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Indian Army Lied to Indians about Situation in Ladakh

He lost far less blood than the Chinese guy who was in a coma.


Idiot everyone can see the Chinese moving in that video. Use your eyes and not your as$ to watch that video

What is interesting is that these people are deliberately supporting Chinese narrative against India, just to protect Modi.


Can't blame these two bit trolls

Even Indian army is doing the same

Modi jee first. India second

Instead of “how dare you call me a
Multiple ID rat” like any decent human being - you instead go off on one trying to justify what you in fact lied about and got caught out. Fascinating mindset.
Rats today will be feeling offended

He knows that he is a multiple ID rat and can't even deny it
He want that type of treatment for their soldiers at border with China.
Every time I see this pic , I curse Indira Gadhi. Imagine 93k Pakistani faces being kicked towards border with blood on their mouths.

We were extremely foolish to let them go for nothing. Imagine the humiliation we could have caused them had we sent them naked on donkeys back to pakistan. But that Btch Indira failed to get anything right and now we have this.
Every time I see this pic , I curse Indira Gadhi. Imagine 93k Pakistani faces being kicked towards border with blood on their mouths.

We were extremely foolish to let them go for nothing. Imagine the humiliation we could have caused them had we sent them naked on donkeys back to pakistan. But that Btch Indira failed to get anything right and now we have this.
First of all number of soldiers are far less 93k with Govt staff and other Pakistanis....Secondly it is very hard to feed such large numbers plus security issue....If we were in taken them back Indira would sent them by herself.

They were fed polluted food...once they returned they have kidney stones and other illnesses....My uncle was also war prisoner...he was capt at that time and after return till now he have stones but due to some medication he avoid surgery. Now he is retired Major and narrates horror of prison camps.
Your army is not saint but people who beat Abhinondon were civilians and a night before their village bombard by Indian army despite that our army men saved him from angry crowd...fed him well with full medical facilities and when he returned they gave him branded cloths.
Casualties of War, reality of conflict. Soldiers are cannon fodder, the strategic outcome of skirmishes is more important. At this moment china has invaded indian occupied kashmir.
he brigs entertainment value to pdf! more traffic from india more money for webmaster! like his ancestors who were allowed to live because they served a purpose they were good at cleaning horae shit so they survived by cleaning horse shit!


Multiple ID rat is dumb as a rock but he sure brings a lot of comedy and entertainment to this forum :lol:

Seems like a 10 year old

Even a 10 year old has a better IQ than multiple ID rat
Lol. It's back to cheering the Chinese week.

PAF defeated and humiliated india worldwide last year. Now, the Chinese are doing it as we speak.

We are enjoying india getting 'bambood' up its arse from all sides :lol:

While Pakistan matches and even dominates the escalation ladder with 7x bigger country, india literally gives up and pull their pants down right away when facing equal size China. No wonder Hindus have been the most defeated, humiliated, and conquered people of the Earth. Even Sub-Saharan Africans show a more fighting spirit than Bharat versha that have only lost its civilizational footprint and got restricted to just one small country today.

Chinese literally flushed Indian pride by revealing these pictures of tied up, beaten down Indian soldiers after PLA took over your territory and still holds it unchallenged :rofl:

@silent_poison is more like Iraq Bob at this point :lol:
When is ever Indian Army ever spoke truth....its a lie machine.

IA and IAF didnot even accept Abhinandan plane Mig 21 Bison was shot down earlier, later when Indian pilot made POW and paraded they finally ahad to accept the humilation.

Again indian media news showed another plane Su30 Mki shot down by PAF, they later removed the video.

Indian army at first didnot admit they lost Kargil war, surrounded by Pak Army on peak...later now when Pakistan showed evidence of captured peaks still in Pakistani hands and loosing more soldiers their honest Generals finally accepted it.
Every time I see this pic , I curse Indira Gadhi. Imagine 93k Pakistani faces being kicked towards border with blood on their mouths.

We were extremely foolish to let them go for nothing. Imagine the humiliation we could have caused them had we sent them naked on donkeys back to pakistan. But that Btch Indira failed to get anything right and now we have this.

Lmao, your frustrations and humiliation is understandable. Pakistan won in all wars against India on Western front. 7x larger india couldn't achieve a clear victory against a much smaller enemy. Pakistani forces outfought numerically larger indians....and when india faced its equal in size China, it literally got arse r@ped. Your military record is laughably bad.

Even your own ex-military officers accept it :lol:


Regarding 71 war, that too was WON by Pakistan when the war is seen in Hindu-Muslim background (the whole reason of partition to begin with).

First off, 71 was more of a civil-war between two Muslim groups. Indian army helped one Muslim side (Bengalis) against another Muslim side. I don't really count civil wars for much....but if we go by Indian sources and narrative (which I don't believe btw), even in 71---superior Pakistan military utterly cucked Hindus.

In Islamic-Hindu context (not just Indo-Pak), 71 war was complete Islamic victory over Hindus. It created a new Muslim-state on world map and decimated Hindus in East Bengal who were living there for 1000+ years.

According to Indian scholars/researchers: 2.47 MILLION Hindus went unaccounted for during 71 war and refugee crisis etc. Pakistan had decided to liberate Bangladesh on its own even before the war began (Henry Kessinger confirms it). But before we did that, we sent in our military and DECIMATED Hindus forever. Hindus went from 22% of Bangladesh to 8% today, largely because of Pakistani military offensive.

Afterwards, 50k Pakistani troops came out unscathed due to Shimla agreement (93k number includes civil administration as well, so inaccurate)----whereby Pakistan even kept the Indian territory it gained as a result of Pakistani victory at Chamb sector offensive.

So all in all: Pakistan decided to give independence to Bangladesh (as confirmed by Henry Kissenger himself). But before we did so, we went in----decimated Hindus in their millions, our military action caused Bangladesh to become 90% Muslim today, we did not pay any price for our strategic military decimation of Hindus, and instead got to keep Indian territory in critical Chamb sector as well.

Sounds like a strategic victory to me, tell me with a straight face its not? :D We decided to give Bangladesh independence on our own and before we did so----we reduced Hindus from 20% to near 10% in a matter of few months via our expeditionary force. You did not even punish a single Pakistani officer for their actions in Bangladesh.

Not only Bangladesh, Pakistan also played a critical role in decimating Soviet Union in Afghan War (Soviet helped india at the UN in 1971), and hence bringing 4,000,000 sq km land into Islamic control. Pakistan's this achievement alone is bigger than ANY Hindu achievement geopolitically for past 5000 years. You couldn't even save Hindu monarchy in Nepal (a small country surrounded by you). China-backed Communits over-threw Hindu Monarchy in Nepal in 2006 and you couldn't do jack about it. Remember? :lol:

You were, are, and will always remain our inferiors when it comes to war-fighting ability and fighting spirit. You can blame Indhira all you want. Won't change much
The otherside can even twisted 27 Feb into a "victory" when their pilot was captured infront of the world, later somehow became a national hero (Indian's logic) and shot down its own heli, what can we expected more from them?
In this incident, mobing up on a lision man and the officer almost lost control of his solider,yet none of them feeled shame but cheering like no tommorow when the video released, only for a half day though.

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