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Indian Army exercise near Pak border 60,000 soldiers, 200 tanks, Sukhoi-30

No doubt we will be watching and taking notes, being near the border will allow all our SIGINT assets to be trained on the area. Our various spooks will be very busy gathering intel.
Thats all india can do, conduct excercises near the border!!!!!!!

That’s were your wrong my friend. We conducted the exercises 47, 65, 71 and 99 all had tragic consequences for Pakistan are you wanting history to repeat itself. Yeah be on the border observing with your passive radars who cares that’s what you guys have been doing since partition (OBSERVING ), your results are futile.

Yea, perfect opportunity for IAF to practice SEAD missions near border. :moil:

That would provide an excellent opportunity for PAF to read, recod and log various RADIO & RADAR frequencies used by IAF. SEAD missions require ACTIVE RADAR sources, not PASSIVE readers, if you know the difference.
I know our intel people are looking forward to this, our SIGINT will allow us to monitor communications and allow us to learn key weaknesses in the indians ORBAT.
That would provide an excellent opportunity for PAF to read, recod and log various RADIO & RADAR frequencies used by IAF. SEAD missions require ACTIVE RADAR sources, not PASSIVE readers, if you know the difference.

#Intel will have a goldmine of information from this exercise - thanks to the bharti.
That would provide an excellent opportunity for PAF to read, recod and log various RADIO & RADAR frequencies used by IAF. SEAD missions require ACTIVE RADAR sources, not PASSIVE readers, if you know the difference.
I don't think you have any idea of our SEAD capabilities.
Radio communications, will be monitored and compared with library of thousands - which have been done with SIGINT - we can tell which unit is where, and the ORBAT, by using this system of comparing voices.
Radio communications, will be monitored and compared with library of thousands - which have been done with SIGINT - we can tell which unit is where, and the ORBAT, by using this system of comparing voices.

These Sukhoi's are most likely the new upgraded Su-30MKI fighters with Russian Phazotron Zhuk-AE Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars. The X-band AESA technology has improved performance and reliability compared with traditional mechanically scanned array radars. You just have to worry about the Novator K-100, Which is enough to deny Pakistan any airplay when Novator K-100 is directed at Pak Border. Your newly AEW&C would just have to make run for afghan border to just avoid hunted by Phalcon AWACS guiding k-100 towards PAF AEW&C :rofl:
Well Indians have every right to play pretend war on their side of the border, but when it comes to real war there is little to worry about.

Their capabilities are as hollow as were their threats for surgical strikes.
Thats all india can do, conduct excercises near the border!!!!!!!

95% Indian army, logistics and war machines are located on Pakistan borders.

Indian armies fear of Pakistan army cannot be verified more than such concentrated deployment.

When Indians talk of peace and prepare for a war... this means some thing serious is brewing for coming months.

Pakistan army need to re-check its strategic nuke control shall not involve Zardari or any member of assembly.

At the moment Iran, Israel and India are making big war exercises.
All Muslim shall be happy for the coming soon Ghazawa Hind.
Still waiting for those surgical strikes Bharatis. You can cry and flex all you want, but this ain't bollywood. :wave:
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