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Indian Army crossed LoC to kill three Pakistani soldiers: Report

Look dumba*s.
After losing 4 wars in a row, do you think your army still has morale high to raid on Indian Army?? You really need a steel *** even before you think about it.
Then how they are gonna claim it?? Bcz before you claim anything, you have to do it.
Yaa, you are good at one thing. Your army comes in groups to abduct one or two lonely patrolling soldiers and chop their heads to feed your desperate minds.
Ahahaha. Son, this isn't one of your delusional movie script running.Cmon. Do you actually think PA is afraid of killing your men?.Our army doesn't have p***ies committing suicide, neither killing their superior offrs. Ultranationalism in India is hilarious. Khushbu laga kar aana.
Reported for religious bigotry. There are miracles and facts that 21st century science has proven that Islam is the truth. Pray that you are guided to the straight path before it's too late. Allah SWT is most Merciful.

Just because you believe in it, does not make it the absolute truth and you have been taught wrong, Science has proved no such thing..Infact Science can never prove or disprove existence of or absence of God, much less Islam.

We humans created religion/s and the idea of God, to serve us and not the other way around.
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Unprovoked firing and crossed into enemy territory two different things.....

Only agrees with Indian media if you agree that invisible monkey commandos exists....

Do you agree?
It's good if you believe they don't exist. That's their purpose. So, they don't exist and your men still die. Rest are all general opinions.
Look dumba*s.
After losing 4 wars in a row, do you think your army still has morale high to raid on Indian Army?? You really need a steel *** even before you think about it.
Then how they are gonna claim it?? Bcz before you claim anything, you have to do it.
Yaa, you are good at one thing. Your army comes in groups to abduct one or two lonely patrolling soldiers and chop their heads to feed your desperate minds.
You have to be mentally retard to talk crap like that.
What do wars have to do with your BS banter.
You losers often claim of your soldiers losing their heads and have nightmares about Pak BAT teams.
And get you head out of where sun don't shine and read some real history instead of what you are told in the Chimp language....and no we don't need to abduct your soldiers as we hit them in their bunkers....this is what you call a strike...going into the Indian territory and blowing up bunkers backed up with EVIDENCE....something you creatures don't have the capability or brains to understand.

Look dumba*s.
After losing 4 wars in a row, do you think your army still has morale high to raid on Indian Army?? You really need a steel *** even before you think about it.
Then how they are gonna claim it?? Bcz before you claim anything, you have to do it.
Yaa, you are good at one thing. Your army comes in groups to abduct one or two lonely patrolling soldiers and chop their heads to feed your desperate minds.
we wuz kungz we wun all waers Jai hind Jai designated Shitting streets
oh and Muh Glorious High Morale
Just because you believe in it, does not make it the absolute truth and you have been taught wrong, Science has proved no such thing..Infact Science can never prove or disprove existence of or absence of God, much less Islam.

We humans created religion/s and the idea of God, to serve us and not the other way around.

Lol, just because you are an atheist doesn't mean it's true. I'm a scientist.
Lol, just because you are an atheist doesn't mean it's true. I'm a scientist.
Do you believe in theory of evolution or the Adam and eve.
Are you sure you are a scientist. For your arguments are insulting scientific community.
Do you believe in theory of evolution or the Adam and eve.
Are you sure you are a scientist. For your arguments are insulting scientific community.

Well if we were descendents from monkeys then according to evolution we would have some other species that existed that resembled both? Science answers unanswered questions based on theory and experimental evidence. Open the Qur'an and read my brother.
You can post that 4500 figure to console yourself but what matters is the revenge for the 4 IA soilders killed is taken and verified by the ISPR this time


Not that this was not bound to happen but the question, as always is, what has been achieved? Do you think the unit that suffered the casualties will let this slide? This is a never ending situation and eventually leads to both sides' DGMOs having to agree on pulling back from the brink. I see some folks here cheerleading as usual as if killing Pakistani troops is the end of the story. On the LoC, Pakistan and India meet as equals and after the three casualties inflicted on Pakistan, all of the Indian positions on the LoC are on a high state of alert because they know that badal is simply a matter of time. This has been the case since the 90s.

The reality is that those suffering are the ones living on either side of the LoC and then the families of those who lose their boys in service of their respective nations. The jingos here, as usual, have no price to pay so they rant.

An eye for an eye will make whole word blind.
To counter this IA has new strategy in place, both eyes for one eye. It will not make whole wlrd blind. Only enemy would be blind.
Wishful thinking. The difference is that each casualty inflicted on Pakistan is paid back in kind, your or our media reporting notwithstanding. A score is kept on both sides and as opportunities come up, due hisaab is taken. This is a military necessity (to ensure deterrence) and also to ensure that the izzat of the unit(s)/formations involved remains intact to the extent possible.
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they also claimed.Pakistan army was trying to cross and they were killed in tactical response.
radio India said that
Sorry which source? Radio India? Do you mean All India Radio? You have some website or some link for that?

This one is essentially re-reporting what ISPR has said. They even say that in title. "3 Pakistani soldiers killed in cross-LoC firing by Indian Army: ISPR"

This story is same as the one I posted. Indian Army / Commandos crossed into Pakistan and killed three Pakistani soldiers -- which seems to be the standard line being parroted by all the Indian mainline media.

Xin Hua is Chinese and have nothing to do with Indian media.

now all the newspapers of India is changing every story after sometime.
they even never bothered to change their wordings.
all of them ave same so called sources.

now they are all telling different stories of operation.
one say 4 men ten did the job.
one say 10 commandos.
all of them have different
Right now all of their story is consistent on what I posted last. Indian army went 200-300 meters across LoC and killed 3 soldiers. ISPR agrees with the second part, first part they will never agree.

Do you believe in theory of evolution or the Adam and eve.
Are you sure you are a scientist. For your arguments are insulting scientific community.
Actually its no very hard to be a scientist and yet not believe in evolution but in a religious text. When you enter the lab just leave all your religion on the door step and pick it up once you leave the lab. Many people do that. Including some very celebrated members of national science academy of USA.

Pakistan says troops killed by 'non-state actors'
by Asad Hashim
4 hours ago


The two neighbours have fought two of their three wars since independence in 1947 over Kashmir [File: EPA]
Islamabad, Pakistan - Pakistani officials say "non-state actors" crossed the de-facto border between India and Pakistan in the divided region of Kashmir to kill three Pakistani soldiers.

Not that this was not bound to happen but the question, as always is, what has been achieved? Do you think the unit that suffered the casualties will let this slide? This is a never ending situation and eventually leads to both sides' DGMOs having to agree on pulling back from the brink. I see some folks here cheerleading as usual as if killing Pakistani troops is the end of the story. On the LoC, Pakistan and India meet as equals and after the three casualties inflicted on Pakistan, all of the Indian positions on the LoC are on a high state of alert because they know that badal is simply a matter of time. This has been the case since the 90s.

The reality is that those suffering are the ones living on either side of the LoC and then the families of those who lose their boys in service of their respective nations. The jingos here, as usual, have no price to pay so they rant.

Wishful thinking. The difference is that each casualty inflicted on Pakistan is paid back in kind, your or our media reporting notwithstanding. A score is kept on both sides and as opportunities come up, due hisaab is taken. This is a military necessity (to ensure deterrence) and also to ensure that the izzat of the unit(s)/formations involved remains intact to the extent possible.
You guys are so right but should have remembered that before killing our soldiers,now what we did is just payback.
You guys are so right but should have remembered that before killing our soldiers,now what we did is just payback.
Pakistan did not take action against the 4 Indian troops out of the blue or in a vacuum. If ever published, there would be an interesting timeline of what each side does to bring about such actions. Jingoism aside, there is no winner here as this will go on and the latest Pakistani casualties will be avenged without any doubt. This is the job of those in uniform. However the politicians on both sides should realize that there is no way out and talks would be a better alternate. You may disagree with me but this is where GoI's hardheaded policies aren't going anywhere. If Modi thinks that Indian Army action will result in some alternate outcome, he is dead wrong because this has been going on for the past 2 years with regularity and Pakistan has responded to each and every Indian action with similar quantum. Maybe this Indian government thinks they can put more military pressure on Pakistan than Congress before, but I will guarantee that 2 years from now, Indians will still be reading about their casualties (and the same on Pak side).

After the initial euphoria in India about the X-border strike, what has been the outcome? If I, for the sake of argument, say yes Indians did come across, what has that action changed on the ground? Nothing! Which leads me back to the same argument that militarily, India does not have a solution here and the only way forward is through talks. Pakistan too would be much better off with talks as the folks on the ground realize that this is a never ending situation. There simply isn't enough attrition on either side to consider a change in posture and there also isn't any interest in escalating this to something beyond a localized affair. Yet both sides will continue bleeding men and civilians across the LoC.
Lol, just because you are an atheist doesn't mean it's true. I'm a scientist.
You are a scientist and you claim, that science has proven existence of God or Islam is the one true religion ???
Pakistan did not take action against the 4 Indian troops out of the blue or in a vacuum. If ever published, there would be an interesting timeline of what each side does to bring about such actions.

Do tell us about the timeline, please! If possible, try to provide timeline for other attacks as well (like the one on Mumbai in 2008)!

You, of all people, should know that infiltration across LoC is a one-way street. Considering the level of hatred for the Indians and particularly Hindus, fed by the likes of zealots like HS/Masood Azhar, sneaking in to this side and killing/mutilating unsuspecting Indian soldiers, is somehow considered to be a brave act and a religious duty!

I wouldn't be too surprised if the latest incident too came without any sort of provocation from Indian side!

But yes, I am willing to concede that not all of these actions might have been sanctioned by Rawalpindi.

However the politicians on both sides should realize that there is no way out and talks would be a better alternate. You may disagree with me but this is where GoI's hardheaded policies aren't going anywhere.

Which leads me back to the same argument that militarily, India does not have a solution here and the only way forward is through talks. Pakistan too would be much better off with talks as the folks on the ground realize that this is a never ending situation. There simply isn't enough attrition on either side to consider a change in posture and there also isn't any interest in escalating this to something beyond a localized affair. Yet both sides will continue bleeding men and civilians across the LoC.

So basically, Pakistan is holding a gun and asking India to come for the talks so that it can ask India to hand over Kashmir on a platter? No Sir, thank you!

If military actions have failed to resolve this conflict, so have the previous talks! Besides, there were some grave provocations from Pakistani side even as talks were on-going (Kargil/Pathankot anyone?)!

Talks too will yield NOTHING unless Pakistan gets more realistic in her expectations!

The main problem is, Pakistan has NOTHING to offer in a bilateral talk with India - except perhaps for an "empty" promise to stop it's support for insurgency. But you know as well as me, Pakistan's problem with India is much more deep rooted than just the issue of Kashmir!

It is simply NOT in India's interest to bow down to what is essentially the threat of Islamic terrorism!

If Pakistan is content with these pin pricks here and there, India is only happy to play along and maintain the overall status quo!

I know it sounds cruel especially for those families that lost their loved ones, but there isn't any simpler solution to that yet!

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