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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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Court marshaled is for army soldiers ... U knw what I mean :rolleyes:

So they r not....

Army soldiers also don't indulge in fake encounters for monetary purposes......better you change your tune . !!!
Isn't it ironic that just last week Indians were claiming that they killed a dozen militants who were trying to infiltrate into India.
Keeping in mind if these claims are true then the infiltration would have taken place anywhere along the border, yet the IA was able to pick them out, yet here an army post which usualy remains alert was taken out by total surprise.

Infiltrator's major aim to sneak in with out any detection by IA.

This is a coordinated attack on a post and the mission is to kill, both are different.

I'm sure such an effort on Pakistani random post will have same result.
Oh please. Don't be so sensitive. One man's martyr is another man's terrorist. The Indian soldiers were not martyrs. They got paid to do their job and they failed. They got killed when they failed and lost a fight. That's what they have signed up to do. What do you expect?

They have never failed in their duty, which is to protect Kashmir from being taken by your country. It is your soldiers who have always failed to take OUR Kashmir from US.

In some jobs, dying for the cause is not failing. Failing is when they surrender en masse and half the country along with them, as happened to your country and its esteemed forces.:rofl:

The Indian soldiers died in the line of duty. That makes them martyrs, by the very definition. Now expect some of your soldiers to bite the dust.

And expect never to get our Kashmir. It will be forever ours.
Oh please. Don't be so sensitive. One man's martyr is another man's terrorist. The Indian soldiers were not martyrs. They got paid to do their job and they failed. They got killed when they failed and lost a fight. That's what they have signed up to do. What do you expect?

No wonder you country is full of martyrs.growup when will you learn.
Oh please. Don't be so sensitive. One man's martyr is another man's terrorist. The Indian soldiers were not martyrs. They got paid to do their job and they failed. They got killed when they failed and lost a fight. That's what they have signed up to do. What do you expect?

There is difference b\w soldiers and terrorists . Soldiers don't kill civilians which pak based terrorist have been doing with impunity across India.
IA soldiers don't cross over in pakistan and kill Pakistani civilians.
Perhaps English is not your first language and hence your lack of command with the former. Let me expand:

The IA solder in question was/is stationed in indian illegally occupied Kashmir where his primary role is to subject the population to oppressive and heinous acts. Thus by definition he is nothing more than a terrorist as stated earlier and hence your tantrum is unwarranted. The logic is flawless.......absolutely flawless :pakistan:

Thanks for your lecture in English... Perhaps its the time you look at your english.....

Now let me tell you The men killed were on LOC, were not suppressing any population(even if i accept your stupid logic) there were guarding the boarder with Pakistan and their duty is to stop terrorist (strategic assets) crossing the LOC and stopping Pakistani troops from entering Indian territory..... Now i do understand your difficulty on differentiating a terrorist and a soldier and the reason behind it.......
rip to bravos.

They have never failed in their duty, which is to protect Kashmir from being taken by your country. It is your soldiers who have always failed to take OUR Kashmir from US.

In some jobs, dying for the cause is not failing. Failing is when they surrender en masse and half the country along with them, as happened to your country and its esteemed forces.:rofl:

The Indian soldiers died in the line of duty. That makes them martyrs, by the very definition. Now expect some of your soldiers to bite the dust.

And expect never to get our Kashmir. It will be forever ours.

They can't be doing a commendable job in their duty to protect Kashmir from us if they are dead - now can they?

As for the use of the word martyr; IOK must be the only place in the world I guess where an oppressor/terrorist soldier is killed, all the while being detested and vilified in life and death by the native population.....and still be called a martyr.

What ever makes you indians happy in this hour of sorrow......:closed:
Army soldiers also don't indulge in fake encounters for monetary purposes......better you change your tune . !!!

That would be the conduct of very very few IA soldiers.
Nothing in compare to what PA did to their own Muslim citizen in 71. Millions were murdered by PA nothing in compare to just thousands killed in kashmir in over 2 decade of insurgency.
Perhaps English is not your first language and hence your lack of command with the former. Let me expand:

The IA solder in question was/is stationed in indian illegally occupied Kashmir where his primary role is to subject the population to oppressive and heinous acts. Thus by definition he is nothing more than a terrorist as stated earlier and hence your tantrum is unwarranted. The logic is flawless.......absolutely flawless :pakistan:

Now i now why your country is in such condition ,wow your understanding of terrorists.
The Indian soldiers died in the line of duty. That makes them martyrs, by the very definition. Now expect some of your soldiers to bite the dust.

Don't let your Indian dead soldiers cheapens the word martyr. The losers in a battle got killed. Simple as that.
And before that??

You must notice its always the pakistanis who start this thing to take the attention of their citizens away from their internal failures because there is no greater binding force for pakistanis than hatered against indians and hindus. And how exactly you expect a government with a backbone would react when such an incident occurs??

By doing the same thing in increased fashion.

Their nationals hate us or not; that is not of the concern.

But the safety of our men is.

Firstly, you must understand.

Pakistan doesn't function the way we or any other country in South Asia functions.

The civilian government, judiciary, military and national intelligence are all like four different countries operating within the same geography called Pakistan.

The military controls the administration of the country through weaker yes-men in civilian attire and their intelligence ISI controls everything external.

So the maximum connection they can draw with respect to such a possible retaliatory move from us would be maximum that we are kafirs and we have to be attacked.

But that won't stop them from attacking us whether in peace or war time.

Simply put, we cannot sit and wait for threats to come in and kill our soldiers and walk away unscathed.
Don't let your Indian dead soldiers cheapens the word martyr. The losers in a battle got killed. Simple as that.

This was an ambush, not a battle.

In the last battle we actually fought, your government refused to accept 3,000+ dead Pakistani soldiers, denying them their final rites.

How much lower could your leaders sink? They refused to accept the very men who guard their country with their lives.

It was the IA that had to bury them with honours.

That's the difference.
Who knows the idea would be to demoralize the indian security agencies.... Oflate they had great success in killing some Strategic assets in Valley

We don't need to make any such effort as Indian suicides and shooting own colleagues in occupied Kashmir is enough to prove indian army is demoralize already
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