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Indian and Chinese soldiers stand off in Ladakh

Oooh,I think both Chinese and English were written by Indian……
Such kind of Chinese words……
Let me type the right word for u:
And u must have used translation software.....:sick:
How irresponsible are u...

Forget about that lets work on whats written over there.
We do alot trade lets keep it that way and progress. :tup:
Relax no need to be racist :)
let her post it shows their frustration .

LOL man u're funny raat ko neend aayi dhang se?
I'm sure u were hoping to see no India on map today. Aww poor kid . Like i said nothing gonna happen now start reading all your posts from beginning and see how naive u were.
He must be a teenager,don't give much attention to this type of madrasa product.

Relax no need to be racist :)
let her post it shows their frustration .

LOL man u're funny raat ko neend aayi dhang se?
I'm sure u were hoping to see no India on map today. Aww poor kid . Like i said nothing gonna happen now start reading all your posts from beginning and see how naive u were.
He must be a teenager,don't give much attention to this type of madrasa product.
What rubbish, Pak-China relationship is special. Not like Russia-India. China will always stand with us in case of Pak-Indo war and you will be facing a two front war which will slap India on both cheeks simultaneously!

Oh the humiliation for our vedic friends! Lets do it @Chinese Bamboo @buddha palm Lets use that palm and chop India into 2!
1974 war,kargil war,Indian flag hoisting in siachin..
Local army commanders to meet after India-China troops face- off in Ladakh
Leh/New Delhi, Sep 13, 2015, (PTI)

A meeting of local commanders of the armies of India and China is expected to take place tomorrow as the face-off between the two sides in the heights of Ladakh's Burtse area after Indian troops demolished a hut constructed on Indian soil ended in the wee hours of today.
ITBP and Army jawans demolished the hut that was constructed 1.5 km inside the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on Friday leading to a face-off between the two sides, official sources said today. The area is located 210 km northeast of Leh.

The hut, with a solar panel on top, had a camera which recorded the movement of Indian troops, the sources said while giving details about the incursion.

The construction was done by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to claim that the area belongs to them. This area is adjacent to Depsang plains where PLA had pitched camps in April, 2013 that had led to a three-week long stalemate.

After the demolition of the hut, Indian troops kept the camera and other material which will be handed over to the Chinese side in the form of evidence during the local army commanders meeting scheduled for tomorrow, the sources said.

Earlier the meeting was scheduled for today which was subsequently postponed for tomorrow, they said.

China has been trying to make inroads in Burtse area as it will give access to the PLA to monitor the activities of Indian troops based in Old Patol base besides trying to deny an advantage to India to overlook the Karakoram highway linking the territory illegally occupied by China with Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir(Azad Kashmir).

Besides, India has an Advanced Ground Landing (AGL) facility in Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) which was activated in August 2013 and the Indian Air Force(IAF) had managed to land a C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft at the air strip located at 16,614 feet above sea level.

The initial existence of a hut was seen first on a satellite imagery after which a joint patrol of ITBP and army was sent to the area to have a report from ground zero. Later, it was decided to demolish the hut which prompted Chinese PLA to reach the area resulting in a face-off.

Indian troops displayed the banners in Chinese asking the PLA to return to their side, the officials said.

India and China share over 4,000 km of LAC. China claims approximately 90,000 sq km of territory in Arunachal Pradesh besides 38,000 sq km in Jammu and Kashmir sector.
印媒传印军越界拆中国哨所 专家:摩擦应在萌芽阶段控制住_国际新闻_环球网
印媒传印军越界拆中国哨所 两国军队发生对峙
(Indian media reports Indian cross-border demolition China outpost,Confrontation between the two armies)
2015-09-14 02:35:00

This is the Chinese media about this incident reported in the first article.

Chinese media reported this matter began today……:coffee:
And sources report or to Indian media reports yesterday……:coffee:

Today is Monday, and now the Chinese media has already begun to work, In a recent hours, According to Baidu search,the report has been reproduced in 4750 copies among various media ......:coffee:

It is noteworthy that this section:


(Some analysts believe that the Indian Army at this time to create disturbances with the Indian domestic situation closely. Prime Minister Modi in power more than a year, due to the blocking of the opposition was strong, a number of important reform bill can not pass, People's mood is even more disappointed, Modi's political star began to dim aura. Indian politicians want to create trouble to divert domestic public attention. In this regard, said Ma Jiali, temporarily this conflict can be considered an emergency, there may be a front-line troops in India for bilateral relations or misunderstanding caused by the Government's position. As to whether there is behind India's domestic political forces and even foreign forces driven, In more news before it's too early.

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印媒传印军越界拆中国哨所 专家:摩擦应在萌芽阶段控制住_国际新闻_环球网
印媒传印军越界拆中国哨所 两国军队发生对峙
(Indian media reports Indian cross-border demolition China outpost,Confrontation between the two armies)
2015-09-14 02:35:00

This is the Chinese media about this incident reported in the first article.

Chinese media reported this matter began today……:coffee:
And sources report or to Indian media reports yesterday……:coffee:

Today is Monday, and now the Chinese media has already begun to work, In a recent hours, According to Baidu search,the report has been reproduced in 4750 copies among various media ......:coffee:

It is noteworthy that this section:


(Some analysts believe that the Indian Army at this time to create disturbances with the Indian domestic situation closely. Prime Minister Modi in power more than a year, due to the blocking of the opposition was strong, a number of important reform bill can not pass, People's mood is even more disappointed, Modi's political star began to dim aura. Indian politicians want to create trouble to divert domestic public attention. In this regard, said Ma Jiali, temporarily this conflict can be considered an emergency, there may be a front-line troops in India for bilateral relations or misunderstanding caused by the Government's position. As to whether there is behind India's domestic political forces and even foreign forces driven, In more news before it's too early.

Maybe they want to have wars with us..
China says no LAC stand-off with India; seeks clarification | Zee News
Last Updated: Monday, September 14, 2015 - 19:06

Beijing: Downplaying Indian Army's removal of a Chinese hut on Indian soil following fresh incursion by the PLA, China today said there is no "face-off" along the border in Ladakh and sought "clarification" from India on the issue.

"As far as I know there is no such face-off, in the border area," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a media briefing here.

"The Chinese border troops have been performing their duties on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC)," he said in response to a question on new stand-off at Depsang in Ladakh where Indian troops removed a hut built by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops that had camera and other facilities.

This is a consistent position maintained by China since first Depsang stand-off broke out during the visit of Premier Li Keqiang in 2013 to India, asserting that the PLA troops are carrying out activities in their side of the border.

Since then, few more stand-offs have taken place in Ladakh region.

A similar face-off took place at Chumar in Ladakh during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to India last year.

It was resolved after several weeks of talks.

Hong said "the Chinese side is committed to maintaining peace and stability of the border region, we hope the Indian side can make clarification on this issue and work with us to maintain the peace and tranquillity of the border area".

Pressed further to elaborate on China's position, he said: "As I have pointed out, the Chinese border troops have been operating and carrying out relevant activities on the Chinese side of the control line and we are committed on maintaining peace and stability on the border area."

He said the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries to maintain peace and tranquillity along the border is an "important support or guarantee for the sustained development of bilateral relations".

During the wee hours yesterday, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police and Army jawans demolished the hut that was constructed 1.5 km inside the Line of Actual Control (LAC) leading to a face-off between the two sides at Depsang.

The construction at the area located 210 km northeast of Leh was done by the PLA to claim that the area belongs to them.

According to Indian officials, China has been trying to make inroads in Burtse area as it will give access to the PLA to monitor the activities of Indian troops based in Old Patrol base besides trying to deny an advantage to India to overlook the Karakoram highway linking the territory illegally occupied by China with Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (Azad Kashmir).

India and China share over 4,000 km of LAC. China claims approximately 90,000 sq km of territory in Arunachal Pradesh besides 38,000 sq km in Jammu and Kashmir sector.

China says no LAC stand-off with India; seeks clarification | Zee News
Last Updated: Monday, September 14, 2015 - 19:06

Beijing: Downplaying Indian Army's removal of a Chinese hut on Indian soil following fresh incursion by the PLA, China today said there is no "face-off" along the border in Ladakh and sought "clarification" from India on the issue.

"As far as I know there is no such face-off, in the border area," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a media briefing here.

"The Chinese border troops have been performing their duties on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC)," he said in response to a question on new stand-off at Depsang in Ladakh where Indian troops removed a hut built by the People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops that had camera and other facilities.

This is a consistent position maintained by China since first Depsang stand-off broke out during the visit of Premier Li Keqiang in 2013 to India, asserting that the PLA troops are carrying out activities in their side of the border.

Since then, few more stand-offs have taken place in Ladakh region.

A similar face-off took place at Chumar in Ladakh during Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to India last year.

It was resolved after several weeks of talks.

Hong said "the Chinese side is committed to maintaining peace and stability of the border region, we hope the Indian side can make clarification on this issue and work with us to maintain the peace and tranquillity of the border area".

Pressed further to elaborate on China's position, he said: "As I have pointed out, the Chinese border troops have been operating and carrying out relevant activities on the Chinese side of the control line and we are committed on maintaining peace and stability on the border area."

He said the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries to maintain peace and tranquillity along the border is an "important support or guarantee for the sustained development of bilateral relations".

During the wee hours yesterday, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police and Army jawans demolished the hut that was constructed 1.5 km inside the Line of Actual Control (LAC) leading to a face-off between the two sides at Depsang.

The construction at the area located 210 km northeast of Leh was done by the PLA to claim that the area belongs to them.

According to Indian officials, China has been trying to make inroads in Burtse area as it will give access to the PLA to monitor the activities of Indian troops based in Old Patrol base besides trying to deny an advantage to India to overlook the Karakoram highway linking the territory illegally occupied by China with Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (***).

India and China share over 4,000 km of LAC. China claims approximately 90,000 sq km of territory in Arunachal Pradesh besides 38,000 sq km in Jammu and Kashmir sector.



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on September 14, 2015

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Regular Press Conference on September 14, 2015

Q: It is reported that Chinese and Indian troops had a "face-off" in the border area. The Indian side said that China built a watchtower in the sensitive region and opposed that. Both sides have stepped out their military reinforcements in the border area. What is China's comment on this?

A: China-India relations are enjoying a sound momentum of development. The significant consensus reached between leaders of both sides on maintaining peace and tranquility of the border area serves as an important guarantee for the sustainable development of bilateral relations.

As far as I know, there is no such "face-off" between China and India in the border area. The Chinese border troops have been performing their duties on the Chinese side of the Actual Control Line. The Chinese side is committed to maintaining peace and tranquility of the border area. We hope that the Indian side can clarify relevant issue, work with China, bear in mind the big picture of bilateral ties, and safeguard peace and tranquility of the border area so as to create a favorable environment for the development of bilateral relations.






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Updated: May 7, 2013 02:53 IST
Making sense of the Depsang incursion - The Hindu
The Chinese action needs to be viewed at two levels. The first is an established pattern where the PLA keeps nibbling at Indian territory to create new “facts on the ground” or a “new normal” in relation to their claimed LAC. They do this, as they have done in the past — occupy an area, then assert that it has always been part of their territory, and offer to negotiate. In this very sector, Chinese claim lines have been varying since 1956. At that time, for example, the entire Chip Chap and Galwan river valleys were accepted by China as being Indian territory. But in 1960 China insisted that these areas were within their claim line and occupied them following the 1962 war. The April 2013 Depsang encampment seemed to be pushing even further westward.

The fact that the border is neither demarcated nor inhabited, and there is no agreement on the alignment of the LAC in many areas, aids this process. We need to keep a sharp watch in the coming months to see if this pattern is repeated in other areas where there are differing perceptions as to the LAC’s location.

Indian build-up

At another level, China appears to be expressing its unhappiness over the Indian military build up on the Sino-Indian border. In the past five years, India has activated forward airfields in the Ladakh sector, completed important road building projects in the Chumar sector, begun work on the road to link Daulat Beg Oldi with Leh, and moved high-performance fighter aircraft to bases proximate to Tibet. In addition, it has raised two new mountain divisions, plans to establish two armoured brigades across the Himalayas and may raise a new mountain strike corps. In other words, the Indian posture is moving from the purely defensive vis-à-vis the PLA in Tibet, to one which could also include offensive action. In addition, India’s strategic forces have begun to mature with the test of the Agni V and the launch of the Arihant.

If you faced a country with which you have a disputed border, you would not be happy about its growing military profile. But China seems to have developed some amnesia here. After all, its own infrastructure and military build up has outpaced that of India’s by at least a decade and a half. In this period, China has developed a railway, an extensive road network in Tibet and Xinjiang. In addition it has deployed powerful forces, which include armour, rocket artillery and battlefield support missiles. They have developed new airfields and have conducted as many as four major military exercises in Tibet in 2012.

It is useful to look back at the last major crisis which took place in 1986-1987 over Sumdorong Chu. This coincided with ‘Exercise Chequerboard’ involving the movement of forces from the plains of Assam to the Arunachal mountains. When the panicked Chinese moved forward their forces, India began Op Falcon and used its heavy helicopter lift capability to build up rapidly across the entire LAC and even deployed infantry combat vehicles and tanks in some areas.

Far-reaching agreements

The result was the 1993 and 1996 confidence building agreements. They are far reaching and important, and yet they have never been seriously implemented. For example clause 2 of the 1993 agreement accepted that there should be ceilings on forces on either side, that the two sides would reduce their forces along the LAC and that the “extent, depth, timing, and nature of reduction of military forces” would be determined through mutual consultations. Article 3 of the 1996 agreement specified that the major category of armaments such as tanks, infantry combat vehicles artillery guns, heavy mortars, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles would be reduced with the ceilings to be decided through mutual agreement.

However, to implement such an agreement required one key step spelt out in Article 10 of the 1996 agreement — that the two sides would work out a common understanding of the alignment of the LAC. But the Chinese have baulked at working this out and so the key clauses of the agreements remain in a limbo.

Indian chicken hawks who have been advocating a military response to the Chinese action on the LAC are wrong on two counts. First, we are in the middle of our modernisation cycle, lacking vital elements such as mountain artillery and heavy lift helicopters. Second, an over-the-top military response to what was a non-threatening military action on the part of the PLA would have needlessly escalated the situation. In the last count there appeared to be five tents and seven men and a dog in the Chinese encampment. In retrospect, the handling of the situation which involved a symmetrical non-threatening military response by Indian forces, along with patient diplomacy, paid off.

The message from China right now seems to be that it is ready to engage India across the entire spectrum, which includes the disputed border. There is nothing in Chinese actions suggesting that they are looking for a fight. New Delhi needs to firmly tell the Chinese not to put the cart before the horse, and that it cannot and will not freeze its border dispositions or its modernisation schemes.

The upcoming visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang should be used to push the long pending exchange of maps detailing the Chinese and Indian versions of the LAC as a prelude to working out a common alignment of the LAC in a time-bound manner. Only this will ensure peace and tranquillity on the Sino-Indian border and open up the possibility that the border dispositions are not only frozen, but actually drawn down as per the 1993 and 1996 agreements. This in turn could give life to the stalled Special Representative process which was set up in 2003 to work out a mutually agreed border.
@Chinese Bamboo

This is turning into a mockery. Please petition your government to do something!!!! Why is China allowing India to bully it!!

I have been mocked because of my hopes in Chinese retaliation. Indians are now mocking me because you all are not doing anything and playing down a massive escalation by India! Your allies need you to show strength otherwise we will loose faith in you.
Chinese really missed those good days of Manmohan Singh and UPA 2 govt :D
What is your joint think tank RANDI propose ?

war or negotiation ?

What is your joint think tank RANDI propose ?

war or negotiation ?

Chinese really missed those good days of Manmohan Singh and UPA 2 govt :D

@Chinese Bamboo

Look what I am talking about. Now the mockery of Pakistan and China starts. Please show strenght and do not show weakness. Your allies depend on your strength!
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