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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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Apparently a 6th indian terrorist hid behind a bush to save his life while 5 of his pals were sent to their maker - will this survivor not be court marshalled for showing cowardice?
The entire thread and we see only one statement from bharotis aka Indians that "KILL Pakistanis as revenge"

One wonders that few days back Indian army killed Pakistanis/ soldier/s but you Indians were too shy to accept Pakistani right to revenge killing of its soldier/s people by Indian Army.

The bottom line is : Indians must come out of this self-hurt pity attitude towards themselves and accept the reality that its a war zone and when Indian army kill Pakistani soldiers then you must be prepared for killing of your own ones at the hands of other side.

its a sorry state of affairs and must end from both sides.

On this incident: Well first investigate the matter if Indian post was ambushed at all or it was an attack on Indian army infiltrating Pakistani side of Kashmir.

Because just yesterday there was this thread based on Dunya News report that "Indian Army kidnapped 5 Kashmiris from Poonch area along LoC by crossing over to Pakistani side".

even I laughed that how come they can cross over and kidnapped Pakistanis BUT the same incident of alleged killing of Indian soldiers is reported by Indian media in the same area POONCH. Now tell me guys as you bharotis were laughing yesterday the how come Indian army can cross over to Pakistani side, I ask you how our Pakistani soldiers cross over to Indian Occupied Kashmir side? were you sleeping ?

There is this possibility that Indian army might had crossed over again to kidnap more Kashmiris from Pakistani side and they were fired upon and 5 fallen down.

So I guess the media is wrong on both the sides...Dunya news quoted "Indian soldiers infiltrated" and Times of India tell a complete different story...I am sure the Indian Army will investigate this matter and the nature of the killing first before they go public...
Well its not about Hindu Muslim thing. Sometimes they oppose people from northern India too. I dont support them anyways.

that's why I used the word own citizens.

They have to assert their views and impose these but for that they have to overhaul the national policy and also status of India in constitution until then their actions are that of a Hindu extremist organization and one cant hide behind word "nationalists".

Well its not about Hindu Muslim thing. Sometimes they oppose people from northern India too. I dont support them anyways.

that's why I used the word own citizens.

They have to assert their views and impose these but for that they have to overhaul the national policy and also status of India in constitution until then their actions are that of a Hindu extremist organization and one cant hide behind word "nationalists".
This is indo pak matter,not hindu muslim bullshit.
This action itself is a reaction to IA killing 2 PAK soldiers a few days ago.which was probably a reaction to PA firing.
Of course now IA too will wait for revenge at suitable time.Some poor pak soldiers will die soon.And then cycle will continue.
Its a cycle of useless deaths on both sides.

well said brother, RIP brave soldiers.
Apparently a 6th indian terrorist hid behind a bush to save his life while 5 of his pals were sent to their maker - will this survivor not be court marshalled for showing cowardice?

Post reported on calling a martyr (IA soldier) a Terrorist......
Apparently a 6th indian terrorist hid behind a bush to save his life while 5 of his pals were sent to their maker - will this survivor not be court marshalled for showing cowardice?

look who is talking . remember when 90k of yr soldiers surrendered even without fighting. where they court marshalled ?
Who knows the idea would be to demoralize the indian security agencies.... Oflate they had great success in killing some Strategic assets in Valley
typical commie comment.
These commie deserve the same kind of treatment as meted to commies in Indonesia.

dirty Congressis deserve worst than that ... on topic Your Government is Incapable of protecting nation,Pakistani forces entered 400 meters into Indian territory and killed our soliders

and am not a Communist
Apparently a 6th indian terrorist hid behind a bush to save his life while 5 of his pals were sent to their maker - will this survivor not be court marshalled for showing cowardice?

wow and some people accused us of celebrating deaths of uniformed soldiers:rolleyes:
Isn't it ironic that just last week Indians were claiming that they killed a dozen militants who were trying to infiltrate into India.
Keeping in mind if these claims are true then the infiltration would have taken place anywhere along the border, yet the IA was able to pick them out, yet here an army post which usualy remains alert was taken out by total surprise.
look who is talking . remember when 90k of yr soldiers surrendered even without fighting. where they court marshalled ?

Court marshaled is for army soldiers ... U knw what I mean :rolleyes:

So they r not....
Post reported on calling a martyr (IA soldier) a Terrorist......

Perhaps English is not your first language and hence your lack of command with the former. Let me expand:

The IA solder in question was/is stationed in indian illegally occupied Kashmir where his primary role is to subject the population to oppressive and heinous acts. Thus by definition he is nothing more than a terrorist as stated earlier and hence your tantrum is unwarranted. The logic is flawless.......absolutely flawless :pakistan:
Owing to Sonia's directive IA is not able to retaliate in manner befitting the IA style. For every soldier killed IA should kill 10 pakistanis , that would only stop such cowardice of PA.
Post reported on calling a martyr (IA soldier) a Terrorist......

Oh please. Don't be so sensitive. One man's martyr is another man's terrorist. The Indian soldiers were not martyrs. They got paid to do their job and they failed. They got killed when they failed and lost a fight. That's what they have signed up to do. What do you expect?
dirty Congressis deserve worst than that ... on topic Your Government is Incapable of protecting nation,Pakistani forces entered 400 meters into Indian territory and killed our soliders

and am not a Communist

I did n't mean to call you a Communist, i meant to m'chod Congressi communist Aiyar. Who back in 62 was collecting funds for injured chinese soldiers(indo china war 62 ) when he was a student in britian.
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