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Indian army gives green signal for the release of video footage of surgical strikes

No i am on the topic only... if u are asking for proof then u should ask usa also... if not then accept that pakistan was giving shelter to osama...
When Americans are not accusing us of sheltering Osama so who the hell are u to ask us this
And Osama's presence in abbotabad was Pakistan's intelligence failure and american intelligence failure too
And that incident has nothing to do with your fake surgical strikes so dont try to mix up things
I don't want the video to be released as It will show the operational working and capability of the army. Also it will become humiliation for the PA. But they don't care. It will only prop more fuel to their words that India will become aggressor.
A major issue will be sale of drones like guardian to india which this proof will make it difficult.
No need to release footage
If you people are able to show the images of launch pads / buildings taht were hit it will work as a un deniable
I don't want the video to be released as It will show the operational working and capability of the army. Also it will become humiliation for the PA. But they don't care. It will only prop more fuel to their words that India will become aggressor.

A major issue will be sale of drones like guardian to india which this proof will make it difficult.
:lol::rofl::suicide::suicide2:this is your SIR G KAL strike prove
Just to prove india wrong u are Proudly accepting that osama was given shelter in pakistan and usa killed him right under the nose of pak forces...

Now you are spouting nonsense, he did not say anything of that sort, he is saying that even with the best sf, with all the abilities the USA has it still left $hite load of forensic data that pointed to an attack. The US version is that this occurred under the noses of the PK military when in fact it occurred in collusion with the PK military.

Look it is entirely possible that India did manage to carry out these attacks but the evidence is so thin that it is almost akin to India not having carried out the attack. OK losses have occurred but all it has done is hand the Kashmiris another reason to despise you. It also means PK can now paint India as an aggressor nation and brings Kashmir into the lens of the world.

In the mean time the PK army will be looking for some payback. just don't cry to daddy when it happens.
When Americans are not accusing us of sheltering Osama so who the hell are u to ask us this
And Osama's presence in abbotabad was Pakistan's intelligence failure and american intelligence failure too
And that incident has nothing to do with your fake surgical strikes so dont try to mix up things
No need to release footage
If you people are able to show the images of launch pads / buildings taht were hit it will work as a un deniable
That is true but definately it will have to be a reconnaissance video and will open the capabilities. Its definately not the way since this could be the one of the many moving forward.

:lol::rofl::suicide::suicide2:this is your SIR G KAL strike prove
Kal bhi hongi strikes Sir Gi.
Seriously? I'm very disappointed in indians, you guys need to wake up and realize that your spins and twists just won't work now. Your own elected officials are exposing and humiliating you now. Such a pathetic state of affairs...


Army recording fake exercises as evidence for Azad Kashmir strikes: Independent MLA Sheikh Abdul Rashid
By: PTI | Srinagar | Published: October 5, 2016 7:14 PM

Amid the growing clamour for making public the evidence of the recent surgical strikes by India on terror launch pads in Azad Kashmir, controversial Independent MLA Sheikh Abdul Rashid today said the Army was video graphing “fake exercises” in Leepa Valley near LoC to offer them as proof for the same.

The MLA from Langate in Kashmir’s Kupwara district claimed that since the last three days, the Army was making footage of fake strikes in Leepa Valley in his constituency in order to show them as proof of the surgical strikes.

“Fake targets are being made and I want to tell the whole world that if they show some proof, it is of Leepa and is fake and we can prove it,” he said.

He alleged that there had been no firing at two of the five places where the Army claimed that it conducted the strikes.

“Two of the five places are in my area. I tried to know from the people and to the best of my knowledge, there has been no firing there for the past 20 days,” the legislator said.

Alleging that the surgical strikes were a “drama to divert the attention from Kashmir”, which has been reeling under violence for around three months, Rashid asked the Army to not fall into the hands of politicians .

“You (Army) claim to be a credible organisation. You should not enact drama for politicians, by virtue of which your credibility may get lost,” he said.

The MLA said Pakistan took international media to the LoC to show them that no such strikes were carried out.

If India was truthful in its claims, they would have also done the same, he said.

He also asked India and Pakistan not to make Kashmir a “battleground” for their vested interests.

Meanwhile, Union Minister Hansraj Ahir said today that the Army has handed over to the government video clips of the cross-LoC surgical strikes as per laid down procedure.
Modi Government and IA should have never disclosed this info in public domain. I know there was public pressure to act but it's very immature on part of the government to hype these things up. Heavy cross border firing with casualties on Pak side would have tamed the public anger.

Covert ops should always be covert. Militant bodies raking up on other side of the border would have silently sent a clear signal to Pakistani deep state about our real intentions.
Moreover, the timing of the announcement couldn’t have been worse with elections due in some states.

This whole thing makes people skeptical. And as usual aaptards and other opposition parties are having a field day feeding off people's skepticism.
NEW DELHI: India’s armed forces have given the green signal to the government to use the video footage of the surgical strikes against terror camps in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) in any manner it sees fit to make New Delhi’s case.

The final decision on this rests with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

Top army officers, speaking off record, told ET that the army is keen that India release evidence that will answer those alleging the strikes never happened.
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its going to be total rape after Releasing. when no body excepting the Indian claim, then after releasing the video every one will check every second of that video very very closely, and a minor mistake will Rape India.
I defend it with logic if ur army had carried any surgical strike it had posted the proof etc as soon as it can to show its power but when they never did it they don't have any footage and proof so they have to go at drawing boards of Bollywood studios to create one fake footage

Top of it green or red signal by Indian army of releasing footage will have bug question marks if it's credibility

Name one military operation in the world, where a video of the op has been released within 24 hours of op ?
Name any special opp operation who's footage released after 10 days and no proofs on ground ever found and name that country who did special opp who had fake footage creating credibility as india has

Name any specific country which denied proofs of opertion conducted

If we accept American oops in abbotabad than why can't we accept your lies strike atleast it had given us right to blast few Indian posts too and you know we would have honoured to do it so are we stupid denyinv your ops and smoking that right to kick some Indians inside india

So where is logic even I'm sure you never release any due to you don't have anything credible or of you release Bollywood footage you fear it might blow on your face soyou can't run away for face saving keep denying proof
Twenty pages of pointless tu tu main main. So far the debate was about beliefs (both sides choosing to believe their respective Govt. versions) not evidence so there was no point to a discussion.
And even if the footage is released it will again be pointless as it is not going to be accepted by the other side.
Twenty pages of pointless tu tu main main. So far the debate was about beliefs (both sides choosing to believe their respective Govt. versions) not evidence so there was no point to a discussion.
And even if the footage is released it will again be pointless as it is not going to be accepted by the other side.
Negative. Us Pakistanis have been demanding evidence.
Name any special opp operation who's footage released after 10 days and no proofs on ground ever found and name that country who did special opp who had fake footage creating credibility as india has

Name any specific country which denied proofs of opertion conducted

If we accept American oops in abbotabad than why can't we accept your lies strike atleast it had given us right to blast few Indian posts too and you know we would have honoured to do it so are we stupid denyinv your ops and smoking that right to kick some Indians inside india

So where is logic even I'm sure you never release any due to you don't have anything credible or of you release Bollywood footage you fear it might blow on your face soyou can't run away for face saving keep denying proof
Proof was there but pak army destroyed it...they destroyed the posts with juggernauts..it was covered with rubble..journalists were taken there after 3 days
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