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Indian army gives green signal for the release of video footage of surgical strikes

Again,where military takes orders specially in India even if they have to buy boots govt has to approve.

They have cleared the proof which can be shown to the public and its up to the govt when to release it to the public.25 important countries have already been shown the proof.

It depends bro,if someone closes his eyes and pretends to be seeing then there is no chance of seeing anything,and if people empty the useless files in the brain which makes the brain imagine things like someone coming on a white horse and a sword....can see it.
I can turn around and ask you the same thing? CNN, BBC, State department US no one acknowledged anything about the strikes. Now you will ask me whats the fuss when Pakistan thinks there was no strike? So first things first India is claiming to have done strikes in Pakistan. Pakistan as a nation has to defend itself that it ain't happen and bring it to the light that it was all propaganda. Now look at your parliament and other ministers and a few media outlets are questioning the strikes, this is due to us refuting India's claim. India did not hesitate to claim the strike and now when people are asking for the evidence they are saying it will compromise the mission, what logic is that why would you claim it in the first place even if it was done (hypothetically) and then your DGMO said they will do a press briefing later in the evening where he would provide the videos and explain how it took place lol. Im still waiting for that briefing..

Anyways let me close the argument by saying that you cannot hold someone guilty until unless you provide some sort of evidence. I am referring to the launch pads that India has supposedly destroyed.

Good Day
Pakistan Zindabad.
Why would Indian army give permission and instead of making the "video public", they would make the "news" public?

Don't resale "permission", release "evidence" instead. :lol:
so finally bollywood stupid editors done that clip ? its too late man

It dosent take 3 months to fake some footage

I guess soon there will be something like " MODI KI VINES " and it will produce funny clips on Surgical strikes, Isolating Pakistan etc. :P

Oh man this is getting boring now, it will be carefully scripted Bollywood movie, obviously it takes time to produce, but to entertain Indian masses.

Who is the director and who's the editor and who the writer of this clip?



Suspense. :D

Just imagine it's prove the authenticity of the strike, it will ruin your party who claimed nothing happened. Pakistani media going to get the same slap like Indian media who were claiming Russian not coming for the exercise in Pakistan. Lets wait who gets the slap and humiliation this time.

Just imagine it's prove the authenticity of the strike, it will ruin your party who claimed nothing happened. Pakistani media going to get the same slap like Indian media who were claiming Russian not coming for the exercise in Pakistan. Lets wait who gets the slap and humiliation this time.

Like India and its army and its people imagined the sir-ji-kal strike?

Just imagine it's prove the authenticity of the strike, it will ruin your party who claimed nothing happened. Pakistani media going to get the same slap like Indian media who were claiming Russian not coming for the exercise in Pakistan. Lets wait who gets the slap and humiliation this time.
Good reply but the question is whats taking them so long? Keeping India in mind I can safely say it was a bluff, they never leave the slightest chance to harm Pakistan image in the world, I mean they dream day and night over getting Pakistan declared a terrorist state this would have re-enforced their years worth of screaming and sweating of hardwork in a blink. o_O
Aviato post: 8772322 said:
NEW DELHI: India’s armed forces have given the green signal to the government to use the video footage of the surgical strikes against terror camps in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) in any manner it sees fit to make New Delhi’s case.

The final decision on this rests with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

Top army officers, speaking off record, told ET that the army is keen that India release evidence that will answer those alleging the strikes never happened.
< ..

Read more at:

Now we all know pakistani try to convenience there ego1st they tell modi cnt able to do anything Thn surgical strike happens Thn they say there was not any surgical strike and ask fr proof so, now when Indian army giving thm proof now started defferent thing like a fake vedio and all that same on u stop following ur leader its better fr u nd ur country.....
India has done surgical strikes or not, Indian govt claim for the satisfaction of the people and Indian people were satisfy by this claim. Now why you guy disturb Indian people?
[QUOTE="Citizen of Pakistan, post: 8773047, member:]Good reply but the question is whats taking them so long? Keeping India in mind I can safely say it was a bluff, they never leave the slightest chance to harm Pakistan image in the world, I mean they dream day and night over getting Pakistan declared a terrorist state this would have re-enforced their years worth of screaming and sweating of hardwork in a blink. o_O[/QUOTE]

Coz India.Is a responsible country its not like Pakistan. India NT released the vedio that tym coz at that time both side r heat up with war mongouring if vedio came up Pakistan r gone pressure to do same on type of strike or war on India nd if it happen India retaliate with most devastating manner so there was war start in between 2 nuclear state, bt now both sides r cool down so it's good tym...

Just imagine it's prove the authenticity of the strike, it will ruin your party who claimed nothing happened. Pakistani media going to get the same slap like Indian media who were claiming Russian not coming for the exercise in Pakistan. Lets wait who gets the slap and humiliation this time.
India who uaed this fake strike to divert attention from Kashmir
[QUOTE="Citizen of Pakistan, post: 8773047, member:]Good reply but the question is whats taking them so long? Keeping India in mind I can safely say it was a bluff, they never leave the slightest chance to harm Pakistan image in the world, I mean they dream day and night over getting Pakistan declared a terrorist state this would have re-enforced their years worth of screaming and sweating of hardwork in a blink. o_O

Coz India.Is a responsible country its not like Pakistan. India NT released the vedio that tym coz at that time both side r heat up with war mongouring if vedio came up Pakistan r gone pressure to do same on type of strike or war on India nd if it happen India retaliate with most devastating manner so there was war start in between 2 nuclear state, bt now both sides r cool down so it's good tym...[/QUOTE]

LOL then why were you guys in a hurry to claim it in the first place? As your DGMO said he called to inform Pakistan about it and then he came on the media claiming it then saying we will do a detailed press briefing?

The world is not buying that topi/lollypop whatever u wanna call it that your media is selling to your people in india.
@ Indian members I told you guys when we release the film they will claim it's doctored.

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