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INDIAN ARMY Moves Troops of Sukna-Based 33 Corps to India-China Border

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all Your Theories are Lies Against single Piece of this historical document

Once again read the first line


And Actual numbers Is

View attachment 417293

The above pictures and docs miss the most crucial name - USSR!!!! It's paid back by Pak with full interest!!!! And, that too ~30 years ago!!!!
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All this after having losing land in West Pakistan sector in 1971 & having the main seaport blasted by the IN. You were at the verge of complete disintegration.

Henry Kissinger's memoirs about how US policy averted the total disintegration of Pakistan in 1971.


Any mention of Mukti here ?

so what, you also lost territories in west in earlier wars, should i remind you about 48 and 65? we also bombarded you base despite having much smaller navy..

Make up any bull shit you like

1971 90000 Pakistanis soldiers surrendered inside one week to India

90000 in one week


90000 were not soldiers..
So you admit that your soldiers are dumb and mentally retarded that they cannot understand a "white flag" rather they need to listen the word?
So you admit you foresee the Chinese waving the white flag? Shame you did not foresee that in case of limited visibility they will also be shouting "We surrender" in Chinese.
Both side simply won't back down, so the coming war is inevitable and in the countdown mode right now.

Both Bhutan and Nepal have acknowledged that Donglang belongs to China, and it is India who is acting like a troublemaker. So India should be solely blamed for this coming war.
i think the indians here are out of control.i have seen instrument of surrender on 3 to 4 places here.look at the topic first lol. that was back in 1971,this is 2017.we lost our territory,we moved on.the pain is still there but it will not make us weak.indian members here making fun of pakistan by reminding us 71.it doesn't change our present.we still exist as a nation and overall pakistan and india exists today.i think we must forget the past.we can only learn lessons from horrible past.

i think after arun jaitley latest remarks regarding indian army preparation,china have made their mind and now they are ready for a war but there are lots of things that might be happening behind the scenes.it's not necessary that war erupts on this current standoff position.i think a naval war might become a reason for a full scale war.china knows that during a conflict with india,it can't send it's large fleet of subs and destroyers towards indian ocean because pressure might be on chinese to stop war and SCS might become hostile for china during conflict with india.the point is chinese naval fleet might be already deployed near indian ocean.chinese subs might already be lurking around mumbai.i don't know where they are deployed.everyone knows that china is doing CPEC here so they can use gwadar and karachi and here their destroyers and subs are out of danger.point is china can use pakistani waters to launch cruise missile attacks over india.in this situation,india might attack pakistan as well.pakistan should think about this situation.it's a terrible situation for any indian neighbor.there are also hidden goals on both chinese and indian side.india wants to win this war by getting entire tibet in their control.it will bring india much closer to china.they also want revenge of 62 and entire indian public is behind their army like they are standing shoulders to shoulders.on the other hand,china wants chicken's neck so that it can separate indian states and make them independent.in this way,china will sit much closer to new delhi and india will be much closer for them than before.chinese public is also very angry over their govt. decisions and handling of this situation.chinese people are also standing side by side with PLA.may be before actual war,a naval engagement might occur.it might be indian sub hunting down chinese sub or chinese sub hunting down indian sub.new series of chinese subs are modern design and they are quiet.similarly indian scorpene class is a great design.if a conflict starts,there are many possibilities but naval war looks more likely.
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you also lost territories in west in earlier wars, should i remind you about 48

You grabbed it from the Maharaja, not the Republic of India.

And we gained too. We were outside Lahore, when the ceasefire was negotiated.

we also bombarded you base

There is no Indian naval base at Dwarka- or even a minor port even today. PN first claimed that there was a radar there, but later changed it to a navigation beacon
i think the indians here are out of control.i have seen instrument of surrender on 3 to 4 places here.look at the topic first lol. that was back in 1971,this is 2017.we lost our territory,we moved on.the pain is still there but it will not make us weak.indian members here making fun of pakistan by reminding us 71.it doesn't change our present.we still exist as a nation and overall pakistan and india exists today.i think we must forget the past.we can only learn lessons from horrible past.

i think after arun jaitley latest remarks regarding indian army preparation,china have made their mind and now they are ready for a war but there are lots of things that might be happening behind the scenes.it's not necessary that war erupts on this current standoff position.i think a naval war might become a reason for a full scale war.china knows that during a conflict with india,it can't send it's large fleet of subs and destroyers towards indian ocean because pressure might be on chinese to stop war and SCS might become hostile for china during conflict with india.the point is chinese naval fleet might be already deployed near indian ocean.chinese subs might already be lurking around mumbai.i don't know where they are deployed.everyone knows that china is doing CPEC here so they can use gwadar and karachi and here their destroyers and subs are out of danger.point is china can use pakistani waters to launch cruise missile attacks over india.in this situation,india might attack pakistan as well.pakistan should think about this situation.it's a terrible situation for any indian neighbor.there are also hidden secrets on both chinese and indian side.india wants to win this war by getting entire tibet in their control.it will bring india much closer to china.they also want revenge of 62 and entire indian public is behind it's army like they are standing shoulders to shoulders.on the other hand,china wants chicken's neck so that it can separate indian states and make them independent.in this way,china will sit much closer to new delhi and india will be much closer than before.chinese public is also very angry over their govt. decisions and handling of this situation.chinese people are also standing side by side with PLA.may be before actual war,a naval engagement might occur.it might be indian sub hunting down chinese sub or chinese sub hunting down indian sub.new series of chinese subs are modern design and they are quiet.similarly indian scorpene class is a great design.if a conflict starts,there are many possibilites but naval war looks more likely.

China's DF-21D and DF-26 will first send the entire Indian Navy into the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
How you gonna do that??And do you really think we will leave your nuclear facilities and air bases alone once the shooting starts??Don't be rediculous.

preemptive strikes...

First of all, no, we will not lose in a defensive war against PRC as they are woefully outnumbered along the LAC and they know it as well.Why do you think they have been acting like such wimps??

like 62? the only time you meet an equal enemy and the historian couldnt tell whether your soldier run back faster or Chinese reached earlier.. :partay:

As if your 'diplomatic support' holds any water to it.

but we will even if it doesnt matter, when it comes to your shithole even support of Afghanistan matter to you.. but anyways cow piss effected brains.

Only thing is, it is indeed new for you cause in all the earlier wars, you guys had a rough parity in the western front and you were even numerically and qualitatively superior during 65 in terms of artillery, armor, mech and even your infantry was far better equipped yet they got their bloody @rses handed to them on silver platters.

260000 vs 8000000 army much better equipped by soviets and british yet ended in stalemate :lol: but according to bollywood we were numerically superior........ as for arse handed, well all the world know who couldn't handle much smaller force in Kashmir and open 3 fronts and got kicked on her arse every time...:omghaha:

Only except, no neutral party actually believes or accepts that steaming pile of horse manure as a fact!!Most neutral observers accept that IAF losses lost roughly 40-45 planes which is far closer to the IAF claim of 35 than the outlandish rantings spewed by your PAF!!

no, it was zero if it pleases you, i am not interested in shit slinging with heavily discussed subject. every one can check how many jets neutral sources mentioned on Pakistan's credit.

To what effect??And just remember how IN paid you guys back in 71.This time, the outcome will be the same, only it will be 10 times worse for PN as your whole surface fleet can be taken out by IAF fighter bombers within the first few hours of contact.

cant praise much smaller navy raping your dwarka base against much larger navy while much larger navy hiding its assets in bases due to fear of our sub force. :enjoy:

Biggest tank battle??And what about that superior force again.Guess the propaganda has really fucked up your mind, boyo, so much so that you can't even do a proper fact check on your own.Don't worry, I'll spoonfeed you.Here is the stats -
1.Pakistan -
22nd cavalry (44xM48)

10th Cavalry (44x Patton)

25th Cavalry (44x Patton)

33th TDU sqn (15x Shermans)

19th Lancers (44x Patton)

11th Cavalry (44x Patton)
Total ~ 290 tanks

2. India -
4th Horse (45x Centurion)

16th Cavalry (45x Centurions)

17th Poona Horse (45x Centurion)

2nd Lancers (45x Sherman)

62nd Cavalry (45x sherman)

Total 225 tanks
So who had the superior force again??And yeah, you won one small battle and Indian Army won every other major tank vs tank encounters and virtually decimated a whole armored brigade with just a single armored regiment in the battle of Burki and then there were others like Asal Uttar and Phillora.Everywhere we fried your sorry arses big time despite having numerical and qualitative disadvantage.

Strength Pakistan
30,000-50,000 infantry

22nd cavalry (44xM48)

10th Cavalry (44x Patton)

25th Cavalry (44x Patton)

33th TDU sqn (15x Shermans)

19th Lancers (44x Patton)

11th Cavalry (44x Patton)

Total: 132

+150 (tank reinforcements)[10]

80,000–150,000 infantry

4th Horse (45x Centurion)

16th Cavalry (45x Centurions)

17th Poona (45x Centurion)

2nd Lancers (45x Sherman)

62nd Cavalry (45x sherman)

Total 225 tanks[1

look at manpower, 3 times of Pakistan...:rofl: rest keep barking to hide the shameful performance of your military. i have already dignified you enough with long response, Lt Gen Niranjan Parshad have to leave his jeep as trophy in lahore on other front :flame:

What is with you Pakis and your dick sucking business??!!Why are you so obsessed with dicks and balls??You a closet gay or something homeboy??Not that there is anything wrong with it but I thought sodomy was considered haram in your death cult, correct me if I'm wrong.

I can understand your problem with mentioning dick infront of ugly stinky subhumans who need special size condoms for their little penis. much inferiority complex?

Who said ITBP and BSF would be controlling Pakistan, I mean why would anyone in their right mind even want to have to do anything with that barren piece of junkyard wasteland loaded with primitive gun trotting illiterate (madrassa 'education' doesn't count) yahoos, you call your home!!Dude, you give yourself way too much importance to even think that we would be remotely interested in your hellhole, let alone try and manage it!!Damn, talk about delusions!!

an ugly stinky subhuamn from shupa powa shithole with more poverty then sub Saharan africa, with most ugliest people and most taboo culture calling other primitive and madrassa, dont sound good, perhaps you subhuman should assess yourself first before looking for our importance.. we just want to help world with getting rid of shithole in our east... we dont have dream of akhand Pakistan.. some bhangis in east do..

Why not, and you should try some more camel piss and some pork and crabs on the side, and while you are at it, surf the tnaflix or pornhub if you feel like it. :rofl:

same low IQ response, no one use camel piss in Pakistan, but you ugly stinky pests love your cow cola..arent you?

If I were you, I would be more concerned with your brain, since you guys practice something which has been clinically proven to be detrimental to proper front cortex development!!You know what it's called - it's called inbreeding!!And if we are to go by the PDF example, then it's showing its ill effects in plenty to be honest.

Bhabhi fvcking :omghaha:

Like you guys have been dying with dreams of controlling J&K!!Meanwhile we have reached the Mars and you people are still dreaming about reaching to Kashmir!!Talk about irony. :rofl:

you reached mars while your farmers are committing suicides in thousands, people are suffering from more poverty then pakistan, and taking dump at railway track:rofl:
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China's DF-21D and DF-26 will first send the entire Indian Navy into the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

buddy it's not easy.first chinese fleet needs a place so that it can stay away from indian missiles.gwadar is a good choice but india will attack us if we help lol.
if its full blown war than Pakistan should strike on their nuclear sites with full power, bcoz in full blown conventional war they will lose pathetically and after that instead of nuking China their first target will be Pakistan.. i am guessing it bcoz of their hate and obsession with Pakistan.

in localized conflict we will support China from outside/diplomatically..

as for shupa powa bhangis, Pakistan have always managed their overwhelming conventional superiority, its not new for us, few bhangi bragging about their superiority despite knowing it never worked against Pakistan, you are talking about same daddy who destroyed your 100 jets in 65 with lost of only 16 jets. bomb your dwarka base despite having much smaller navy, win biggest tank battle of this region against superior force and conquered half of Kashmir and you have to declare it disputed, yet you brag about your military? your military cant even suck our dick without our permission unless you have traitor Mukti and civil war to help you beat 40,000 soldiers with 15 times superior force (according to manekshaw),

lol at roadshitter trolls dreaming about BSF and ITBP handling Pakistan, you scums should drink more cow piss, its effecting your brain just according to plan, bcoz your elders with all their military might died with same dreams of controlling Pakistan and party in Lahore GymKhana..:lol:
It will not be a limited war, Modi wants a big war. China willl escalate to direct air strikes on Delhi immediately. Pakistan full power strikes on Indian nuclear sites would be needed.
buddy it's not easy.first chinese fleet needs a place so that it can stay away from indian missiles.gwadar is a good choice but india will attack us if we help lol.

China's fast-attack nuclear subs like the Type 093B are lurking around the Indian Ocean to hunt down the survived ships of the Indian Navy after the salvo launch from the DF-21D and DF-26.
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