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Indian army kills man trapped in rubble after finding out he's Muslim

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In the Seniors Café it was confirmed that this man was shot during an anti terrorist operation after he was identified as an infiltrator
Right! But unfortunately these 'juniors' cannot access the 'Seniors Cafe' and so will keep spouting nonsense and make a huge huge issue out of this.

This bozo was a terrorist caught up under the rubble of what was left of the militants hideout after it was blasted by the IA. He was trying to escape whilst firing at the soldiers. The IA found him and knocked the fook out of him before he could cause any damage. You either kill or get killed.

That's what happens to these yahoos of the LeT, Hafiz Saeed's army of idiots! And Pakistan's Establishment banks on these useless a$$holes to deliver Kashmir to them? :woot: :omghaha: Jeeez!
huh....so there is no concept of a trial, justice, human rights...?

Yes, yes- because that's what ISAF are doing in Afghanistan, that's what the US drones are doing in FATA, that's what the PA is doing with the TTP, that's what the UK did with the Republicans in N.Ireland, that's SL did with the LTTE, that's what the Soviets did in Afghanistan etc etc

Of course all these cases are irrelevant. Because we are talking about the INDIAN army, they must somehow behave in an angelic fashion and be behind reproach?

Once again- wilful in ignorance because we are talking about Indian troops here.

Of course- why didn't these troops who had just been on the receiving end of this guy and his mates' firing, simply pull him out (because,naturally, they are expert urban SAR specialists and not hardened combat troops), put him in the CO's vehicle and drive him down to Goa for a nice relaxing break?

It's not as if this man had come to India with the intent to kill innocents and Indian troops- is it?

Can you see the absurdity in what your are saying???
If you actually believe that any sort of explosive was seen before giving the order to murder an unarmed militant then you have no idea about what SOP stands for. It sounds more unprofessional having live explosives and standing around like idiots around the scene of the supposed blast. That is when IED experts and sappers are called in to first get rid of the threat. No one clearing the spot and business as usual indicates there were no explosives.

When have I not "lectured" my own army of carrying extra judicial killings? The murder of unarmed militants from our army have surfaced and they were as despicable as seeing this. Welcome to South East Asia.

Err...grenades are very effective and have been used before. You do realise that they were trying to establish identity, to see if there was anyone else who might have been trapped. Once identified, you saw the urgency. That was precisely because of the worry of some last bit effort from the man.
Great work . Fighting IA equals to Signing your own Death warrant .
He was not a civilian. He was identified as a threat & dealt with accordingly. You are the one behaving oddly, they brought the house down to kill him. SOP in such situations is to take no risks with identified militants.

this now makes even less sense...

last post you said it was a COIN operation...you didnt explain how can it be defined as such, and even if it was possible an execution is not allowed.

secondly, based on what indian laws is it permissible to just summarily execute someone, even if they are a militant for what reason do you actually kill him?
Yes, yes- because that's what ISAF are doing in Afghanistan, that's what the US drones are doing in FATA, that's what the PA is doing with the TTP, that's what the UK did with the Republicans in N.Ireland, that's SL did with the LTTE, that's what the Soviets did in Afghanistan etc etc

Of course all these cases are irrelevant. Because we are talking about the INDIAN army, they must somehow behave in an angelic fashion and be behind reproach?

Once again- wilful in ignorance because we are talking about Indian troops here.

Of course- why didn't these troops who had just been on the receiving end of this guy and his mates' firing, simply pull him out (because,naturally, they are expert urban SAR specialists and not hardened combat troops), put him in the CO's vehicle and drive him down to Goa for a nice relaxing break?

It's not as if this man had come to India with the intent to kill innocents and Indian troops- is it?

Can you see the absurdity in what your are saying???

i dont understand, does your first para sarcastically suggest that there is indeed no justice, law and human rights in the cited conflicts?

in any case, i just asked a simple question, not answered directly....was there no concept of due process? law and order?

what should have happened if the book was followed.....i dont think an execution.
OP- You probably did a mistake by closing my thread and making this available for public.
I raised some points, and I need answers to them.

OrionHunter- Don't bring up this case, it has been proven on this very forum, that a weapon was conceives and he accepted the allegations of armed robbery. The complete uncut video where this was said has been posted, and the soldier was following SOP, which is the same as any other army in the world.

Don't justify your ethical murder with SOP.
this now makes even less sense...

last post you said it was a COIN operation...you didnt explain how can it be defined as such, and even if it was possible an execution is not allowed.

secondly, based on what indian laws is it permissible to just summarily execute someone, even if they are a militant for what reason do you actually kill him?

This was an active operation. You have just seen the last 5 minutes of it. What happens in such operations is this: IA troops, acting on intelligence, target the house that the militant is hiding in. He is challenged & asked to surrender. If he refuses, based on how the house is positioned, the house is brought down with explosives, usually killing the militant. The aim of the operation, once the militant refuses to surrender, is to eliminate him quickly without loss. Any person who refused a call for surrender is seen as dangerous and won't get any quarter. In such cases, on earlier occasions, soldiers have been lost when the injured/dying man threw grenades or blew himself up. Even militants presumed dead are shot again to be sure. Someone alive would get no mercy in such a scenario.
One question

Will Pakistani react same if the man trapped would be TTP gunman and Solider would belong to PA?
what, lol....how do you even know any of this for sure? a minute ago it was a coin operation!

in any case, any professional army has defined rules and limits.....i am just curious to know what they were, to me it seems like a serious breach.

Err... do you think this was the only operation like this ?? :cuckoo:
One question

Will Pakistani react same if the man trapped would be TTP gunman and Solider would belong to PA?

its not relevant, who cares, i wouldnt want them to in case you are wondering.

interrogate him, find information, give him due process, and maybe he might end up dead, or as good as dead (long time in jail) anyway.

theres this notion that you need to kill each one of these terrorists, and the solution is that there is a finite pool of them, and each death is a loss to their numbers....not true is it...

if only more effort was spent on killing the funding, the support and help these terrorists get...that means drugs, black market weapons, black ops and foreign intelligence agencies - only problem is most governments are neck deep in this anyway....

Err... do you think this was the only operation like this ?? :cuckoo:

operation like what general saab? you dont know what it is yourself :lol:
nonsense argument, there is no secularism vs religion argument here, you just conjured it up.

just like this non-sequitur of "compulsions of security".

what, lol....how do you even know any of this for sure? a minute ago it was a coin operation!

in any case, any professional army has defined rules and limits.....i am just curious to know what they were, to me it seems like a serious breach.

Ok -- but in case you are interested:

the soldiers kill him because he was 'bearded' and obviously a Muslim.
Last Hope

Well thats secularism for you, anyone with a beard is a terrorist. I am just glad that i live in Pakistan, i will not be discriminated based upon my religious beliefs.
Notorious Eagle

B]Whoever he is, they just identified him as a daari wala and shot him! Is that the qualification of a terrorist that IA has been killing in all these years?[/B] This is appalling behavior. UN has sanctioned wars for far less gross human rights violations, this is something that cannot go unpunished!

Secularism dude.. Dharhi wala aadmi..

RIP to the freedom-fighter.
Lat Hope
operation like what general saab? you dont know what it is yourself :lol:

Do you really believe that those soldiers were doing this for the first time? That he was the only militant taken out? This is standard practice to deal with militants holed up in houses. The wasn't the first time & it certainly won't be the last.
The people who are saying this video is of an operation and they really wanted to kill the guy should watch this video again. For those pretending to not understand the content I'll write it down here:

Victim: Bachao, Nikalo mujhe (Save me, pull me out)
Army officer A: haan haan nikaal rahay hain (Yes, yes, we're pulling you out)
Army officer B: Yeh toh Daari wala hai (He's a guy with a beard)
Army Officer C: Daari wala hai? (He has a beard?)

They shoot him then.

IF they had intended to blow up a house of militants, they wouldn't have then come to rescue them. This is clearly the case of Indian army going around saving only hindus of an area and killing the rest as fake militant encounters as it is their standard practice and has been proven on a number of occassions. Shame on them and they must be punished.
The people who are saying this video is of an operation and they really wanted to kill the guy should watch this video again. For those pretending to not understand the content I'll write it down here:

Victim: Bachao, Nikalo mujhe (Save me, pull me out)
Army officer A: haan haan nikaal rahay hain (Yes, yes, we're pulling you out)
Army officer B: Yeh toh Daari wala hai (He's a guy with a beard)
Army Officer C: Daari wala hai? (He has a beard?)

They shoot him then.

IF they had intended to blow up a house of militants, they wouldn't have then come to rescue them. This is clearly the case of Indian army going around saving only hindus of an area and killing the rest as fake militant encounters as it is their standard practice and has been proven on a number of occassions. Shame on them and they must be punished.

Ok. If that makes you feel better then I guess you will dispute the veracity of the IA reports as being a cover up post the incident. In that event I also guess that you refuse to accept the logic of the arguments presented by Indian members here. it will accordingly be futile counter arguing your points
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