was the first man to visit pak just after fall of dhaka) because he was having sex with a lady and was half drunk!!!

When Pak Army was defending Dhaka Gen Niazi in his bunker was having sex with a Bengali lady. On top of that he continued to give wrong information to GHQ in RWP, hence the army didnt thought of pressing the attack on enemy on western front after the operational level superiority we got thats of Shaheed Major Shabbir Sharif's efforts Shabbir Sharif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

''Another problem that the GHQ mentioned for their inaction was the lack of coordination between the Air Force and the Army, and also between 2 Corps and 4 Corps which were operating in this area (2 Corp was supposed to attack India). General Niazi's incorrect reports being sent from East Pakistan from 6 December onwards could also have made the GHQ think that perhaps it was pointless to attack India if Niazi could not hold on to East Pakistan. After all, the point of the Western Theatre attack was to diminish Indian forces in the East, and also to make them retreat out of that territory.

General Niazi was later recommended for court martial in the Hamood ur Rehman report. The recommendation, however, has not been carried out as yet.''

All that is mentioned in Hammod ur Rehman Report.
This was the character of those who were leading this great army of ours who was unbeaten till then and were even head of state of this Islamic country!
The reason was that all these high officers were British trained and oriented people who were endorsed on us, Heck even their characters and carelessness was even worse then British themselves. Iqbal says rightly abt them.......Ye musalman hain jinhain dekh kr sharmain yahood!!!

Now think yourself what else u aspect From people such as these, do they have the psychological Capability or the Ability to lead an Armed force? Let alone a Nation.

I always blame ourselves as we have been so much lazy to have allowed such type of people in our society on the first place, more then anybody else if we were good enough in our Ranks then these Idol worshipers r simply not good enough to tackle the might,courage and valor of ours. After all we r the Muslims we ruled the World for a 1000 years time. Even this South Asia has seen our rule for 1200 years...

We r basically born to lead but having such Munafiqs in our ranks even our slaves can dominate us!

Would you tell us about this Op Gibraltar Mujahids? There's no point addressing @Armstrong, he is just counterpart like our BAL spirited chaps in Pakistan.
no he is a good man and the reason he does is that he has a Kashmiri background so he is naturally a Nationalistic in his approach.

And i dont blame him at all for that with all this WOT and seeing our people die every other day like animals in TV every sensitive man will get hurt.

@Armstrong is one of them
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A few questions -
Ye musalman hain jinhain dekh kr sharmain yahood
Not relevant bro!
these Idol worshipers r simply not good enough to tackle the might,courage and valor of ours
South Asia has seen our rule for 1200 years
Umm Okay - :coffee:
We r basically born to lead but having such Munafiqs in our ranks even our slaves can dominate us
Who are these slaves?
A few questions -

Not relevant bro!


Umm Okay - :coffee:

Who are these slaves?
dont quote me unless its for u.......do it if u want me to ruin yr day. Im very indifferent at the moment and im maintaining my calm at the moment as yr a kashmiri so i spare u but if that were an indian i just would have gone mad.
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dont quote me unless its for u.......Unless u want me to ruin yr day. Im very indifferent at me moment and im maintaining my calm at the moment as yr a kashmiri so i spare u but if that were an indian i just would have gone mad.
Hey - I made some firun, started eating and then saw this :(
those statements were uncalled for and did hurt...
Sorry for that........But like i said yr a Kashmiri and that was referred for indians. So dont come in b/w.
Hehe - but I am :P
Don't be so angry - :) Peace is close... I can smell it... in a few years - borders will be diluted... India and Pakistan can and should be friends ...
But if you call me Bhatta I will make you listen to this - :D

Buh chus khevan -
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