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Indian Army Lied to Indians about Situation in Ladakh

The otherside can even twisted 27 Feb into a "victory" when their pilot was captured infront of the world, later somehow became a national hero (Indian's logic) and shot down its own heli, what can we expected more from them?
In this incident, mobing up on a lision man and the officer almost lost control of his solider,yet none of them feeled shame but cheering like no tommorow when the video released, only for a half day though.

They are an honourless and shameless people, one of them in this thread is literally cursing their former leaders for not beating and degrading prisoners of war.

This kind of mentally deranged thinking is mainstream in their society, their largest news channel was literally broadcasting locusts as being "Pakistani trained terrorists" the other day :lol:
Of course Indian Army lied to Indians about situation in Ladakh, nobody wants to tell their people they are losing the battle.
Few weeks ago there were reports of Indian troopers getting detained by PLA

Indian army denied it


Then today this video of indian soldiers in detention appeared on social media

View attachment 636967

And the famous Multiple ID member @silent_poison has confirmed that this incident happened in May before denial of Indian army and hence confirmed that Indian Army lied to Indians about this detention of Indian soldier by PLA

View attachment 636974

It is interesting to note that same multiple ID member claimed that pic of Indian soldiers detention is 7 years old but changed his position later

View attachment 636975
From initial 2013 old photo claim, he is now twisting about the timeline for facesaving, who would have send in a single vehicle with a lisiaon man after such a bloody fist fight which leads to mutiple Indian soliders in dentention.Besides, he is still talking about which one is less bloody when they are beating a messenger,gosh, have some shame.
From initial 2013 old photo claim, he is now twisting about the timeline for facesaving, who would have send in a single vehicle with a lisiaon man after such a bloody fist fight which leads to mutiple Indian soliders in dentention.Besides, he is still talking about which one is less bloody when they are beating a messenger,gosh, have some shame.

This is the modus operandi of this person which I call multiple ID rat

He has multiple IDs on this forum. In fact dozens of IDs and he always comes with one stupid excuse after another to save face for Indian military and right wing ruling party of India aka BJP. He first came up with 7 years old pictures excuse but realized that won't work so came up with this time line of picture and video excuse to save face for Indian military

But like any sanghi troll he is dumb. Too dumb in fact. That is why he gets himself exposed in no time with his posts. I recognize him easily with any of his ID due to these particular pattern of dumbness in his posts

His other ID that is not banned right now is @Tejas Spokesman and @Rafale+Meteor+Spectra . There might be other too. He would use them once this @silent_poison ID would get banned

@rott @Musings
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China fcked em up, one thing that has impressed is the hand to hand combat and the smack down they inflicted on the injuns.

Have seen some videos circulating in certain Pakistani circles, Chinese are kicking ***.

Post it here AS soon as you get your hands on ..
After Indian soldiers went viral about their poor treatment in their armed forces now indian soldiers are regularly shown beaten helpless by Pakistani/Chinese soldiers in kashmir/ladhak.

Such is the great reputation of your jawans that I will refrain from posting vids of what they do to each other "behind" trees in kashmir :D
Very Massive result
  • 1962 First Loss to China
  • 2020 Second Loss to China (2nd War Won by China India did nothing very easy win)
Lmao, your frustrations and humiliation is understandable. Pakistan won in all wars against India on Western front. 7x larger india couldn't achieve a clear victory against a much smaller enemy. Pakistani forces outfought numerically larger indians....and when india faced its equal in size China, it literally got arse r@ped. Your military record is laughably bad.

Even your own ex-military officers accept it :lol:


Regarding 71 war, that too was WON by Pakistan when the war is seen in Hindu-Muslim background (the whole reason of partition to begin with).

First off, 71 was more of a civil-war between two Muslim groups. Indian army helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) against another Muslim side. I don't really count civil wars for much....but if we go by Indian sources and narrative (which I don't believe btw), even in 71---superior Pakistan military utterly cucked Hindus.

In Islamic-Hindu context (not just Indo-Pak), 71 war was complete Islamic victory over Hindus. It created a new Muslim-state on world map and decimated Hindus in East Bengal who were living there for 1000+ years.

According to Indian scholars/researchers: 2.47 MILLION Hindus went unaccounted for during 71 war and refugee crisis etc. Pakistan had decided to liberate Bangladesh on its own even before the war began (Henry Kessinger confirms it). But before we did that, we sent in our military and DECIMATED Hindus forever. Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8% today, largely because of Pakistani military offensive.

Afterwards, 50k Pakistani troops came out unscathed due to Shimla agreement (93k number includes civil administration as well, so inaccurate)----whereby Pakistan even kept the Indian territory it gained as a result of Pakistani victory at Chamb sector offensive.

So all in all: Pakistan decided to give independence to Bangladesh (as confirmed by Henry Kissenger himself). But before we did so, we went in----decimated Hindus in their millions, our military action caused Bangladesh to become 90% Muslim today, we did not pay any price for our strategic military decimation of Hindus, and instead got to keep Indian territory in critical Chamb sector as well.

Sounds like a strategic victory to me, tell me with a straight face its not? :D We decided to give Bangladesh independence on our own and before we did so----we reduced Hindus from 20% to near 10% in a matter of few months via our expeditionary force. You did not even punish a single Pakistani officer for their actions in Bangladesh.

Not only Bangladesh, Pakistan also played a critical role in decimating Soviet Union in Afghan War (Soviet helped india at the UN in 1971), and hence bringing 4,000,000 sq km land into Islamic control. Pakistan's this achievement alone is bigger than ANY Hindu achievement geopolitically for past 5000 years. You couldn't even save Hindu monarchy in Nepal (a small country surrounded by you). China-backed Communits over-threw Hindu Monarchy in Nepal in 2006 and you couldn't do jack about it. Remember? :lol:

You were, are, and will always remain our inferiors when it comes to war-fighting ability and fighting spirit. You can blame Indhira all you want. Won't change much

Yeah. You won all wars and you are posting it from Dhaka or may be Tiger Hill.

After Indian soldiers went viral about their poor treatment in their armed forces now indian soldiers are regularly shown beaten helpless by Pakistani/Chinese soldiers in kashmir/ladhak.

Such is the great reputation of your jawans that I will refrain from posting vids of what they do to each other "behind" trees in kashmir :D

Well if your down to such kind of filth. Always remember that they have Beautiful Kashmir girls too. I say fair deal.
Very Massive result
  • 1962 First Loss to China
  • 2020 Second Loss to China (2nd War Won by China India did nothing very easy win)

usually this kind of posts must be left alone.... and not only that this kind of threads must be left alone... its a troll fest

only five years later in 1967 china was thumped real nicely in Nathu La and Cho La. they still remember it.....

then in 2017-18 they went back with broken ribs in Doklam.... they still remember it...

before calling Indian army any names you need to remember lots of heroics of pakistani army in 1971 and Kargill

if you want i can refresh your memory :enjoy:
usually this kind of posts must be left alone.... and not only that this kind of threads must be left alone... its a troll fest

only five years later in 1967 china was thumped real nicely in Nathu La and Cho La. they still remember it.....

then in 2017-18 they went back with broken ribs in Doklam.... they still remember it...

before calling Indian army any names you need to remember lots of heroics of pakistani army in 1971 and Kargill

if you want i can refresh your memory :enjoy:
Only in your part of the world, edited wiki serevals times from 2000s a few injuried to recently a few
hundred casualities and claimed "victory" again as usual.
you can read wiki and be happy about it.... else you can read global times and be really happy...

china never accepted the causalities suffered by its army but at the time of the exchange of dead bodies, causalities were clearly visible.

The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) was taught a good lesson and it was clear both in the minds of the Chinese Army and their political leadership that now it is going to be a difficult task to engage with the Indian Army in one to one fight.

The Chinese Dragon was given a taste of fire from Indian Machine Guns. The defeat of the Chinese army was so humiliating that it was never printed in Chinese Print Media (They are under government control).

What really china did after 1967 Nathu LA defeat?

The same China which was involved in cross-border skirmish and gave an ultimatum to the Indian Army during the India-Pakistan war of 1965 didn’t utter a single word during the India-Pakistan war of 1971(even though China was strongly against the formation of Bangladesh) and in 1999.

After the India China War of 1967, India defeated Pakistan in 1971 and Sikkim became an Indian State in 1975.

After Cho La and Nathu La fight India and China never got engaged in any cross-border firing through heated talks and heavy mobilization of soldiers was seen few times.

In 1986, India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh, which was an area claimed by China but administered by India. The Chinese government proceeded to protest and later on military movements were seen in that area but the issue was settled by peace talks and it remained a bloodless mobilization. In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.
china never accepted the causalities suffered by its army but at the time of the exchange of dead bodies, causalities were clearly visible
Show us the pic, if China really left so many bodies on your side and later retreated.

you can read wiki and be happy about it.... else you can read global times and be really happy...

china never accepted the causalities suffered by its army but at the time of the exchange of dead bodies, causalities were clearly visible.

The PLA (People’s Liberation Army) was taught a good lesson and it was clear both in the minds of the Chinese Army and their political leadership that now it is going to be a difficult task to engage with the Indian Army in one to one fight.

The Chinese Dragon was given a taste of fire from Indian Machine Guns. The defeat of the Chinese army was so humiliating that it was never printed in Chinese Print Media (They are under government control).

What really china did after 1967 Nathu LA defeat?

The same China which was involved in cross-border skirmish and gave an ultimatum to the Indian Army during the India-Pakistan war of 1965 didn’t utter a single word during the India-Pakistan war of 1971(even though China was strongly against the formation of Bangladesh) and in 1999.

After the India China War of 1967, India defeated Pakistan in 1971 and Sikkim became an Indian State in 1975.

After Cho La and Nathu La fight India and China never got engaged in any cross-border firing through heated talks and heavy mobilization of soldiers was seen few times.

In 1986, India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh, which was an area claimed by China but administered by India. The Chinese government proceeded to protest and later on military movements were seen in that area but the issue was settled by peace talks and it remained a bloodless mobilization. In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.
Read the OP again and how you won 27 Feb against Pakistan and then tell me that how reliable your country and your MoDs is.
again, when talked on facts of the current situation of India china you will bring some other topic to derail this thread....if you have nothing to say then you are welcome to stay quite.

its over with you.... next?
Yeah. You won all wars and you are posting it from Dhaka or may be Tiger Hill.

Lol, I am posting from the U.S....may be you are posting from Lahore or Mirpur? Oh wait, 7x larger india couldnt take those and was defeated 14km outside lahore city and had to withdraw from their state objective of "Lahore Garrison"----ending up signing a stalemate agreement with a 7x smaller country :lol:

About Dhaka, due to geography and political reasons---we decided to give them independence on our own. So I couldn't post from there....


Although, before that happened----our 50k expeditionary force made sure Dhaka/Bangladesh went from ~20% Hindu to ~10% Hindu, and that strategic decimation of Hindus is permanent now :azn: Bangladesh is a 90% Muslim country today (used to be 75% in 1951 post-independence). Another strategic victory for us in the centuries-old Hindu-Muslim struggle in the subcontinent. Alhamdulillah for that.

Its okay though----you can try your luck in some tactical ops....I'm sure on of these days weak indians will luck out and pull a better result in tactical confrontation than what they usually end up with---like below lol


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