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Indian and Chinese soldiers stand off in Ladakh

China have took advantage of India during 1962 war and during that time i think China was already having Nuclear weapons but it exploded Nukes in 1964. Cold war has helped many countries against India but still other nations have understood that India has learnt from the past and now India is a strong nation with full capacity and capabiliities to help other nations in all sectors.

why on such important international subjects such type of talks :confused:
cant you see who started it?
The problem in the Aksai Chin region was further compounded by the fact that this was an uninhabited high-altitude desert, with few markers that could decide the case in favour of one country or the other. But there was cause for the two countries to sit down and negotiate a mutually acceptable boundary. This as we know was not to be and, since then, the process has gone through needless tension and conflict.

In the initial period, India’s focus was on the McMahon Line which defines the boundary with China in what is now Arunachal Pradesh. It tended to play down the issue of Aksai Chin because it was a remote area and of little strategic interest to India. But for China, the area was vital. Indeed, according to John W. Garver, it was “essential to Chinese control of western Tibet and very important to its control of all of Tibet.” In other words, in contrast to India’s legalistic and nationalistic claims over the region, for China, control over Aksai Chin had a geopolitical imperative.

For this reason, it entered the area, built a road through it and undertook a policy to expand westward to ensure that the road was secure. India woke up to the issue late and when it sought to confront the Chinese through its forward policy in 1961, it was already too late. And the 1962 war only saw a further Chinese advance westward which led to almost the entire Galwan River coming under the Chinese control.
very informative :tup:

1. But we should not let our guards down,we should raise a new STRIKE CORPS with minimum 50000 troops for invading Tibet just in case.

2.New tank regiment for north east of T 90MS

3.Artillery and AH 64.
@PatriotLover Bhai I am feeling sad for you. After all the bitching and cheerleading, you end up getting eggs on your face. lmao!! Dost dost na raha, pyar pyar na raha.....
On Topic: Both countries are mature and responsible powers and can handle situation very well and doing so.
very informative :tup:

1. But we should not let our guards down,we should raise a new STRIKE CORPS with minimum 50000 troops for invading Tibet just in case.

2.New tank regiment for north east of T 90MS

3.Artillery and AH 64.

All the national security policy will be discussed in the upcoming top military commanders meeting in Kochi. GoI is well prepared to handle all the situations related to the Nation.

DM tells Army to hold on to their position very firmly
PublishedSeptember 15, 2015 | Byadmin

SOURCE: Dailyexcelsior.com


As Sino-Indian troops standoff in Burtse area along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh today entered into fourth day, the two sides agreed to hold Sector Commanders level flag meeting this week but the date hasn’t been finalized as yet even as the Defence Ministry asked the troops to stick to their ground and don’t retreat till the last Chinese soldier withdraws.
Official sources told the Excelsior that both sides held on to their ground in Burtse in Northern Ladakh along the LAC for fourth consecutive day but without any headway as much awaited flag meeting between the two sides didn’t mature. The flag meeting between Sector Commanders of the two sides could take place this week to resolve the deadlock.
According to sources, the two Armies were awaiting nod of the senior authorities of their countries before holding the flag meeting as this was for the first time when the Indian Government has taken firm stand against the Chinese incursions and Army dismantled their watch tower, which was being constructed about 500 meters inside the Indian territory.
The Indian Army has linked the return of camera and other material of the Chinese watch tower to the return of about 90 soldiers of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to their original position, sources said, adding the PLA jawans were frustrated as they were meeting stiff resistance from the Indian troops, who have categorically refused to return their cameras and other material till they retreat.
Sources confirmed that the Defence Ministry has asked the troops to firmly hold their positions on the LAC and make sure that the PLA retreats. It has given go ahead to the troops for the Sector Commander level meeting also to resolve the dispute as and when asked for by the PLA.
India has increased presence of the troops on its side yesterday as there was no let up in the standoff between the two sides. The paramilitary Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has also increased its presence behind the Army along the LAC.
Sources said China continued to maintain that there is no stand-off between the People’s Liberation Army and Indian troops on the India-China border.
“As far as I know, there is no such face off in the border area. Chinese troops are performing their duties on the Chinese side of the border,” Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said at the regular briefing in Beijing on Monday.
Sources here said Hong seemed to confirm that China may have actually started building the watch tower within its own territory when he said that his country is entitled to carry out “relevant activities” on its side of the border.
“Chinese border troops are carrying out relevant activities on the Chinese side, and we are committed to maintain peace and tranquility in the border area,” he claimed.
Hong explaining that India-China relations are “enjoying sound momentum” since leaders of the two countries reached an “important consensus for maintaining peace and tranquility in the border areas”.
Sources said officials on the two sides adroitly have built a mechanism for cross-border consultation to avoid any dispute among border personnel since the meetings between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping early this year.
“Questions are being asked if the border consultation mechanism is working on the ground in view of latest Chinese incursion in Burtse area along the LAC in Ladakh,’’ sources pointed out referring to the statement of Hong.
According to sources, the Indian authorities were hopeful that the situation will not aggravate further and the issues will be resolved in the Sector Commanders’ meeting, which could take place any time this week.
Sources said the Defence Ministry and the Union Home Ministry were monitoring the situation very closely from New Delhi. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and Home Minister Rajnath Singh were in regular touch with Army and ITBP officials respectively.
Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda has already briefed Army chief Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag about the situation after obtaining detailed reports from General Officer Commanding (GOC) Leh based 14 Corps Lt Gen SK Patyal. The ITBP Commanders have given detailed report on the situation to the Union Home Minister.
The construction was done by the PLA to claim that the area belonged to them. This area is adjacent to Depsang plains where PLA had pitched camps in April, 2013 that had led to a three-week long stalemate.
China has been trying to make inroads in Burtse area as it will give access to the PLA to monitor the activities of Indian troops based in Old Patol base besides trying to deny an advantage to India to overlook the Karakoram highway linking the territory illegally occupied by China with Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir(Azad Kashmir).
Besides, India has an Advanced Ground Landing (AGL) facility in Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) which was activated in August 2013 and the Indian Air Force (IAF) had managed to land a C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft at the air strip located at 16,614 feet above sea level.
The initial existence of a hut was seen first on a satellite imagery after which a joint patrol of ITBP and Army was sent to the area to have a report from ground zero. Later, it was decided to demolish the hut which prompted Chinese PLA to reach the area resulting in the face-off.
Indian troops displayed the banners in Chinese asking the PLA to return to their side, the sources said.
India and China share over 4,000 kilometers of LAC. China claims approximately 90,000 sq km of territory in Arunachal Pradesh besides 38,000 sq kilometers in Jammu and Kashmir sector
To all Indian posters;

How does it feel to have your bandwidth wasted in making the effort to reply to posters who most likely received permission for the first time in their lives from ammi and abba to go on the internet as long as he did not go on any 'no-no' websites; and instead are literally clouding their screens while touching themselves to the dream of a Sino-Indo conflict?
What rubbish, Pak-China relationship is special. Not like Russia-India. China will always stand with us in case of Pak-Indo war and you will be facing a two front war which will slap India on both cheeks simultaneously!

Oh the humiliation for our vedic friends! Lets do it @Chinese Bamboo @buddha palm Lets use that palm and chop India into 2!
Yes the relationship is so special... that they never give you any kind of aid... never come to fight alongside you in any war with India and they only fund project that benefit Chinese economy.....
Yes the relationship is so special... that they never give you any kind of aid... never come to fight alongside you in any war with India and they only fund project that benefit Chinese economy.....

And country which did is their number 2 enemy now why?
Cause they killed some GOOD terrorists on their soil. :usflag:
It seems this is a small border skirmish going on....

But why are Pakistanis more excited about it....Every Indian and Chinese member know that there will not be a war....India and China are matured countries they know the cost of the war so they will never engage in that....Let's hope this matter ends as quickly as it started....
We still are partners in certain areas relax. :tup:

Problem is we still don't have fixed borders there are Chinese areas which are claimed by Indians and vice versa. Hence these kind are problems are just natural .
Just w8 we're still not at that point where we can maturely solve our Border disputes
We did it with Bangladesh we'll do it with China too.

Peace :-)

Yes. China also have settled land border disputes with vietnam, russia, mid-asia countries, so will with India. The border disputes between India and China have been existed for a long time, and both countries can live together peacefully for decades. So this time things will not change, it's no reason to become a big trouble. What we need is patience.

It seems this is a small border skirmish going on....

But why are Pakistanis more excited about it....Every Indian and Chinese member know that there will not be a war....India and China are matured countries they know the cost of the war so they will never engage in that....Let's hope this matter ends as quickly as it started....

Guys who thought China will open war with India shall carefully read Chinese Chairman Xi's statement on Sep 3rd' great parade, it clearly announced that China want peace and will reduce 300 thousands army men. China' grand country strategy is build "One belt one road". It's expected to unite the asia, connect mid-east as well as European area, so as to develop businees and win-win relationship with all involved counties -except Japan I think. So the first guideline to settle disputes with these countries is diplomacy negotiation instead of miliatry actions. China have made efforts to improve relationship with these countries including India absolutely. So this newly border dispute will not over emphasized and will be cool handled definitely, China will not allow it to become a stumbling block on her way of grand strategy.

Of course, that does not mean that China fear to have wars with challenging countries, it's just not on her right way. If the invasion has hurted her core benefits and blocked the grand strategy, China will fight back with firm, fast and strong miliatry actions!
Yes. China also have settled land border disputes with vietnam, russia, mid-asia countries, so will with India. The border disputes between India and China have been existed for a long time, and both countries can live together peacefully for decades. So this time things will not change, it's no reason to become a big trouble. What we need is patience.

Guys who thought China will open war with India shall carefully read Chinese Chairman Xi's statement on Sep 3rd' great parade, it clearly announced that China want peace and will reduce 300 thousands army men. China' grand country strategy is build "One belt one road". It's expected to unite the asia, connect mid-east as well as European area, so as to develop businees and win-win relationship with all involved counties -except Japan I think. So the first guideline to settle disputes with these countries is diplomacy negotiation instead of miliatry actions. China have made efforts to improve relationship with these countries including India absolutely. So this newly border dispute will not over emphasized and will be cool handled definitely, China will not allow it to become a stumbling block on her way of grand strategy.

Of course, that does not mean that China fear to have wars with challenging countries, it's just not on her right way. If the invasion has hurted her core benefits and blocked the grand strategy, China will fight back with firm, fast and strong miliatry actions!

I couldn't agree more:cheers:


(Indian soldiers occasionally concerned about Beijing and Lhasa)

This on either side have no constructive topics can end up.
China denies Sino-Indian ‘face-off’ claims

China on Monday said there was no stand-off between Indian and Chinese troops in the border area, in response to reports by the Indian media which said Indian troops demolished a Chinese constructed watch tower in the sensitive region.

  "As far as I know, there is no such 'face-off' between China and India in the border area," Hong Lei, spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on Monday at a regular press briefing.

  China has been committed to maintaining the peace and tranquility of the border area and hopes India could clarify the related matter and work with China, he said.

  Indian media on Sunday reported that a face-off between the two sides took place in the Burtse area of Ladakh after Indian troops demolished a watch tower constructed by China "on Indian soil" early Sunday.

  The Indian Express reported that the construction was done by the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and that the local commanders of both armies are expected to meet on Monday.

  "This is not the first time that Indian media has reported 'confrontations' that do not exist in the Sino-Indian border area. These news are often untrue, negative, misleading and aimed at provoking public opinion, and are harmful to the relationship between China and India," said Jiang Jingkui, director of the Department of South Asian Languages at Peking University.

  Indian media frequently report disputes at the border with China. They often accuse Chinese troops of "intruding" and describe the troops of both sides as having a "face-off."

  "There is a certain group of people, including the military, who are hostile towards China. Unlike the Indian government and local citizens who are supportive of Sino-Indian relations and peaceful development, they believe that a war with China is inevitable as they want to avenge the Sino-Indian confrontation that took place in 1962," Jiang said.

  He said such media accusations are unreasonable as Chinese troops have never intruded Indian border.

  Sino-Indian relations are enjoying a sound momentum of development, Hong said. The significant consensus reached between leaders of both sides on maintaining peace and tranquility of the border area serves as an important guarantee for the sustainable development of bilateral relations, he added.

  China hopes that India will bear the big picture of bilateral ties in mind, and safeguard peace of the border area so as to create a favorable environment for the development of bilateral relations, Hong noted.

  Jiang said despite the Indian media reports, the Sino-Indian tie is indeed stable, because the leaders of both countries focus more on cooperation than confrontations.

  "This is just a minor incident. With China's Belt and Road Initiative which requires cooperation, Sino-Indian relationship will continue to develop peacefully as India will also benefit from the scheme," he said.
Simple testing contest on at the border. Neither country is suicidal to get into a war and slow down their economies. Border issue with China can be settled. This is one border where the Chinese are assured, Americans will not turn up.

The Chinese south eastern and eastern border is more problematic. The only problem, will be Aksai Chin.

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