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Indian army admits Pakistan army has better trained and equipped snipers

You can believe whatever you want to. Despite double the damage their is no respite in alleged ceasefire violations by Pakistan. Just proves how realistic these bollywood style claims are.

In any case. I simply posted what Indian officers admitted. :)


I understand that at least in front of Indian posters you lot might pretend to not believe what we say, but deep down most of you know that because of the relatively transparent nature of our polity and military the info coming out of India is rather legitimate, no wonder you made a thread on something Indians said to begin with.

I understand that at least in front of Indian posters you lot might pretend to not believe what we say, but deep down most of you know that because of the relatively transparent nature of our polity and military the info coming out of India is rather legitimate, no wonder you made a thread on something Indians said to begin with.

Funny you know deep down what we believe but can't realize that claims of double the damage by your army are just face saving. :)
This back and forth aside, the reality, as I have stated many times, is that neither side has the "upper-hand" on the LoC/IB. Claims like "double the damage" are good for own morale and public consumption, however on the ground, each side choses its own "time and place" to retaliate.

The fix here is not a military one in that by buying more sniper rifles and training, one side cannot suppress the other or limit its actions. Politicians needs to work this out otherwise there will be no end to the civilian and military casualties being incurred on both sides for the foreseeable future.
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