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Indian air force's offensive military build-up along China's border

well honestly dude there would be no racism if there was no internet.

stupid fat kids sit on the computer all the day and talk sh.it about others

Racism was in this world a long time before Internet ;) Without the net, these stupid fat kids might be out there actually conducting racism. Now they sit home and watch **** and talk sh!t of others. And everyone can see that they are just a bunch of retards with no substance in life.

I always feel that a happy, self-confident person with a strong personality are the ones who are least likely to hate, be intolerant or lose their temper. Thats why i pity the trolls who waste their time and effort to spew their hate and look to spread their hate. If their real life was satisfactory they wouldnt be so retarded online :flame:
I do Not Believe He Died of Heart attack, there were ample of Evidences to Prove He Was Poisoned to Death, And Even If He Died of a Heart attack What Wrong Message does it Share???..... The Cause of His Death was Not Even Revealed After Filing RTI....

ironic : an indian not aware of his own history :disagree: ask your dad or mom about mr. shahstry's death & at what time it had happened ...or you want it more easy then search on net for the death of your poor pm shastry ..when done then you'LL get the reason behind shastry's crying for the cease - fire way before PakisTanis ..:azn::pakistan:
That makes no sence if the Mods deleted your message just because you quoted some trolles words.I dont think its because of your nationality.Still you delied the fact that you did troll around in this thread if not in others more.So the question is still here,how could a troller act like a saint to lecture on another troller? Because of your nationality? :woot:

cLoneman sounds pretty much right to me..:) cLoneman is argueing with some reasons so mr. indian army you should learn atleast how to convey what you actually want to say in defence of any argument placed infront of you..:pdf:
I am No Saint, Iam Just an Old Man, and I can Assure you that, I have never Passed any Racist Comments Not only in this forum but anywhere else.... I have never Pulled In Poverty as a Subject to be Laughed Upon, I am also part time teacher, I dedicate Some of My time to those children whom You called "Slum Dogs"

just do your india a favour , vill ya ? just ask your indian govt. to spend less on your so-called defence needs and take a look at the common indian or the slumdogs living in the slums of your so-called shiny india (shiny my -ss :rofl:) ; i am sure you shall sleep with more peace than you do now as the condition of your slums may get improved once your govt. gets out of the fear of L.e.T. , china and Pakistan ( DesTroying your india) and spend some money for the poor of india that surely need some bread than buLLets to eat .. :hitwall:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1181372 said:
just do your india a favour , vill ya ? just ask your indian govt. to spend less on your so-called defence needs and take a look at the common indian or the slumdogs living in the slums of your so-called shiny india (shiny my -ss :rofl:) ; i am sure you shall sleep with more peace than you do now as the condition of your slums may get improved once your govt. gets out of the fear of L.e.T. , china and Pakistan ( DesTroying your india) and spend some money for the poor of india that surely need some bread than buLLets to eat .. :hitwall:

India does not care. They want to rule the whole world and turn everyone into slums dwellers :D
With eye on China, India to create new air base at Nyoma | NDTV.com


New Delhi: At the heart of a recent stand-off between India and China was the area surrounding Daulat Beg Oldie in Ladakh, one of the highest landing strips in the world. And now, within 100 miles of Daulat Beg Oldie, India is going to open a new air base at Nyoma. The air strip was last used in the 1960s, but was reopened in India in 2008.

In April, Chinese soldiers entered Indian territory at Daulat Beg Oldie and set up a group of nests, refusing to retreat for three weeks.

The area they had camped in was crucial for giving China's People's Liberation Army access to remote regions.

It took extensive negotiations between military commanders and diplomats of both countries to end that incursion.

Today, Air Force Chief NAK Browne said that the Nyoma airfield, strategically located in South Easten Ladakh where it overlooks a highway that's used by the Chinese army, will be expanded into a full-fledged airbase, allowing fighter planes and heavy transport aircraft to land here.

Nyoma is located at a height of 13,000 feet; India stopped using it after the war with China in 1962, but reactivated it in 2010.

Air Marshal Browne said he expects Nyoma to be completely operational by 2016-17. Nyoma will be used to station fighter jets and provide logistical help to the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Ladakh Scouts which patrol the Line of Actual Control or de-facto border with China.

India is also upgrading all the seven Advance Landing Grounds (ALGs) in Arunachal Pradesh. All of them will be equipped for night landing, the Air Chief said.

These are not full-fledged air bases but landing strips which can be used to drop off troops and supplies. Some can be used for refueling fighter jets. The ALGs were deactivated after the 1962 India-China War. Developing them at a cost of nearly Rs. 700 crore is part of the exercise to rapidly build infrastructure along the India-China border.
it only takes one short range ballistic missle to destroy the runway, piece of cake.
even if we built more air fields , even if Chinese built more defense infrastructure. possibility of war between us is negligible . both country have the right to built infrastructure . both countries are responsible,and intelligent enough . more over border between India and china is one of the most peaceful in the region
actually Indians are chance taker and hot head, the only way to make them calm down is to overwhelm.
NEW DELHI As part of efforts to build up military infrastructure along the border with China, the Indian Air Force (IAF) on Friday said it plans to develop a fighter aircraft base at Nyoma in Ladakh and is upgrading seven airfields for carrying out 24X7 operations in the northeast.

The IAF is also considering extending the runway length and upgrading the Kargil airfield close to the Line of Control with Pakistan, said IAF chief NAK Browne.

“Nyoma is an important location for both the army and the IAF in the south east of Ladakh where we have good weather all round the year. The cost of developing the air base would be around Rs21,730 million and it will take 4-5 years to develop it,” he said, addressing the 81st Air Force Day press conference here.


Browne said the proposal for developing the Nyoma air field was mooted in 2010 with the landing of an An-32 transport aircraft there. It is right now with the federal finance ministry and is expected to be taken up by the cabinet next month, he said.

“All types of aircraft including fighters, helicopters and transport aircraft would be able capable of being deployed and operated from there,” he said.

Browne said the airbase, located at an altitude of around 13,000 feet, is lower in height than the Advanced Landing Ground at Daulat Beg Oldie but was higher than the air bases in Leh and Thoise.

The IAF is operating with ‘much less’ aircraft than its authorised strength of 42 combat squadrons and in case of any further delay in the proposed 126 fighter jet deal, the force levels in the service will ‘go down rapidly’, Browne said.

“The authorisation is for 42 squadrons of fighter aircraft. Presently, we are much less than that. In the 12th and 13th Plan (2012-2022), we have to maintain a certain force level because that is where the maximum draw down is taking place. So, we lose a number of squadrons in these two plan periods,” he said.

“In case, Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft does not come to us in the end of the 12th Plan (2017), then our force levels will to go down rapidly,” Browne said.
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