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INDIAN ARMY Moves Troops of Sukna-Based 33 Corps to India-China Border

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Pakistan army has no offensive capability against IA.The reason is simple,the main offensive elements of a military are - armour and airforce.PA armour formations have no modern integral air defence and would be massacred if it entered in offensive posture into indian territory -longewala times 10.A single jaguar carrying cbu-105s can decimate a whole tank regiment in seconds.As for PAF,while jf-17s are good for defense over pakistani airspace with AWACS support, sending these planes into indian airspace to face mkis ,upgraded mirages and migs as well as Air defence system would be suicide.There are too few f-16s.On top of this 90% of our armour and mechanized formations will face Pakistan regardless of 2 front ,because they can't be used in mountain terrain on china front anyway.Lets not even talk about PN,except the submarines thats a 48 hour job for IN,turkey shoot for brahmos.So yes pakistan is a formidable opponent on the defense,but has little to no offensive capability conventionally against IA.This was true even in 1971 when bulk of our army was in east pakistan,and western front was actually outnumbered and still we inflicted basantar and longewala.

This guy is "Think Tank Consultant"?:lol:

76 F-16s are not too few as most of the IAF would be employed trying to stop the PLAAF from decimating the IA.

If China attacks and Pakistan joins in, then India will be cut down in size.
There can be only one natural leader of Asia... for the Harmony under the Heavens, for the sake of Community of Prosperity... the Dragon has to carry this burden!

its your golden chance to remove the last burden, India, Else you know
The airforce only attacked because we knew you were coming to do a Banglagang on us. The Indian Army had been preparing for months to attack so don't spin the narrative that India declared war because of the air attack.
Yeah, and what evidence that might be I wonder.Indian Army was only preparing for an eventuality since your leaders had already made it quite clear in no uncertain terms that they would open up the western front sooner or later.Does this quote "The defense of the east lies in the western" ring any bells, you fuckingg guttermouth??
How tragic it is that when Chinese made Gand out of the Ganga Indian Army in 1962 Pakistan just stood by.
Yeah, defeated us alright but their win came at a price, they had to pay dearly for it as well.But yeah, we were defeated alright, at least we are honorable enough to accept our defeat like human beings and well, I'm gonna leave it at that.
I guess that is the price of honour and showing chivalry.
Only if you had agreed to stop your atrocities and create a stable environment for those ten mil+ refugees to return to their homes but of course you did not since it was suiting you back then.What ever happened to you, you had it coming since long, why cry foul play now??
India could also have stood by in 1971 instead of scheming for months behind our back to do a Banglagang on us.
We would have stood by if we weren't being bombarded with hordes of refugees escaping from the murderous thugs of Pakistan Army and their Razakar and Al-Badr lackeys!!We would have stood by and watched if you hadn't ignored our repeated pleas to cease the hostility and take back the refugees since our own economy was almost in shambles.But of course, you did neither of that, since, for a period of time, it was going well with your intention of hurting your 'eternal' enemy without having had to engage them in a shooting war.So why cry now??
But honour is not expected of a people who only recently learnt to cloth themselves.
1965 and 1999 were real honorable deeds I guess.

China will open up with a multimegaton nuclear decapitation strike on Delhi and watch as all of India splits into multiple states.

And in turn, we'll turn your entire eastern side into a glimmering glass crater, capiche??
@Feng Leng your brain farts are doing more damage dude......:lol:

The low yield thermos nuclear device


This news is wrong, we're not building an entire city to develop next gen hydrogen bombs, its actually for fertilizer and bio research. Nut you know how news media is


Answer my points dude rather than coming up with a silly one-liner.

I heard your mommy asking you to go to bed.
Indus is Eternal. It can not be brought down. Pak State had already decided way back that this East-West Pak was no-no.

It was just the execution of exit that was hijacked by the great people of gangees.

Blessing in disguise, really.

Nothing against BD people. They have their own civilisational heritage and must be wished well.

Indus Stands Alone. As Ever.

Just wanted to bring it to your good intention... only this point.

Regarding Sino-indian stand-off, let us remain a bemused observer here.

There can be only one natural leader of Asia... for the Harmony under the Heavens, for the sake of Community of Prosperity... the Dragon has to carry this burden!
On one side we a have a lumbering, clumsy and very slow elephant that is the Indian army whereas on the other side is a confident, high flying and fire breathing Dragon that is the Chinese army,,,,,,The Chinese have megaton yield thermonuclear weapons whilst the Indians have fission boosted 20Kt firecrackers, this is truly a most unfair fight....... Oh foolish and arrogant leaders of Gangadesh, see some sense, do not invite the wrath of the mighty Dragon for your Gangadesh will become a dystopian wasteland unfit for any human habitation.
No, no ,,,no,,,now the Chinese are going to take the gloves off, the entire North East is going to break away:lol:

Haha, dont you see who is sitting o top of the Chinese now? :lol: I order to do that they will have to take Doklam but they cant ad whatever chance they had they lost you can only dream from your fancy home for that to happen but the reality is it aint happening
Dragon has to carry this burden!
Indeed it can only be the dragon. To think that some slivering, writhing creatures from the swamps of Ganga can even entertain the notion of being Asia's supremo? Not a chance.

The remarkable fact is we now know Pak was considering a pull out from the twin of the Ganga - the Brahmaputra Padma but Indian's decided to jump in of course. before I go a salute to the PLA and wish it the best.

This guy is "Think Tank Consultant"?:lol:
He's much better at it than this 'Kaptan' fellow.

76 F-16s are not too few as most of the IAF would be employed trying to stop the PLAAF from decimating the IA.
First of all, only 18 of them are BVR capable.So the number is indeed too few.And where the hell you think they gonna operate out of when we devastate their air bases with our Prithvi series of SRBMs??And besides, their forward air bases are well within the range of our rocket artillery forces, so go figure what's gonna happen to them in case they decide to needle us.
and as for IAF being employed to do whatever, it's Indian Army we are talking about, not your lungi chhaap ma6li chors!! :rofl:
If China attacks and Pakistan joins in, then India will be cut down in size.
Stop having so many wet dreams my friend, because at this rate, one fine morning you will wake up only to find out your balls having been fallen off their stalks!! :rofl:
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On one side we a have a lumbering, clumsy and very slow elephant that is the Indian army whereas on the other side is a confident, high flying and fire breathing Dragon that is the Chinese army,,,,,,The Chinese have megaton yield thermonuclear weapons whilst the Indians have fission boosted 20Kt firecrackers, this is truly a most unfair fight....... Oh foolish and arrogant leaders of Gangadesh, see some sense, do not invite the wrath of the mighty Dragon for your Gangadesh will become a dystopian wasteland unfit for any human habitation.
Looks like you're having an orgasm with excessive cheer-leading
You only have fission atomic devices in iron bombs carried by aircraft. We will vaporize the whole Delhi political class with a massive preemptive nuclear first strike!
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