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Indian army presents another framed militant with tea to forget the past

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Is there any official response from Pakistan?
He doesn't speak with a Pakistani accent.
He also looks like sanghi pulled out of Modi's a$$
Just to keep the record straight He was captured in an Operation which started 18th of Sep, 2021. (this Date is important must be keep in mind)

- But he was captured at September 25, 2021 (Link) or September 26, 2021 (Link)

so during 1 week what some important events were ... ??? just recall

- Modi had to visit US to attend UN general Assembly meeting

- Modi had to meet US vice President Kamala Harris

- Modi had to meet US President Biden

So during that week Modi had interesting schedule ....

Now another hole in this story

- The name of individual is Ali Babar Patra, the funny thing is there is NO PATRA cast or family in Punjab but as per Indian Claim the guy is resident from Okara in Pakistani Punjab (Link)

Now the fun part "Patra is a Cast found in Indian state of Odisha", this might the reason we find the accent of this accused so strange to our ears.

In the last If you people remember this pic (Link)


As per the past version of the same incident Indian Army killed 3 so called terrorist and recovered so many ammunition as shown above, but in current version 4 out of six so called infiltrators returned back to Pakistan from the LOC only 2 crossed it among those 2 one was killed and one was captured by Indian Army named Ali Babar Patra

So even after pointing all these self contradicting claims in a single incident I am sure Indians will believe it legit.
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I can’t believe how innocent an Naive you Indians are, buying a shit storm of fake news being fed to you by your government. Open your brain and eyes, your government lies to you on a daily basis.
People from Okara do not speak this way nor do they have this accent. I urge you to open your rusted brain, the entire world laughs at you guys.
This is a funny tit for tat play by IA. :laugh:

But the concerned party is a non-state player. It is not as effective as a Pilot from the other side. Also, some of the things the captured person says in this video seem blatantly choreographed. Indian side should try to keep such 'confession' statements more pragmatic in future.

Doubting Toms can watch the full interview below done in front of a host of journalists with Q&A session.

@waz @Mandalorian_CA @HRK @Black.Mamba @khansaheeb @TNT @SIPRA

Watch any Pakistani speaking on TV. Then watch this... you will find it ridiculously bad attempt. Just like Ajmal Kasab said "Bhagwan mujhy kabhi maaf nahi karega" lol! The face, the accent, the body language nothing is remotely Pakistani.

Also, go and watch Kalbhoshan Yadav interview. He is undeniably Indian. We don't need to prove you that. We did capture ur guy. Your deep state's whole focus is showing masses what they like to consume... more of bollywood!
Indians will come up with 1000 of innocent Kashmiris being branded as Pakistani militant and a glass of tea, but India can never compete when it comes to hunt real militants or Terrorists and fantastic cup of tea. You can write a script with Janab, bomb fatay but accent of Indian will always expose you. After the failure of IAF planes behind clouds, 300 terrorists or no casualty in Balakot, Pulwama False flag but nobody knows, PAF bombing Panjshir, SSG assault in Panjshir, the 5th floor of Serena Kabul, Pakistan Army in Laddakh and now we have that fake accenting so-called militant with tea.

Militant+Pakistani+Tea = Panic India still licking to the wounds.

There is only one cup of tea that history will remember forever.
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Pakistanis- If they gets arrested or humiliated/killed they are not Pakistani.....:pop:

You are so wrong on this. Hussain Mubarak Patel wasn't a Pakistani businessman. Also, Pakistanis don't show the losses in road accidents or suicides. India don't actually need to claim anyone of theirs as most of their monkeys prefer to get honey trapped, caught, surrender or just take their lives.

Pakistan don't frame innocent guys. Ask Kalbhushan and if you can't, Abhinandan is with you already.

HE confessed he was from Okara, Pakistani Punjab.

Ajmal Kssab also confessed that who wouldn't forgive him? When you return and post another propaganda, make sure you share what Kassab said, at first. At-least be honest for this time. No?
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