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Indian Army deploying gunship helicopters, battle tanks along Pakistan border: Russian media

During the 2001-2002 standoff's India lost around $ 3 Billion, while Pakistan's loss stood around $1.5 Billion. So let's see who can afford what without putting much strain on the economy this time if such a situation happens. :bunny::bunny::bunny:

Only prostitutes think of money during war time
So your army didn't do this type of analysis during 1999 or earlier adventures against India or you were not there to help your army at that time???
Do u see who my response was to? And what he said? Why don't u get some basic knowledge about how a forum works and how responses work.

Here let me break it down for u and spoon feed u some basic info...another member was questioning why someone would bother to take into account "worst case scenarios" and so I explained as to why.

Now coming to ur trolling about 1999 Kargil Conflict...r u saying that Pak didn't take into account the worst case scenario, which would be India retaliating with full force?

Well in short we did...but India was too much of a coward to attack Pak. So what ended up happening is we took certain key points from u guys during the Kargil Conflict and we still control those key points.

The question u should be asking is why didn't IA take the the worst case scenarios in to account...oh wait nvm...why would u ask that...u r probably convinced that India "won" Kargil conflict bcuz ur media constantly blasts u with such crap. Carry on...we'll just keep these strategic points. I hope u guys have more such victories, where we take some of ur area and u just celebrate victory over defending the area we didn't manage to take :cheesy:

P.S. trolling invites trolling...it would be wise for u to remember that troll
Kashmir doesnt belong to India

It certainly does my friend
And they are Indian citizens
Living in a Indian state of Kashmir.

Nobody can change that now
Not you
Not China
Not united nations
Not the Kashmir Indians's

It's done and dusted partition is over

Live with it

Will you have balls to attack or you Indians only talk big??? Till real war all is stupidity from Indian members.

You people can talk big about what you can do, in reality you are biggest cowards who can just talk.

If India is that big power then why not prove it on ground?? Since 1999 India have proven itself a impotent country.

Was 1971.not proof enough
Was stealing Aachen saichen glacier not enough.
Or indeed kargil .

How many more examples you need
It's you Pakistanis whining and bitching about talks about Kashmir crying in united nations

I think even the united nations have had enough.

By the way where's your support in this

I don't see anyone uttering a word

Not one nation.

Your on your own over Kashmir .
And that's why India just ignores you people
It certainly does my friend
And they are Indian citizens
Living in a Indian state of Kashmir.

Nobody can change that now
Not you
Not China
Not united nations
Not the Kashmir Indians's

It's done and dusted partition is over

Live with it
You illegal occupier, they want to free their motherland from foreign occupation, how about that some country capture UP illegally their peoples is want to free their motherland same thing happening in Kashmir, you terrorist occupiers @Storm Force :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy::blah::blah::blah:
Your Army would even look like a rag tag militia infront of these terrorists.
No active group in Bharat even used 14.5mm,12.7mm HMG's,Sniper rifles,RPG's,IED's,RR Guns,107mm rockets and safe heavens which TTP and BLA are enjoying.

Ever thought for once, WHY ???? The Indian army is such an efficient force that they never let the militancy/terrorist spiral out of their control to begin with. The scenario is same, TTP or BLA enjoy safe heavens across your border. Our terrorists on the west enjoy safe heavens across Azad Kashmir, GB and even your mainland while in the east they cross over to Myanmar. :-)

If your army cannot check the cross border movement and terrorism that is their inefficiency I would say.

P.S: If the Kashmir militants or other militants elsewhere start using the aforementioned heavy hardware, IA will get an excuse to respond with shear brute force that they won't be able to handle and they are well aware of that more than anyone else. Hence the reason they don't use them, understood. :p:
And I am telling you anyone can slaughter any animal he or she wants to. Only slaughterhouses don't slaughter these "useful animals" since better alternatives are available. In days of Eid, thousands of these "useful animals" are slaughtered too and there is no law protecting any animal.

And these are laws of just Punjab province. And even in that province any person can slaughter sheep or lamb if he owns it. Other provinces have their own laws where any animal can be slaughtered.

Stop clutching at straws and wasting our time. You are killing humans on name of animals. And your state is partner in this crime. There is no comparison with any pig or sheep or lamb in such a case.
You don't get indian media and TV shows. They hype everything because there are like 200 of them. Your perception is based on that and some YouTube videos.

But I am also concerned with this cow politics. Its sheer wastage of time and resources. India the largest producer of dairy products and this is like hyped paid stories from dairy industry lobbying. Any deaths related to slaughter of a cow is truly saddening while I enjoy chilly beef and beef kebabs :/
You illegal occupier, they want to free their motherland from foreign occupation, how about that some country capture UP illegally their peoples is want to free their motherland same thing happening in Kashmir, you terrorist occupiers @Storm Force :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy::blah::blah::blah:

You can say whatever you want. But will that change anything ??? Of-course Republic of India occupied few territories/princely states in the past like Hyderabad, Junagadh, Goa etc. So did you occupy Kalat or China when they occupied Tibet for example. Will anyone of us let it go, that's the question ??? It's a big NO.

So if you want something, come and get it or keep on cursing. :p:

Only prostitutes think of money during war time

LOL, there is a reason why even after having superior armies Germany and Austria-Hungary lost the WW-1, why the mighty Ottoman empire collapsed or even countries like Iraq (under Saddam Hussein) simply lost without even giving a decent fight. It would be better if you can read and learn a few lessons from history.

P.S: Now in reality, In the even of any prolonged war like (Iran-Iraq Gulf war, neither India nor Pakistan can sustain the economic pressure for too long, and the fact is we may withstand a bit longer than you given the mere size and volume of our economy.

But, yes you can say whatever you want, it ain't gonna change the facts on ground. LOL :p:
Pakistan is the only country that has lost its territories thrice THREE TIMES post partition after 1950.East pakistan Bangladesh , Aksai Chin and Siachen. And the other territories to tribal armed warlords
Pakistan is the only country that has lost its territories thrice THREE TIMES post partition after 1950.East pakistan Bangladesh , Aksai Chin and Siachen. And the other territories to tribal armed warlords
someone teach you that real indian map of control ?

aksai chin was lost by paksitan :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: whom chutiya wrrite books in india ? its mean we fight a war with china in 1962 and lost aksai chin :hitwall:

kid aksai chin is away from paksitan your great fathrs lost it to china in 1962 :lol:

You don't get indian media and TV shows. They hype everything because there are like 200 of them. Your perception is based on that and some YouTube videos.

My perception is based on realities. Those realities that might be hard for you to accept.

But I am also concerned with this cow politics. Its sheer wastage of time and resources. India the largest producer of dairy products and this is like hyped paid stories from dairy industry lobbying. Any deaths related to slaughter of a cow is truly saddening while I enjoy chilly beef and beef kebabs :/

Any death due to communal violence is saddening. But then it is India we are talking about. The whole state runs on these issues and politics.

Pakistan is the only country that has lost its territories thrice THREE TIMES post partition after 1950.East pakistan Bangladesh , Aksai Chin and Siachen. And the other territories to tribal armed warlords

Pakistan is the only country that has lost its territories thrice THREE TIMES post partition after 1950.East pakistan Bangladesh , Aksai Chin and Siachen. And the other territories to tribal armed warlords

No buddy I beg to differ there. Aksai Chin is our loss. Don't attribute it on Pakistan. But I guess we are OK with it since it's largely barren and a cold desert and we still have much fertile and strategic Tawang. :-)
you guys are the one lost three times azad kashmir to pakistan
aksai chin to china
aroounachal to china

You can say whatever you want. But will that change anything ??? Of-course Republic of India occupied few territories/princely states in the past like Hyderabad, Junagadh, Goa etc. So did you occupy Kalat or China when they occupied Tibet for example. Will anyone of us let it go, that's the question ??? It's a big NO.

So if you want something, come and get it or keep on cursing. :p:
We not like you read the history kid, Khan of Kalat made his own decision and the first one that vote to join Pakistan and what lame justification you, let suppose some powerfull country capture MUMBAI and their peoples want to free their land from foreign occupation what should will do by the local peoples of MUMBAI, the only option left for peoples of MUMBAI is to fight to foreign occupation, same thing is happening in Kashmir, because this freedom struggle and other freedom struggle in your country India will soon disintegrated by its own in near future because your barbaric human right violation in Kashmir and other parts in India

What a pathetic country you have @Tom M :blah::blah::blah:
someone teach you that real indian map of control ?

aksai chin was lost by paksitan :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: whom chutiya wrrite books in india ? its mean we fight a war with china in 1962 and lost aksai chin :hitwall:

kid aksai chin is away from paksitan your great fathrs lost it to china in 1962 :lol:


I guess he was referring to the Shaksam Valley, The Trans-Karakoram Tract which Pakistan conceded to China. But totally got it wrong. :p:
I guess he was referring to the Shaksam Valley, The Trans-Karakoram Tract which Pakistan conceded to China. But totally got it wrong. :p:
hat velley is a small area we land swap with china . we got in return K2 world second largest peak and surrounding areas . it was a swap deal as india sign with BD recently . we did not have war or loss it unlike aksai chin is huge area was took by china in war .donoon ka koi muqabla nhi
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