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Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

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The calmness is eerie, it gives an impression that its common practice to kill daari walas.

I agree... having a beard is the right of only Muslims, no one else!

And the calm is indeed very eerie, but those stupids... they showed such a sudden rush of adrenaline, just gave it away! :rolleyes:
The video shows only a man trapped under rubble and killed by IA for being a daari wala.

Can't help it if he had a beard, can they?

That's a way of recognizing someone they were fighting, from under the rubble.
Not during an active COIN operation......

that is not an excuse for murder, there is no excuse for a murder even in COIN...not that this operation can even be classified as CoIN anway......your defence of this murder is not making sense, let alone the fact that you lose just by trying to defend this murder.

The law of armed conflict requires that, to use force, "combatants" must distinguish individuals presenting a threat from innocent civilians. This basic principle is accepted by all disciplined militaries. In the counterinsurgency, disciplined application of force is even more critical because our enemies camouflage themselves in the civilian population. Our success in Iraq depends on our ability to treat the civilian population with humanity and dignity, even as we remain ready to immediately defend ourselves or Iraqi civilians when a threat is detected.[6]
If you continue to act like a third world army and expect to have some kind of world standing, look at this clip and how the world will perceive it. It is pretty straight forward that the man was out of the fight and then murdered when he could pose no threat. Condemn how your army has just taken you to be compared to a third rate army somewhere in somalia. You cannot even begin the journey out of that ditch of third world mental poverty if you continue to back your army for every insane act they perform. Same goes for Pakistan and if you do not condemn individual acts of barbarity which go against the code of a professional army.
If you continue to act like a third world army and expect to have some kind of world standings, look at this clip and how the world will perceive it. It is pretty straight forward that the man was out of the fight and then murdered when he could pose no threat. Condemn how your army has just taken you to be compared to a third rate army somewhere in somalia. You cannot even begin the journey out of that ditch of third world mental poverty if you continue to back your army for every insane act they perform. Same goes for Pakistan and if you do not condemn individual acts of barbarity which go against the code of a professional army.

i notice and feel the defence from the indian side is not the defence of the indian army per se, they are not saying "the indian army is a professional army and this is a one off bad incident etc etc2..... but the defence of the right to kill under some guise of anti-terror, hence who will be the victims of this?
He was a terrorist and got stuck under rubble during an encounter - on being asked for name he just kept begging to be pulled out, one of the soldiers identifies him as one of the terrorists they are after and when he does some suspicious movement as in reaching for a suicide vest, the soldiers shoot him - nothing wrong in what happened at all - and btw this was in 2011 and the news was released by NDTV. - here's the actual clip of the incident.

The shot man was Ehsaan Bhai - a JEM commander from Pakistan

Caught on Camera : Army killed trapped militant Video: NDTV.com
I think as Bang Galore said in one of his previous post, you cannot be sure whether that 'dari wala' is a suicide bomber. So it is better to kill him than get blown 'rescuing' him.
After Mumbai Drama secret open and now this video on on PDF become funny... seriously these Indians on PDF are ****** ***** now hhahahahahhaha slapp ontheir faces!
that is not an excuse for murder, there is no excuse for a murder even in COIN...not that this operation can even be classified as CoIN anway......your defence of this murder is not making sense, let alone the fact that you lose just by trying to defend this murder.

He was not a civilian. He was identified as a threat & dealt with accordingly. You are the one behaving oddly, they brought the house down to kill him. SOP in such situations is to take no risks with identified militants.
If you continue to act like a third world army and expect to have some kind of world standing, look at this clip and how the world will perceive it. It is pretty straight forward that the man was out of the fight and then murdered when he could pose no threat. Condemn how your army has just taken you to be compared to a third rate army somewhere in somalia. You cannot even begin the journey out of that ditch of third world mental poverty if you continue to back your army for every insane act they perform. Same goes for Pakistan and if you do not condemn individual acts of barbarity which go against the code of a professional army.

If you applied that in Pakistan with your army, you wouldn't be bothering us with this sort of lectures. No threat? He chose to fight when challenged, who on earth is going to risk blown up by this guy in order to fulfill your criteria . This is standard SOP. If you haven't figured out before now, tough.
An utterly absurd and malicious title.

This man is a confirmed TERRORIST. This is NOT during an earthquake but the IA has brought the entire structure down on this scumbag's head after a prolonged firefight. This is a tactic the IA have been using to great effect in the valley.

Arguably the soldiers' actions are questionable- shooting dead a trapped man but I honestly have no doubt that had any other proffesional soldier from around the world been present-they'd have done the exact same thing.

How do you know the same guy who was shooting at you mere minuets ago and is now laung trapped doesn't have weapons with him? How do you know you won't pull him out only to find him clutching a few hand few hand granades with their pins missing? Or wearing a suicide vest? Or touting an AK?

The world is better off wihout this peice if rubbish around.......

This vid is years old and was discussed to death on this very site.
I had posted this in the seniors cafe but apparently the mods did not see fit to publish this post.

The man's religion had ZERO to do wih anything- I can not believe such BS is tolerated here.

He wasn't FIRING he was trapped in rubble. You have to take him into custody, prove that he was firing in a court of law. Like this, they can even kill you and say you were at some unseen unrecorded time, with no evidence were firing at IA. Where is the court system?

Lol- because this is the world we live in? All fairness and justice!

Are you being wilfully ignorant?
If you applied that in Pakistan with your army, you wouldn't be bothering us with this sort of lectures. No threat? He chose to fight when challenged, who on earth is going to risk blown up by this guy in order to fulfill your criteria . This is standard SOP. If you haven't figured out before now, tough.

If you actually believe that any sort of explosive was seen before giving the order to murder an unarmed militant then you have no idea about what SOP stands for. It sounds more unprofessional having live explosives and standing around like idiots around the scene of the supposed blast. That is when IED experts and sappers are called in to first get rid of the threat. No one clearing the spot and business as usual indicates there were no explosives.

When have I not "lectured" my own army of carrying extra judicial killings? The murder of unarmed militants from our army have surfaced and they were as despicable as seeing this. Welcome to South East Asia.
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