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Indian Army deploying gunship helicopters, battle tanks along Pakistan border: Russian media

The only real beneficiaries of India Pak war would be USA & China.
This is something many people don't realise. India's confidence has been puffed up by uncle sam and soon the region might see a real war.
Actually many ppl see this...it's obvious. The endgame is that India and China would fight and weaken each other, which will keep China from rising.

The only ones oblivious to this really obvious endgame is India/Indians. Their egos get stroked and they start jumping up and down thinking they are the biggest baddest guy in town. It's the same tactic that was used when China was to be propped up against USSR...it didn't work out then but it seems to be working now.
This is something many people don't realise. India's confidence has been puffed up by uncle sam and soon the region might see a real war.

On the contrary we might have entered a period of relative peace.

- China will not want to see its investment under threat. I suspect operation zarb-e-azb carried out earlier to flush out militancy was to prepare grounds for implementing cpec under China's insistence.
- US has pulled the rug under Pak's feet switching partners. US now having moved away from Pak and closer to India is a big psychological blow to Pak. This significantly restricts Pak.
On the contrary we might have entered a period of relative peace.

- China will not want to see its investment under threat. I suspect operation zarb-e-azb carried out earlier to flush out militancy was to prepare grounds for implementing cpec under China's insistence.
- US has pulled the rug under Pak's feet switching partners. US now having moved away from Pak and closer to India is a big psychological blow to Pak. This significantly restricts Pak.

Pakistan never really had that US rug to begin with. It's just Pakistani crooks like zardari never revealed this to the people. Now that the drama is over it's a blessing in disguise for Pakistan because Pakistan won't be relying on an ally which was never there for Pakistan to begin with.
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Nuke Dehli and three kilometers all area from border, whoever push the nukes bottom first will won this daily useless war of words in real.
It certainly does my friend
And they are Indian citizens
Living in a Indian state of Kashmir.

Nobody can change that now
Not you
Not China
Not united nations
Not the Kashmir Indians's

It's done and dusted partition is over

Live with it

Was 1971.not proof enough
Was stealing Aachen saichen glacier not enough.
Or indeed kargil .

How many more examples you need
It's you Pakistanis whining and bitching about talks about Kashmir crying in united nations

I think even the united nations have had enough.

By the way where's your support in this

I don't see anyone uttering a word

Not one nation.

Your on your own over Kashmir .
And that's why India just ignores you people
Lol majority of kashmiris dont like India . If India is a democratic country why wont they allow the kashmiris to vote for who they would want to join. Lol and the UN has not reported barely any human rights violation as compared to Kashmir.
If you think about it, India has pretty much pummelled Pakistan since 1947.

1947- Jungadh acceded to Pakistan. India waltzes in, yeah nah that's not gonna happen, see majority of the people want to be with India so Junagadh stays with India.

1947-48 Pakistan tries to pull a Junagadh in Jammu and Kashmir and goes see majority Muslim so Jammu and Kashmir should be with Pakistan.Indian army waltzes in, goes, yeah that's not gonna happen either. Gets the King of Jammu and Kashmir to accede to India, kicks the Pakistani forces out of the useful areas and usurps Kashmir valley along with Jammu and Ladakh, despite it being a Muslim majority state.

1965- Pakistan drops paratroopers in Kashmir. Kashmiris catch them, beat them up and hand them to the Indian army[emoji38] Indian army attacks Lahore and other areas in Pakistan. What was supposed to be Pakistan's attack on India, ended up with Pakistanis defending their cities from the Indian army onslaught.

1971: Indian army is bored, breaks East and West Pakistan, makes Bangladesh. 90,000 Pakistanis surrender and taken POW.

1984: Siachen, Pakistan tries to capture the unmanned glacier. India gets a whiff of the plan, pre-empts Pakistan and pushes its soldiers west of the Soltoro ridge and captures Siachen glacier in its entirety.

1999- Pakistan sneaks its troops in Kargil during the winter. Indian army comes back in the summer, finds the Pakistani intruders, kicks their teeth in and dislodges them from the occupied peaks.

When you look at these incidents, it has pretty much been a one sided match for the past 70 odd years. With the Indian economy growing and with that the country getting stronger, one can only imagine what will happen to Pakistan next.
Lol no majority of kashmiris dont like India . Kashmiri king was always an indian muppet.

pakistan has a significant part of Kashmir.
Saichen was a pakistani military victory it was only because India went crying to America to tell Pakistan to pull out forces of Saichen , and due to political pressure it did.

India has only win due to number superiority . When you breed like rabbits sure you might get an edge in terms of manpower . But you couldnt conquer pakistani cities. When Pakistani cities were under a siege it opened a wide open front in parts of India that was open to the pakistan army . Pakistan army would of definintely counter attacked but the war ended in a stalemate.
This is primarily what happened in Crimea and Donetsk.

but we can do this exact thing in Khalistan by arming them with heavy weapons and MANPADs, ATGMs, Artillery etc

u guys! the more the time passes the more words of late Lt. Gen Hameed Gul about Modi become clearer and clearer........

He is the best thing ever happen to Pakistan!
Play along with Modi's drama in the same way... so much that u guys put a moment of reality on it!!!!
Let his man win elections!

A corrupt and foolish BJP is a million times better then a claver backstabbing and loopholes finding two talker Congress!
If we truly do that then we can eventually take the revenge of 1971 humiliation......and finally let commence India's second balkanization which is long due.
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Lol i didnt expect to have arguments like this lol.

Well who are .... YOU ???? :lol::lol::lol:

Pakistan never really had that US rug to begin with. It's just Pakistani crooks like zardari never revealed this to the people. Now that the drama is over it's a blessing in disguise for Pakistan because Pakistan won't be relying on an ally which was never there for Pakistan to begin with.

Heck, actions speak louder than words. Never saw any real action like increasing the cost of NATO containers shipped over Pakistan to Afghanistan or even talks of denying it all together (atleast), even after repeated snub after snub from U.S.A lately. Every thought why ???
India is attempting to further pressurise Pakistan financially / economically by forcing Pakistan to deploy it's military resources on it's western border and hamper Pakistan's effort towards financial austerity and discipline.

The situation / opportunity is too tempting for India to miss.

What India does not realise is that Pakistan's war doctrine doesn't require much financial expenditure (tactical nukes, et al). But what will follow any adventurism is start of covert and overt support of all the separatist movements in India by Pakistan.
Our 100,000+ soldiers already fighting against 75+ banned terrorist organisations from 12years, we will just replace it with other idle force, and move that 12 years in war brutal force to indian border.

You want to take India on equal terms to lightly armed rebels/freedom fighters... Even Mushi learned his lesson in a hard way...
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