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Indian and Chinese soldiers stand off in Ladakh

It seems this is a small border skirmish going on....

But why are Pakistanis more excited about it....Every Indian and Chinese member know that there will not be a war....India and China are matured countries they know the cost of the war so they will never engage in that....Let's hope this matter ends as quickly as it started....

so are we

After all, India attack is China's outpost , rather than Pak bro.
For China, the whole country is currently in a critical period, together with Pak to engage in joint economic construction.
If you are felling trees to build a house suddenly a little mosquito bite.
at best, merely waved or scratch the itch.
Instead of wasting their energies in the fight mosquitoes everywhere.

But, If India began to attack Pak……
So China may be handled will be a different story……
I am not mocking chinese they are our friends,i am mocking you pakistanis who are acting their lackey and cheerleaders.

Its clearly visible that after 15 days CBM's will be implemented as the result of Indo-Pak DG's meeting.

and certain elements doesnt want a good outcome of all this and because of this only we are seeing all this.

Pakistan Establishment is getting grind inbetween. on one hand Chinese investment and on another hand lives of millions of people. Chinese would like to just sit and watch but the loss would be of the people of both India and Pakistan.
Its clearly visible that after 15 days CBM's will be implemented as the result of Indo-Pak DG's meeting.

and certain elements doesnt want a good outcome of all this and because of this only we are seeing all this.

Pakistan Establishment is getting grind inbetween. on one hand Chinese investment and on another hand lives of millions of people. Chinese would like to just sit and watch but the loss would be of the people of both India and Pakistan.
you are living in fools paradise my bro if you think there would be a peace between india and pakistan however i am sure india and china can sort out our differences.we have no blood feud with them apart from minor border dispute which can be handled by recognising their right on Aksai chin.
It means

Two long and civilized neighbouring countries India and China are partners in progress...

Do you think we indians dont know chinese????;)

The last three words "作进步“ are really awful writting! It's pity that the indian destroy the "cooperation and development" ......
It always started from Indian media. Like the stories and "evidence" appeared in the Indian media before the current friction has only an Indian version. There's no fresh "evidence" of what has happened but a self-fabricated story. Indians are easily fooled or boosted like what they were in 1962.
The last three words "作进步“ are really awful writting! It's pity that the indian destroy the "cooperation and development" ......

We still are partners in certain areas relax. :tup:

Problem is we still don't have fixed borders there are Chinese areas which are claimed by Indians and vice versa. Hence these kind are problems are just natural .
Just w8 we're still not at that point where we can maturely solve our Border disputes
We did it with Bangladesh we'll do it with China too.

Peace :-)
you are living in fools paradise my bro if you think there would be a peace between india and pakistan however i am sure india and china can sort out our differences.we have no blood feud with them apart from minor border dispute which can be handled by recognising their right on Aksai chin.

The problem in the Aksai Chin region was further compounded by the fact that this was an uninhabited high-altitude desert, with few markers that could decide the case in favour of one country or the other. But there was cause for the two countries to sit down and negotiate a mutually acceptable boundary. This as we know was not to be and, since then, the process has gone through needless tension and conflict.

In the initial period, India’s focus was on the McMahon Line which defines the boundary with China in what is now Arunachal Pradesh. It tended to play down the issue of Aksai Chin because it was a remote area and of little strategic interest to India. But for China, the area was vital. Indeed, according to John W. Garver, it was “essential to Chinese control of western Tibet and very important to its control of all of Tibet.” In other words, in contrast to India’s legalistic and nationalistic claims over the region, for China, control over Aksai Chin had a geopolitical imperative.

For this reason, it entered the area, built a road through it and undertook a policy to expand westward to ensure that the road was secure. India woke up to the issue late and when it sought to confront the Chinese through its forward policy in 1961, it was already too late. And the 1962 war only saw a further Chinese advance westward which led to almost the entire Galwan River coming under the Chinese control.
It always started from Indian media. Like the stories and "evidence" appeared in the Indian media before the current friction has only an Indian version. There's no fresh "evidence" of what has happened but a self-fabricated story. Indians are easily fooled or boosted like what they were in 1962.

China have took advantage of India during 1962 war and during that time i think China was already having Nuclear weapons but it exploded Nukes in 1964. Cold war has helped many countries against India but still other nations have understood that India has learnt from the past and now India is a strong nation with full capacity and capabiliities to help other nations in all sectors.

read the message chain first

why on such important international subjects such type of talks :confused:

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