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Indian Army ready to execute orders on taking back Azad Kashmir, says top general

Yaar mai tu Army ko criticize ker raha tha aur unke politics mai role ko, is ne plot lene shoro ker diye... Waise is ki logic kia hai ? if our population is increasing shouldn't we increase our land ? why would we give up our land ?

There is no will to fight in this Army, Kashmir is gone and India will keep the part they have, I don't think Pakistan can/will be able to take it back without a full scale insurgency, but question is where will they get support ? Our Army just use Kashmir to get bigger budget, Politicians only do bayaan bazi , and people just show solidarity nothing more, Kashmiri's themselves show no interest in fighting, the last chance for Kashmir freedom was in 65 and thanks to Kashmiri's who betrayed the PA, that last hope was dead. Now we are at a point where if any country is about to lose their part of Kashmir the nukes will come into play, the threat of Possible nuclear Attack will force the invading force to retreat back to old positions, be it Pakistan or India.
Kashmir wont be given up until a guaranteed water supply is secured against it. India wont do that - any move against Pakistan’s water lifeline even if somewhat successful will result in the red lines being crossed and to echo Fawad Chaudhry India will be Endia
What a silly statement. What India fails to realize is that despite Pakistanis having their fair share of issues like religious, ethnic and political. India is one common denominator which will unite Pakistanis like never seen before. So if they try this misadventure it will most likely result in a bloodbath and not for us and before any body starts talking crap to me like come to pakistan from Canada and fight lol I’m not propagating watch just stating facts, the other side general is the one talking out of his behind. Btw I’m currently in Lahore for a bit so if this dream does come true I will definitely stand for my land.

I’ll be right by your side, brother.
Northern Army Commander Lt General Upendra Dwivedi on Tuesday said the Indian Army is ready to execute orders like taking back Azad Kashmir.

Photo for representation
"As far as the Indian Army is concerned, it will carry out any order given by the Government of India. Whenever such orders are given, we will always be ready for it," said Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi, Northern Army Commander, on the Defence Minister's statement of taking back Azad Kashmir.

"The military is always ready to make sure that ceasefire understanding is never broken as it is in the interest of both nations, but if broken at any time, we will give them a befitting reply," said Dwivedi, Northern Army Commander on the ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan.

"The country has over 50 per cent of people below the age of 25. If we take them in as Agniveers, teach them and send them back, we will absorb some, others by paramilitary, and police forces and the remaining can be self-employed," he stated.

"We have almost 160 terrorists sitting at the launchpad of which there are 130 north of Pir Panjal and 30 south of Pir Panjal. As for the complete hinterland, a total of 82 Pakistani terrorists and 53 local terrorists are there," he further stated.

Earlier on October 28, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh reiterated New Delhi's resolve to take back Azad Kashmir, saying all refugees would get their land and homes back.

He wants to be considered for the next Army Chief.
One after another statements coming from different quarters. This is recognised policy of desensitisation. Get the world community used to listening to such comments and begining to recognise and accept them as normal. Not bizarre. Not unexpected. Recall how many years Russia was talking about invading Ukraine after Crimea 2014. How many warnings the US and NATO had given Ukraine of military buildup. No one believed till the last minute when the first tank rolled over that it would happen.

This is Pakistani media. Including that toxic bald hawk Hijaz Elahi.


Could you please take a look if it's a bug?

Your forces will end up in a worse state than the Russians and we will take Jammu as well.
Your forces will end up in a worse state than the Russians and we will take Jammu as well.

No buddy. I suspect this is going to be bloodless. Maybe not now. Maybe not even for a year or two or five.

Your river basins are getting hit bad by climate change. Pakistan is going to get increasingly wet and dry. We control the water. Not China. Not you. You expect us to believe you will toss nukes when you go into a slow squeeze?

That squeeze has already started. There will be no dramatic shutting of the taps one fine day. But the end result will be the same.

You will eventually exchange land for water. Maybe there will be money involved too to prop you up. Some sort of union.

Forget your nukes. You are never going to use them. You're getting a generational exhibition of your armed forces and their real mettle.
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that's what you guys try to convince yourselves every evening before going to bed.

Baloch bhai. Both you and Waz bhai are safe in the UK. Let us here on the motherland also live in peace and slightly more comfortable than now. Nothing like you in the west. But better than what we have now. We cannot keep fighting. Look at Ukraine. Wake up call. Do you really want our cities to look like that? Our women and kids all over central Asia and the middle East and the far East. Whichever country will allow them in? What you took by force give it back to us. We will make sure you don't go thirsty. And try and resurrect your moribund nation and economy. No soldier dies. No woman is widowed. No Pakistani or Indian child orphaned.
No buddy. I suspect this is going to be bloodless. Maybe not now. Maybe not even for a year or two or five.

Your river basins are getting hit bad by climate change. Pakistan is going to get increasingly wet and dry. We control the water. Not China. Not you. You expect us to believe you will toss nukes when you go into a slow squeeze?

That squeeze has already started. There will be no dramatic shutting of the taps one fine day. But the end result will be the same.

You will eventually exchange land for water. Maybe there will be money involved too to prop you up. Some sort of union.

Forget your nukes. You are never going to use them. You're getting a generational exhibition of your armed forces and their real mettle.
72 IQ moment
Baloch bhai. Both you and Waz bhai are safe in the UK. Let us here on the motherland also live in peace and slightly more comfortable than now. Nothing like you in the west. But better than what we have now. We cannot keep fighting. Look at Ukraine. Wake up call. Do you really want our cities to look like that? Our women and kids all over central Asia and the middle East and the far East. Whichever country will allow them in? What you took by force give it back to us. We will make sure you don't go thirsty. And try and resurrect your moribund nation and economy. No soldier dies. No woman is widowed. No Pakistani or Indian child orphaned.

This is you negotiating the eventual surrender of India to Pakistan
This is you negotiating the eventual surrender of India to Pakistan


Always remember. Old men send young men to die in war. So when three old men are talking, you should cross your fingers and listen.
I do think this is getting a bit boring. India has never been an aggressor. As for taking back pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir, I think it’s going to end up an economic and cultural burden if we’re successful.

I don’t think we’d do it, but even if we do, we’ll obviously stop at Kashmir. Nobody wants to be responsible for managing pakistan.
It's sad that people like you can't even see obvious disbelief, and fell into his trap

Mirza was perhaps a sincere preacher in early life and a prolific counter missionary. But power, fame and self aggrandizement eventually got to his head and he declared himself the Mahdi, the messiah, and a prophet all in one. His following became more of a heretical cult than the mainstream Islamic religion. He was also a peace extremist, excessively preaching peace and apolitical stances at the expense of justice and human rights. This of course suited the British colonial government in India very well and his movement thus earned great favour with the British. Their headquarters today are happily located in the UK.

His claims were greatly against the Quran and Sunnah, which takes you out of the fold of islam if you believe in it.

Mirza didn't know about dajjal otherwise he would have declared himself dajjal as well.
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