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INDIAN ARMY Moves Troops of Sukna-Based 33 Corps to India-China Border

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Indus is Eternal. It can not be brought down. Pak State had already decided way back that this East-West Pak was no-no.

It was just the execution of exit that was hijacked by the great people of gangees.

Blessing in disguise, really.

Nothing against BD people. They have their own civilisational heritage and must be wished well.

Indus Stands Alone. As Ever.

Just wanted to bring it to your good intention... only this point.

Regarding Sino-indian stand-off, let us remain a bemused observer here.

There can be only one natural leader of Asia... for the Harmony under the Heavens, for the sake of Community of Prosperity... the Dragon has to carry this burden!

No buddy, loooong before they carry and burden they make mules out of hapless Pakistanis etc. You surely are goint to carry 50 Billion worth of that burden :lol:
This guy is "Think Tank Consultant"?:lol:

76 F-16s are not too few as most of the IAF would be employed trying to stop the PLAAF from decimating the IA.

If China attacks and Pakistan joins in, then India will be cut down in size.
tera kasoor nahi hai , billi ko chechrde hi nazar atte hain , oh bhai UK me jaa ke kuch sekha nahi ? or this tag is just chechrde effect ? joookay wale bongali brother >??
On one side we a have a lumbering, clumsy and very slow elephant that is the Indian army whereas on the other side is a confident,
Better than being mangy dogs I guess.
high flying and fire breathing Dragon that is the Chinese army,,,,,,
The way the events been unfolding since last month, we don't really see this high and mighty fire breathing dragon you guys keep boasting about all the time.Guess the only thing this dragon is now breathing is pure bullcr@p.
The Chinese have megaton yield thermonuclear weapons whilst the Indians have fission boosted 20Kt firecrackers,
Actually, the 20 kt ones are just older fission warheads which have all been dismantled their cores having been removed long since.Our primary warhead types now consist of 250 kt boosted fission devices and 400 kt thrmo nukes.After all, we are the biggest producers of Tritium!!
this is truly a most unfair fight....... Oh foolish and arrogant leaders of Gangadesh, see some sense, do not invite the wrath of the mighty Dragon for your Gangadesh will become a dystopian wasteland unfit for any human habitation.
Thanks for your concern Mr. Cheekni Chamely, but given the turn of events so far, we'll take our chances.
Indeed it can only be the dragon. To think that some slivering, writhing creatures from the swamps of Ganga can even entertain the notion of being Asia's supremo? Not a chance.

The remarkable fact is we now know Pak was considering a pull out from the twin of the Ganga - the Brahmaputra Padma but Indian's decided to jump in of course. before I go a salute to the PLA and wish it the best.


Buddy, is dragon also a state of mind? A journey and not the end.....:lol:
Actually, the 20 kt ones are just older fission warheads which have all been dismantled their cores having been removed long since.Our primary warhead types now consist of 250 kt boosted fission devices and 400 kt thrmo nukes.
Kill your scientists since they lie to you...the poor lot..

Why should I??And even if for once we are to believe our thermo nuke prototype to have been a dud, we still have got the boosted fission devices which are more than enough to decimate big cities.So no harm done there.And why are we even talking about nukes??I mean both China and India have got no first use in place.
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