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Indian and Chinese soldiers stand off in Ladakh

@Chinese Bamboo

This is turning into a mockery. Please petition your government to do something!!!! Why is China allowing India to bully it!!

I have been mocked because of my hopes in Chinese retaliation. Indians are now mocking me because you all are not doing anything and playing down a massive escalation by India! Your allies need you to show strength otherwise we will loose faith in you.
WTF.Nearly nobody care this kind of news In China....
I didnt know what to do for knowing nothing of petition...
@Chinese Bamboo

This is turning into a mockery. Please petition your government to do something!!!! Why is China allowing India to bully it!!

I have been mocked because of my hopes in Chinese retaliation. Indians are now mocking me because you all are not doing anything and playing down a massive escalation by India! Your allies need you to show strength otherwise we will loose faith in you.


Sorry please continue. You're the best I've seen here.:china: :pakistan:
WTF.Nearly nobody care this kind of news In China....
I didnt know what to do for knowing nothing of petition...

Only way my friend is to show in Chinese media, how Indians are celebration, and how this is a huge escalation, then they will demand responce.

India destroyed a Chinese post. This is a declaration of war.


Sorry please continue. You're the best I've seen here.:china: :pakistan:

Just wait, plans are being made. Response will come. Mark my words.
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Keep dreaming.Not a single bullet has been fired in over 2 decades.Both sides are mature enough

Agree. The leaders of both two countries are wise enough to keep the situation under control. Any side fire first will take the pain he would not want at this moment, neither one will win easily. A single shoot may lead the conflict to last many decades. What benefits for each side if war happen now? China and India shall set up friendship and develop together, rather than undesired conflicts. Modi and Xi know this clearly.
Agree. The leaders of both two countries are wise enough to keep the situation under control. Any side fire first will take the pain he would not want at this moment, neither one will win easily. A single shoot may lead the conflict to last many decades. What benefits for each side if war happen now? China and India shall set up friendship and develop together, rather than undesired conflicts. Modi and Xi know this clearly.

Why are you listening to the stupid Indians! They just destroyed your post. In normal circumstances this is declaration of war! Why are you playing down this major escalation! I cannot understand! Its a mockery of China and Pakistan.

We must do something and as always we will be there if you need our assistance.

I think so....But...
Most of people in gov and society dislike wars...
We can just wait and see..

Ok fine. But any time you need it. We will always be there at your side with full support!
Keep dreaming.Not a single bullet has been fired in over 2 decades.Both sides are mature enough

Agree. The leaders of both two countries are wise enough to keep the situation under control. Any side fire first will take the pain he would not want at this moment, neither one will win easily. A single shoot may lead the conflict to last many decades. What benefits for each side if war happen now? China and India shall set up friendship and develop together, rather than undesired conflicts. Modi and Xi know this clearly.
Why are you listening to the stupid Indians! They just destroyed your post. In normal circumstances this is declaration of war! Why are you playing down this major escalation! I cannot understand! Its a mockery of China and Pakistan.

We must do something and as always we will be there if you need our assistance.

Ok fine. But any time you need it. We will always be there at your side with full support!

I can feel your friendsship to China. I just don't like to see any war happen around the Asia, Including the war between India and Pakistan.
China and India shall set up friendship and develop together, rather than undesired conflicts. Modi and Xi know this clearly.

I can feel your friendsship to China. I just don't like to see any war happen around the Asia, Including the war between India and Pakistan.

I hope your friendship with India (even after such acts by India) wont be a greater friendship than ours and you will come to our assistance if war breaks out between Pak-indo.

What you said will not be taken lightly by our leadership. It makes me quite sad.
@Chinese Bamboo

Look what I am talking about. Now the mockery of Pakistan and China starts. Please show strenght and do not show weakness. Your allies depend on your strength!
I am not mocking chinese they are our friends,i am mocking you pakistanis who are acting their lackey and cheerleaders.
I hope your friendship with India (even after such acts by India) wont be a greater friendship than ours and you will come to our assistance if war breaks out between Pak-indo.

What you said will not be taken lightly by our leadership. It makes me quite sad.
India always treats us bad,I hope our leaders know that India cant be trusted and the policy to Pakistan shouldnt be changed.
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