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Indian Army ready to execute orders on taking back Azad Kashmir, says top general

The elections are happening next year.

If they’re saying that they are planning to attack Kashmir, they are probably aiming to have annexed it in time for elections.

That is why they are saying it now- and is also why I’m thinking that they may actually do so

So you think they invited Pakistan to be ready for an attack and retaliation? They have been howling for years now.

You think while we are on a nose dive down while they becoming the next China in terms of production and investment, they would want many craters instead?

Empty threats, nothing more.
Northern Army Commander Lt General Upendra Dwivedi on Tuesday said the Indian Army is ready to execute orders like taking back Azad Kashmir.

Photo for representation
"As far as the Indian Army is concerned, it will carry out any order given by the Government of India. Whenever such orders are given, we will always be ready for it," said Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi, Northern Army Commander, on the Defence Minister's statement of taking back Azad Kashmir.

"The military is always ready to make sure that ceasefire understanding is never broken as it is in the interest of both nations, but if broken at any time, we will give them a befitting reply," said Dwivedi, Northern Army Commander on the ceasefire agreement between India and Pakistan.

"The country has over 50 per cent of people below the age of 25. If we take them in as Agniveers, teach them and send them back, we will absorb some, others by paramilitary, and police forces and the remaining can be self-employed," he stated.

"We have almost 160 terrorists sitting at the launchpad of which there are 130 north of Pir Panjal and 30 south of Pir Panjal. As for the complete hinterland, a total of 82 Pakistani terrorists and 53 local terrorists are there," he further stated.

Earlier on October 28, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh reiterated New Delhi's resolve to take back Azad Kashmir, saying all refugees would get their land and homes back.

Bloody joker,
Give him a red nose, so he can complete his look.
Exactly. Even one of your senior members was talking about selling some of your land (again). I'm just a common Indian but I believe that we would be willing to buy you out of this non ending conflict instead of making a Ukraine out of you. Eventually remember. Pakistan is going to increasingly desertify and your growing population is going to be unsustainable with regards to basic food or water. It will not be pretty. Our planners know it. Human waves no army on earth can stop. Do you know the power of women when their children's lives are on the line? You can go the route of mutual destruction or you will eventually have to make peace with us. Coz China does not control your water. We do.

@Areesh Let's get real brother. You think we are not watching closely your country. You think if tomorrow your powers eventually come to an arrangement to cede control of GB and AK to India, your docile qaum will be able to do anything but cry and lament on Twitter and You Tube? You think we have not noticed Balochistan and Taliban and Iran attacks? You think we missed your response to our jets entering your airspace? Your response to our ballistic missile crossing your airspace and hitting your soil? Let's get real brother. You will not be happy. But you will eat that and stay in your homes. Like always. Like you did when your elected PM was ousted. Or when the Americans crossed your airspace and took out Bin Laden just miles from your military academy.

@HRK what is the meaning of that negative cross?

Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg



Oh yeah, you ran from Afghanistan with your tails between your legs
Ghulam Ahmad died in a ‘bait-ul-khla’, you fucking imbeciles. He was choked full of diarrhoea when he was found. **** everything to do with you, your Ahmadi generals and any Ahmadi sympathiser. Stupid assholes.
What? Go post your verbal diarrea somewhere else. You guys randomly bring in Ahmadis where it has nothing to do with the topic and then start frothing from your mouths like some epileptic street urchin.

Despite being classed as non-Muslims under Pakistani Law, you would be hard pressed to find an Ahmadi in the UK who does not identify themselves as 🇵🇰. Besides, it’s doubtful an ex-COAS or any high-ranking official involved in this “saazish” against PTI who professes the Ahmadi faith would need to resort to exercising their Asylum-seeking benefits to settle abroad.

I would also vouch that Ahmadis are by and large PTI supporters/voters. For Pakistanis of all colours and creeds to untie against corruption and sovereignty is the need of the hour.
Most of my family supports PTI. Those Pakistani Ahmadis who are not completely turned away from politics, majority of them support PTI. The interest of the country is larger than anything.

I am not an official spokesperson for anyone though so just giving my observation. Not sure why people are bringing up Ahmadis on a completely unrelated thread.
What? Go post your verbal diarrea somewhere else. You guys randomly bring in Ahmadis where it has nothing to do with the topic and then start frothing from your mouths like some epileptic street urchin.
It's sad that people like you can't even see obvious disbelief, and fell into his trap

Mirza was perhaps a sincere preacher in early life and a prolific counter missionary. But power, fame and self aggrandizement eventually got to his head and he declared himself the Mahdi, the messiah, and a prophet all in one. His following became more of a heretical cult than the mainstream Islamic religion. He was also a peace extremist, excessively preaching peace and apolitical stances at the expense of justice and human rights. This of course suited the British colonial government in India very well and his movement thus earned great favour with the British. Their headquarters today are happily located in the UK.

His claims were greatly against the Quran and Sunnah, which takes you out of the fold of islam if you believe in it.
I do believe that the Defence Minister and Army generals should stop issuing these kinds of statements. They are pointless. The more they say it and do nothing, the more pointless they seem.
So you think they invited Pakistan to be ready for an attack and retaliation? They have been howling for years now.

You think while we are on a nose dive down while they becoming the next China in terms of production and investment, they would want many craters instead?

Empty threats, nothing more.

I don't think this is empty

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has given others ideas, not only that but Pakistan isn't in the best state atm (with plenty of civil unrest from disgruntled PTI supporters, a resurging TTP, the rise of TLP, people ravaged from floods, the fact that the army for perhaps the first time in Pakistani history has a negative perception in general society, etc)

We'll see what happens
India should just throw one billion usd at our politicians and watch them pass legislation for Pakistan to be absorbed into India within a week. No need for army shmarmy invasion stuff.
It's sad that people like you can't even see obvious disbelief, and fell into his trap

Mirza was perhaps a sincere preacher in early life and a prolific counter missionary. But power, fame and self aggrandizement eventually got to his head and he declared himself the Mahdi, the messiah, and a prophet all in one. His following became more of a heretical cult than the mainstream Islamic religion. He was also a peace extremist, excessively preaching peace and apolitical stances at the expense of justice and human rights. This of course suited the British colonial government in India very well and his movement thus earned great favour with the British. Their headquarters today are happily located in the UK.

His claims were greatly against the Quran and Sunnah, which takes you out of the fold of islam if you believe in it.
They are not at all interested in Islam, neither was MGAQ. They just are Zion pets hell bent on pessimism to no bounds. Their supposed “prophet” used to steal money from his father for movies. That guy couldn’t recite Surah Fatiha in tasalsul and they believe in him to be the Messiah. Wasn’t the messiah supposed to make Islam spread faster than ever? Wasn’t he supposed to help muslims, rather than creating heaven and hell made out of cardboard, and sentencing people to them on his own will. I would like to ask the Ahmadis to repent and come into the fold of Islam. You people have been severely misled. What has MGAQ given that Islam wasn’t already preaching? Any point? Any one?
They are not at all interested in Islam, neither was MGAQ. They just are Zion pets hell bent on pessimism to no bounds. Their supposed “prophet” used to steal money from his father for movies. That guy couldn’t recite Surah Fatiha in tasalsul and they believe in him to be the Messiah. Wasn’t the messiah supposed to make Islam spread faster than ever? Wasn’t he supposed to help muslims, rather than creating heaven and hell made out of cardboard, and sentencing people to them on his own will. I would like to ask the Ahmadis to repent and come into the fold of Islam. You people have been severely misled. What has MGAQ given that Islam wasn’t already preaching? Any point? Any one?

I agree, but I think we should end this conversation because it is derailing the thread
It's sad that people like you can't even see obvious disbelief, and fell into his trap

Mirza was perhaps a sincere preacher in early life and a prolific counter missionary. But power, fame and self aggrandizement eventually got to his head and he declared himself the Mahdi, the messiah, and a prophet all in one. His following became more of a heretical cult than the mainstream Islamic religion. He was also a peace extremist, excessively preaching peace and apolitical stances at the expense of justice and human rights. This of course suited the British colonial government in India very well and his movement thus earned great favour with the British. Their headquarters today are happily located in the UK.

His claims were greatly against the Quran and Sunnah, which takes you out of the fold of islam if you believe in it.
Ok but what has this to do with the topic? Religious discussion is not allowed on forum @waz @LeGenD

Ahmadis chose Pakistan as their homeland after partition so even if they are considered out of fold of Islam, they are still Pakistanis
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