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Indian army gives green signal for the release of video footage of surgical strikes

Hey why dont we change the title of this and other similar threads to "Sir-je, kal?" strikes ??
Just wanted to give you a banana for your hanuman army!!!
Do you have any idea Who is Hanuman his stregth, leadership qualities, strength etccc and the list goes to infinity...Actually when all ofthis was written people were evaluated on their performance than false rhetoric...
Do you have any idea Who is Hanuman his stregth, leadership qualities, strength etccc and the list goes to infinity...Actually when all ofthis was written people were evaluated on their performance than false rhetoric...

I apologize if I take this to a level where religion is involved!!!
No Sir, I have always taken Lord Hanuman as a means of strength, delivering more than your abilities and actually it works you do great things when you take inspirations from Gods...
This is absolute BS nearly all media outlets from America and UK and france have questioned the so called surgical strike claims by the Indian army after they were taken to the LOC to show the ground realities on Azad Kashmir last weekend..

Even the best army in the world USAF left a helicopter, thousands of rounds of bullets, other explosive material like used rocket shells etc when they carried out their surgical operation against OSB. yet the indians come and leave no clue not even one bullet mark on the building or trees in these areas.

Modi is lying and the Indians can't phantom the thought that they've been lied to them by the government and media.
Just to prove india wrong u are Proudly accepting that osama was given shelter in pakistan and usa killed him right under the nose of pak forces...
Making and promotional work has been done know army thinks its the right time to release the movie
And what should be the name of this movie any recommendations ?? :D :D
Pakistan is first country which wants proof of its HUMILIATION... why didnt u asked usa to provide proof of laden killing... worlds most asshole terrorist hiding in most peacefull country... pakistan...
and you're the first country which is getting humiliated infront of the whole world but you aren't providing proofs? what happened bollywood script writers not working for you? and reported for taking this thread off topic.
@Moonlight @Zibago
Pakistan is first country which wants proof of its HUMILIATION... why didnt u asked usa to provide proof of laden killing... worlds most asshole terrorist hiding in most peacefull country... pakistan...

Then why don't you humiliate us by releasing the proof?? :P after all you are in no love with us
Dude, there's a reason why at the announcement of every operation, video evidence is produced right there and then during the announcement. More over, evidence is presented in a verifiable way, i.e. journalists can go and check the site themselves. This is the first time in the history of modern warfare where no evidence was presented, statements made by the military generals who supposedly planned and monitored these so called sirjikal strikes were refuted or backtracked by government ministers and more over, it was US who took a group of local and international journalists to the sites of these sitejikal strikes to show them that aside from a few bullet holes due to the normal cross border shelling, there is no evidence of anything, no signs of explosions, no signs of heavy gunfire, no signs of anything. You can't blame us or the world for not believing you. There's a reason why in spite of being a nuclear flash point, everyone in the world is taking this lightly and ignoring it.

Even if you produce a "video" proof now, everyone is gonna take it with a truck load of salt if not completely ignore it. Why? Because you've had a week to doctor up a video. That's the reason all powers of the world present evidence right after it happens to avoid that time gap that will cast doubts on their claim.

I'm only explaining this to you in plain words cuz frankly speaking, I feel sorry for you indians right now struggling tooth and nail to not just convince us and the world but people within your country. What a pathetic state, lay nay kay day nay pad gaye.

say what????? so you mean to say for every successful op announcement govt around the world release video footage for the world and its people to believe?? where is OBL video?? US never released it saying it was too violent and gory..

secondly offcourse pakistan will do anything to show to its people that pa is still 1=10 vs indian amry... nothing new..
you should feel sorry for yourself.. where non of P5 countries utter a word against India for its claim.. not us nor china.. instead. there are handful of countries who supported india.. like russia and korea..
told you... you believe what you want.. we will what we want..
I don't want the video to be released as It will show the operational working and capability of the army. Also it will become humiliation for the PA. But they don't care. It will only prop more fuel to their words that India will become aggressor.

A major issue will be sale of drones like guardian to india which this proof will make it difficult.
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