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Indian Army Lied to Indians about Situation in Ladakh

indians are fking liars! if abhi dint fell into our laps these shitty liars would have unleashed spin masters and would have convinced their idiotic people that they have capture Pakistan!!

sad sad low iq bakhts;

Just appreciation thread for you for exposing a lie of your army

And what treatment is this?

View attachment 636985

Doesn't look much different than gau rakshak treatment. What you say??

China has the golden opportunity to take over all of ladakh , west is busy with Corona
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Why is a known multiple id troll allowed to troll around?
Why is a known multiple id troll allowed to troll around?
he brigs entertainment value to pdf! more traffic from india more money for webmaster! like his ancestors who were allowed to live because they served a purpose they were good at cleaning horae shit so they survived by cleaning horse shit!

indians are fking amazing!

We're they only beaten looking at their condition it looks like Indians were sodomized too

China has the golden opportunity to take over all of ladakh , west is busy with Corona
china has no interest or intention to takeover ladakh they are just doing what hackers called penetration testing they poked india just to see how india and her daddy amrila responses and the response been weak now they are confident that india can easily be tamed because western daddys wont come to save india and china wont have to fight a huge war!

who doesnt like easy victory?
But their numbers were surely multiple
No approximately equal numbers. In addition to the one captured 3 other Chinese were also injured but managed to get back to their lines

Injuries were less??

I can see the pajeet in extreme left of the picture all red in blood

How is it less?
He lost far less blood than the Chinese guy who was in a coma.

Have seen some videos circulating in certain Pakistani circles, Chinese are kicking ***.
No such videos exist.
Few weeks ago there were reports of Indian troopers getting detained by PLA

Indian army denied it


Then today this video of indian soldiers in detention appeared on social media

View attachment 636967

And the famous Multiple ID Rat of PDF @silent_poison has confirmed that this incident happened in May before denial of Indian army and hence confirmed that Indian Army lied to Indians about this detention of Indian soldier by PLA

View attachment 636974

It is interesting to note that same multiple ID rat claimed that pic of Indian soldiers detention is 7 years old but changed his position later

View attachment 636975

Have you noticed that Indian establishment is using the Gorkhas as cannon fodders just like theycm use them on LOC.

Nepal needs to put an end to this practice since it is now in Chinese camp.
Indian army are cowards for not fighting back or defending their position. I would respect them more if they held their ground and resisted. But to have another army come in and you let them detain you and tie your soldiers up like medieval prisoners is really embarassing for a country that invests $55+ billion in its military budget each year. Indian army cowards should refund the Indian tax payer if they are not going go provide defense services.

What a cowardly country and army. This means India is only brave against countries smaller than its size like Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
I wonder where are all the sunny deols, ajay devgans who can rescue Hindutva army's bezati. this is a utter humiliation for howdee moti jee, and they are dreaming of taking GB:cuckoo:
Actually in that video those Indian sticks did not even dent the truck. Some guys are talking like they destroyed the APC when they could only hurt their wrists when beating it with their sticks. You can even see the truck did not dent except one Indian guy broke one light. Then the truck backed away because there were too many Indian soldiers. The Chinese beating up the multiple soldiers where many sources say there were 72 Indian soldiers captured and recorded for evidence if India wants to continue the drama. I think who is beaten is the side where 72 soldiers or at least 5 shown in photos were beaten and tied up. This is comparing to one Chinese soldier being attacked by a group. When the Indian group meet a Chinese group, the Indian group is bloody and tied up. You can only rape women and show bravery behind a keyboard. Do this evil and you get response in face of equal opposition. Also with this case, even you guys say it is Indian military who intrude to Chinese side because Indians are brave and have superior fighting force. So this is not even China attacking India where we can say yes bad guy is China. It is India going inside China according to Indian members here. So if you are the intruder and you beat up one guy using a dozen, how can anyone give you empathy when it is you who started intrusion and you who started beating one guy. If you suggest the beating of the Chinese guy is after when the five Indian soldiers on photgraph is shown, then please prove it is after. Don't keep telling us because it seems to me the Chinese side eventually come to collect their man and you can see them approaching from distance and after that is more likely when Chinese side tied up the Indian soldiers. But this is my guess and may be untrue.
No approximately equal numbers. In addition to the one captured 3 other Chinese were also injured but managed to get back to their lines

He lost far less blood than the Chinese guy who was in a coma.

No such videos exist.

Seen them, they were sent by PLA soldiers.
Indian army hadn't also announced in public that they beat up Chinese troops and damaged a Chinese APC.
One Chinese trooper was on verge of death (almost got Gaurakshak dal style treatment)
Instead of “how dare you call me a
Multiple ID rat” like any decent human being - you instead go off on one trying to justify what you in fact lied about and got caught out. Fascinating mindset.
Rats today will be feeling offended

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