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INDIAN ARMY Moves Troops of Sukna-Based 33 Corps to India-China Border

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They will try to open multiple fronts on Uttarakhand, Himachal and Ladakh borders, to thin our troops.

We should expect action in Uttarakhand and Ladakh and prepare for it.
Chinese are well aware they can't fight in dokhlam now, they might attack somewhere else to thin out the army
They will try to open multiple fronts on Uttarakhand, Himachal and Ladakh borders, to thin our troops.

We should expect action in Uttarakhand and Ladakh and prepare for it.

Provided India can now attack Chinese supply route they will not dare to open all fronts with winter approaching in hilly areas . It gonna be a short war in Doka la or no war at all ... a Humiliating withdrawal of troops is last option on table .
They will try to open multiple fronts on Uttarakhand, Himachal and Ladakh borders, to thin our troops.

We should expect action in Uttarakhand and Ladakh and prepare for it.

Both sides can attack.

The expanse of frontage to be defended is the same.

Cheers, Doc
They will try to open multiple fronts on Uttarakhand, Himachal and Ladakh borders, to thin our troops.

We should expect action in Uttarakhand and Ladakh and prepare for it.
Ladakh Is obvious but Chinese Don't have Supply lines To open front in Himachal or UT

Look at topography of the area

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XXXIII Corps structure:

74th Artillery Brigade
17th Mountain Division - Blackcat
20th Mountain Division - Kirpan
27th Mountain Division - Striking Lion
8th Aviation Regiment
45th Engineering Brigade

One armoured brigade recently added for armour support,though its classified as independent armour brigade.
Main points of worry are ladakh and tawang(though both are heavily fortified and defended with more than full divisions),plus any airborne attacks from yunnan(if they can temporarily suppress forward air bases with missiles).In sikkim we will attack the chumbi valley with a pincer move.Uttarkhand and Himachal and eastern arunachal are way too rugged for any significant fighting.Our main targets will be their supply lines in tibet,take those out and the whole invading force will starve.
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One armoured brigade recently added for armour support,though its classified as independent armour brigade.
Main points of worry are ladakh and tawang(though both are heavily fortified and defended with more than full divisions),plus any airborne attacks from yunnan(if they can temporarily suppress forward air bases with missiles).In sikkim we will attack the chumbi valley with a pincer move.Uttarkhand and Himachal and eastern arunachal are way too rugged for any significant fighting.Our main targets will be their supply lines in tibet,take those out and the whole invading force will starve.

I like what u smoking...

Ladakh Is obvious but Chinese Don't have Supply lines To open front in Himachal or UT

Look at topography of the area

View attachment 417118

China pushed back USA + UN in korea 1953
As a Pakistani I have to give credit to the Indians - they are standing their ground!

And unless China nips this in the bud now, India would be established as the true opponent to China and will likely be more and more aggressive in the future.
As a Pakistani I have to give credit to the Indians - they are standing their ground!

And unless China nips this in the bud now, India would be established as the true opponent to China and will likely be more and more aggressive in the future.

There never was a doubt , far too long has China pushed nations around it periphery.

Some time ago China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) approved the guiding conceptual umbrella for information operations for the People’s Liberation Army, the “Three Warfares” (san zhong zhanfa). The Doklam incident indicates that China has fully operationalized this concept.

The concept is based on three mutually reinforcing strategies:

1. Media Warfare to influence domestic and international public opinion to build public (domestic) and international support for china's military action and to dissuade an adversary from pursuing policies perceived to be adverse to china's interests.

This is reason for China’s daily press briefings and the constant barrage (through official media) official and un-official statements.

2. Psychological Warfare to undermine an enemy's ability to conduct combat operations through psychological operations aimed at deterring, shocking and demoralizing enemy military personnel and supporting civilian population.

This is the reason for reminding India of 1962 War or declaring that China will interfere in J&K or liberate Sikkim, etc.

3. Legal Warfare. Intending to use international and domestic laws to gain international support and manage possible repercussions of china's military actions.

This is the reason China uses a lot of universities, think tanks and ancient treaties and laws. Their institutions constantly churn out scholarly articles defending Chinese stand on various issues. This gives them a garb of legitimacy.

Some of the successful use of this Three Warfares Concept in the recent past are:-
South China Sea. Despite the ruling of International Court of Justice which went against China, they managed to convince Phillipines to ignore the ruling and more or less backtrack on its claims.
they are drying their lungies after recent floods !!
Are you enjoying their suffering???
U Missed sarcasm in his point.
Correct your words...
Don't Make yourself look bad
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