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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha was on Tuesday adjourned till noon after MPs, including of the BJP and SP, disrupted proceedings raising slogans over the deaths of five Indian soldiers in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Samajwadi Party (SP) members went near the Speaker's podium and raised slogans protesting the killing of five Indian Army soldiers by Pakistani troops which had crossed across the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district on Monday night.

Also, MPs from Seemandhra region of Andhra Pradesh raised slogans against creation of Telangana state.

Protests by MPs opposed to creation of Telangana marred proceedings in both houses of Parliament on Monday, the first day of the monsoon session, and finally forced adjournment for the day.

Lok Sabha adjourned over killing of Indian soldiers - The Times of India

Ok Let the the political fire works begin....
And we all will be again meeting in a different thread titled Indian forces crosses LOC and kill five soldiers....i am sure we will have that thread shortly.
Shiv Sena is Hindu terrorist organization and it will breath on its terrorism forever

Though off topic how many pakistani's did shiv sena killed????????? Yes i do agree their views are extreme and they have single point agenda... But calling them terrorist is a joke....
Do they have any influence?

Still, my point stands, Indian politicians tend to be hawkish, while the Indian army tends to be more resistant to these situation. Quite the opposite with Pakistan, where it's the military that's hawkish and politicians that tend to be more resistant.

Guess we both have our problems, huh?

No they don't have any influence. They are, as mentioned only confined to Mumbai. So .......... doesn't matter!!
Anyway... there go the water talks down the proverbial drain
And before that??

You must notice its always the pakistanis who start this thing to take the attention of their citizens away from their internal failures because there is no greater binding force for pakistanis than hatered against indians and hindus. And how exactly you expect a government with a backbone would react when such an incident occurs??

Though your sentiments are understood and rest assured that every Indian will feel the same way including all of us who are in this forum. But these actiins are very provocative in nature and barely have some conceretness in it.

If you acr hastily to a situation like this then tings might just get loose for us. Remember we are having frequent problems from our eastern side as well. We are not in a position politically and militarily to deal with 2 sides at once (forget the 2 front war nonsense). + our internal matters are also changing color every single day.

We have to wait for the next govt, or wait for the time where we are at much more stable "INTERNALY" and then dealing with EXTERNAL issues will be much easier. Just hold on.....
The entire thread and we see only one statement from bharotis aka Indians that "KILL Pakistanis as revenge"

One wonders that few days back Indian army killed Pakistanis/ soldier/s but you Indians were too shy to accept Pakistani right to revenge killing of its soldier/s people by Indian Army.

The bottom line is : Indians must come out of this self-hurt pity attitude towards themselves and accept the reality that its a war zone and when Indian army kill Pakistani soldiers then you must be prepared for killing of your own ones at the hands of other side.

its a sorry state of affairs and must end from both sides.

On this incident: Well first investigate the matter if Indian post was ambushed at all or it was an attack on Indian army infiltrating Pakistani side of Kashmir.

Because just yesterday there was this thread based on Dunya News report that "Indian Army kidnapped 5 Kashmiris from Poonch area along LoC by crossing over to Pakistani side".

even I laughed that how come they can cross over and kidnapped Pakistanis BUT the same incident of alleged killing of Indian soldiers is reported by Indian media in the same area POONCH. Now tell me guys as you bharotis were laughing yesterday the how come Indian army can cross over to Pakistani side, I ask you how our Pakistani soldiers cross over to Indian Occupied Kashmir side? were you sleeping ?

There is this possibility that Indian army might had crossed over again to kidnap more Kashmiris from Pakistani side and they were fired upon and 5 fallen down.
Pakistan denies killing of five Indian soldiers

NEW DELHI / ISLAMABAD / NEELUM VALLEY (LOC): Pakistani security officials denied any involvement on Tuesday in the deaths of Indian soldiers on the disputed and heavily militarised border in Kashmir.

“There was no indiscriminate firing from our side,” one security official told Reuters.

Another official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to reporters, denied there had been an exchange of fire on the border between the nuclear powers. “There was no such incident whatsoever,” he said. “There was no firing on the border.”

Earlier during the day, Jammu and Kashmir chief minister claimed that five Indian soldiers were killed in an attack along the disputed border, in an attack that comes just days after Pakistan proposed resuming stalled peace talks with India.

The talks were called off in January following an attack on the border in which one Indian soldier was decapitated.

“Was briefed early this morning about news that five of our soldiers had been killed on the LOC. My heartfelt condolences to their next of kin,” Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said in a Tweet, referring to the Line of Control dividing the two countries in the region.

“These incidents don’t help efforts to normalise or even improve relations with Pak & call in to question the Pak Govt’s recent overtures,” he said.

Earlier, Indian firing killed one Pakistani soldier and wounded another on Saturday in Kashmir. According to the Inter Services Public Relations, the incident took place at 10:30am and there was no evident reason for the firing.

While the Pakistani Army accused Indian troops of staging an “unprovoked” attack across the countries’ disputed border in Kashmir, the Indian army said it had fired in a “calibrated manner” in response to Pakistani firing.

Border violation near Sialkot

The Pakistan Army also accused Indian forces of another border violation late Saturday.

According to ISPR, the Indian Border Security Force resorted to unprovoked firing on the working boundary near Sialkot. No loss of life was reported. The statement added Pakistani troops responded effectively to Indian firing.

Pakistan denies killing of five Indian soldiers – The Express Tribune
The entire thread and we see only one statement from bharotis aka Indians that "KILL Pakistanis as revenge"

One wonders that few days back Indian army killed Pakistanis/ soldier/s but you Indians were too shy to accept Pakistani right to revenge killing of its soldier/s people by Indian Army.

The bottom line is : Indians must come out of this self-hurt pity attitude towards themselves and accept the reality that its a war zone and when Indian army kill Pakistani soldiers then you must be prepared for killing of your own ones at the hands of other side.

its a sorry state of affairs and must end from both sides.

On this incident: Well first investigate the matter if Indian post was ambushed at all or it was an attack on Indian army infiltrating Pakistani side of Kashmir.

Because just yesterday there was this thread based on Dunya News report that "Indian Army kidnapped 5 Kashmiris from Poonch area along LoC by crossing over to Pakistani side".

even I laughed that how come they can cross over and kidnapped Pakistanis BUT the same incident of alleged killing of Indian soldiers is reported by Indian media in the same area POONCH. Now tell me guys as you bharotis were laughing yesterday the how come Indian army can cross over to Pakistani side, I ask you how our Pakistani soldiers cross over to Indian Occupied Kashmir side? were you sleeping ?

There is this possibility that Indian army might had crossed over again to kidnap more Kashmiris from Pakistani side and they were fired upon and 5 fallen down.

Just replace the word Indians with Pakistanis and the same reply we get when PA soldiers are killed.
There is this possibility that Indian army might had crossed over again to kidnap more Kashmiris from Pakistani side and they were fired upon and 5 fallen down.

The bodies would have been on your side of the LOC then.. Innit ?? I know logic takes a back seat when talking Indo - Pak, but you should do more justice to your profession..
The entire thread and we see only one statement from bharotis aka Indians that "KILL Pakistanis as revenge"

I suggest you read all 7 pages of this thread and i am sure you would change your opinion on bolded part of your post.....
you guys killed one pakistani soldier, you got five dead in return, just like you did a nuclear blast and we did 5 in return lol.
and if you harm another one of our soldiers then another indians will die.

Oh don't worry we will kill quite a few in revenge.At our chosen time,like this was urs.The cycle goes on.What is important is IA has been totally frustrating any infiltration attempts backed by PA and killing local militants 5-10 every month.Thye are getting desperate.
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