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Lol, you are the one that stated he "rammed" it down our throats. It has full bipartisan support in Congress, amongst Democrats and Republicans, Whites and Blacks, etc. Besides, it's not meant to specifically target White people buddy.

Again, you are just going off-topic. Who launches the nukes? If it was a race war a bunch of White people wouldn't just kill their own families because King Obama says so. Obama commands a salt-of-the-Earth American to nuke Nebraska or Florida, in addition to being in the middle of a race-war (in your scenario), and you may be surprised by the answer. I certainly wouldn't be though.

Wonderful, I guess that means it must be true.

Who is Kevin McElroy? What is Wyatt Research? He is a nobody, and his firm seems to be the same. Why should I take this one man's opinion as fact?

Lol, you are the one that stated he "rammed" it down our throats. It has full bipartisan support in Congress, amongst Democrats and Republicans, Whites and Blacks, etc. Besides, it's not meant to specifically target White people buddy.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...g-8-algs-arunachal-pradesh.html#ixzz2dY8sId00

Considering that the congress is corrupt do you expect me to trust them? Second , please show that majority of american public supports the NDAA as you claimed.I am not talking about corrupt politicans who are on payroll of vested interests such as the US Congress.

Who is Kevin McElroy? What is Wyatt Research? He is a nobody, and his firm seems to be the same. Why should I take this one man's opinion as fact?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...g-8-algs-arunachal-pradesh.html#ixzz2dY9kVwS8

When there is strong statistical backing in the data, then yes.
Again, you are just going off-topic. Who launches the nukes? If it was a race war a bunch of White people wouldn't just kill their own families because King Obama says so.

Actually US military is trained to obey orders and execute them whether against americans or foreigners.

never thought I would have to write this: but – incredibly – Congress has now passed the National Defense Appropriations Act, with Amendment 1031, which allows for the military detention of American citizens. The amendment is so loosely worded that any American citizen could be held without due process. The language of this bill can be read to assure Americans that they can challenge their detention – but most people do not realize what this means: at Guantanamo and in other military prisons, one’s lawyer’s calls are monitored, witnesses for one’s defense are not allowed to testify, and one can be forced into nudity and isolation. Incredibly, ninety-three Senators voted to support this bill and now most of Congress: a roster of names that will live in infamy in the history of our nation, and never be expunged from the dark column of the history books.

They may have supported this bill because – although it’s hard to believe – they think the military will only arrest active members of Al Qaida; or maybe, less naively, they believe that ‘at most’, low-level dissenting figures, activists, or troublesome protesters might be subjected to military arrest. But they are forgetting something critical: history shows that those who signed this bill will soon be subject to arrest themselves.

Our leaders appear to be supporting this bill thinking that they will always be what they are now, in the fading light of a once-great democracy – those civilian leaders who safely and securely sit in freedom and DIRECT the military. In inhabiting this bubble, which their own actions are about to destroy, they are cocooned by an arrogance of power, placing their own security in jeopardy by their own hands, and ignoring history and its inevitable laws. The moment this bill becomes law, though Congress is accustomed, in a weak democracy, to being the ones who direct and control the military, the power roles will reverse: Congress will no longer be directing and in charge of the military: rather, the military will be directing and in charge of individual Congressional leaders, as well as in charge of everyone else – as any Parliamentarian in any society who handed this power over to the military can attest.

Perhaps Congress assumes that it will always only be ‘they’ who are targeted for arrest and military detention: but sadly, Parliamentary leaders are the first to face pressure, threats, arrest and even violence when the military obtains to power to make civilian arrests and hold civilians in military facilities without due process. There is no exception to this rule. Just as I traveled the country four years ago warning against the introduction of torture and secret prisons – and confidently offering a hundred thousand dollar reward to anyone who could name a nation that allowed torture of the ‘other’ that did not eventually turn this abuse on its own citizens – (confident because I knew there was no such place) – so today I warn that one cannot name a nation that gave the military the power to make civilian arrests and hold citizens in military detention, that did not almost at once turn that power almost against members of that nation’s own political ruling class. This makes sense – the obverse sense of a democracy, in which power protects you; political power endangers you in a militarized police state: the more powerful a political leader is, the more can be gained in a militarized police state by pressuring, threatening or even arresting him or her.

Mussolini, who created the modern template for fascism, was a duly elected official when he started to direct paramilitary forces against Italian citizens: yes, he sent the Blackshirts to beat up journalists, editors, and union leaders; but where did these militarized groups appear most dramatically and terrifyingly, snapping at last the fragile hold of Italian democracy? In the halls of the Italian Parliament. Whom did they physically attack and intimidate? Mussolini’s former colleagues in Parliament – as they sat, just as our Congress is doing, peacefully deliberating and debating the laws. Whom did Hitler’s Brownshirts arrest in the first wave of mass arrests in 1933? Yes, journalists, union leaders and editors; but they also targeted local and regional political leaders and dragged them off to secret prisons and to torture that the rest of society had turned a blind eye to when it had been directed at the ‘other.’ Who was most at risk from assassination or arrest and torture, after show trials, in Stalin’s Russia? Yes, journalists, editors and dissidents: but also physically endangered, and often arrested by militarized police and tortured or worse, were senior members of the Politburo who had fallen out of favor.

Is this intimidation and arrest by the military a vestige of the past? Hardly. We forget in America that all over the world there are militarized societies in which shells of democracy are propped up – in which Parliament meets regularly and elections are held, but the generals are really in charge, just as the Egyptian military is proposing with upcoming elections and the Constitution itself. That is exactly what will take place if Congress gives the power of arrest and detention to the military: and in those societies if a given political leader does not please the generals, he or she is in physical danger or subjected to military arrest. Whom did John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, say he was directed to intimidate and threaten when he worked as a ‘jackal’, putting pressure on the leadership in authoritarian countries? Latin American parliamentarians who were in the position to decide the laws that affected the well-being of his corporate clients. Who is under house arrest by the military in Myanmar? The political leader of the opposition to the military junta. Malalai Joya is an Afghani parliamentarian who has run afoul of the military and has to sleep in a different venue every night – for her own safety. An on, and on, in police states – that is, countries with military detention of civilians – that America is about to join.

US Congresspeople and Senators may think that their power protects them from the treacherous wording of Amendments 1031 and 1032: but their arrogance is leading them to a blindness that is suicidal. The moment they sign this NDAA into law, history shows that they themselves and their staff are the most physically endangered by it. They will immediately become, not the masters of the great might of the United States military, but its subjects and even, if history is any guide – and every single outcome of ramping up police state powers, unfortunately, that I have warned for years that history points to, has come to pass – sadly but inevitably, its very first targets.

Totalitarian America –

UPDATE I: Don’t be confused by anyone claiming that the indefinite detention legislation does not apply to American citizens. It does. There is an exemption for American citizens from the mandatory detention requirement (section 1032 of the bill), but no exemption for American citizens from the authorization to use the military to indefinitely detain people without charge or trial (section 1031 of the bill). So, the result is that, under the bill, the military has the power to indefinitely imprison American citizens, but it does not have to use its power unless ordered to do so.

But you don’t have to believe us. Instead, read what one of the bill’s sponsors, Sen. Lindsey Graham said about it on the Senate floor: “1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”

Considering that the congress is corrupt do you expect me to trust them? Second , please show that majority of american public supports the NDAA as you claimed.I am not talking about corrupt politicans who are on payroll of vested interests such as the US Congress.

The onus is on you FIRST to support your argument that Huessein rammed it down our throats. Where is the proof? I will state this again: The bill had wide bipartisan support, and was passed easily in the Bush office terms. You forgot that, didn't ya?

Those 'corrupt' politicians are far less corrupt than most others in the world today. You are just taking advantage of the honest and good-hearted American self-criticism that occurs far too often in our nation. Fact of the matter is, our nation is amongst the least corrupt in the world.

When there is strong statistical backing in the data, then yes.

Your statistical data consists of, "there is a huge rise in the number of people who use food stamps... therefore, a race war is about to occur". Are you really dumb, or just desperate to win this pointless debate?

Actually US military is trained to obey orders and execute them whether against americans or foreigners.

Actually, if we are in a race war it won't happen. First of all, Obama will never start nuking American cities, second of all Americans will refuse to nuke their own families.
The onus is on you FIRST to support your argument that Huessein rammed it down our throats. Where is the proof? I will state this again: The bill had wide bipartisan support, and was passed easily in the Bush office terms. You forgot that, didn't ya?

Those 'corrupt' politicians are far less corrupt than most others in the world today. You are just taking advantage of the honest and good-hearted American self-criticism that occurs far too often in our nation. Fact of the matter is, our nation is amongst the least corrupt in the world.

Your statistical data consists of, "there is a huge rise in the number of people who use food stamps... therefore, a race war is about to occur". Are you really dumb, or just desperate to win this pointless debate?

Actually, if we are in a race war it won't happen. First of all, Obama will never start nuking American cities, second of all Americans will refuse to nuke their own families.
The onus is on you FIRST to support your argument that Huessein rammed it down our throats. Where is the proof? I will state this again: The bill had wide bipartisan support, and was passed easily in the Bush office terms. You forgot that, didn't ya?

Those 'corrupt' politicians are far less corrupt than most others in the world today. You are just taking advantage of the honest and good-hearted American self-criticism that occurs far too often in our nation. Fact of the matter is, our nation is amongst the least corrupt in the world.
BS. Check the magnitude of the Libor Scandal and Federal reserve's manipulation of Interest rate swaps and SEC's cover up which is magnitude of hundreds of trillions.MF global scandal and the escape of Jon Corzine with help from Holder also proved your claim about corruption is spurious.

As the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are themselves fixing interest rates at historic lows in order to mask the insolvency of their respective banking systems, they naturally do not object that the banks themselves contribute to the success of this policy by fixing the LIbor rate and by selling massive amounts of interest rate swaps, a way of shorting interest rates and driving them down or preventing them from rising.

The lower is Libor, the higher is the price or evaluations of floating-rate debt instruments, such as CDOs, and thus the stronger the banks’ balance sheets appear.

Does this mean that the US and UK financial systems can only be kept afloat by fraud that harms purchasers of interest rate swaps, which include municipalities advised by sellers of interest rate swaps, and those with saving accounts?

The answer is yes, but the Libor scandal is only a small part of the interest rate rigging scandal. The Federal Reserve itself has been rigging interest rates. How else could debt issued in profusion be bearing negative interest rates?

^^^ this is from Paul Craig Roberts former treasury secretary of USA. Get your facts straight before posting such BS.
The LIBOR Scandal's Lies

Financial DNA: $650 Trillion Manipulation?

LIBOR is hardwired into the DNA of financial market instruments and underpins trillions of dollars worth of financial transactions around the world including credit lines, bank over-drafts, mortgages, credit card rates and the value of complex derivatives including interest rate swaps. The LIBOR scandal amplifies the argument of those who feel that the global financial markets are simply a rigged casino game where the house -- also known as the world's largest banks -- always wins. Reading the text messages and emails between traders at Barclays about their often successful attempts to manipulate global benchmarks for interest rates is only likely to reinforce those beliefs. Those traders not only influenced the pricing of LIBOR but that benchmark then may influence or dictate the pricing of up to $650 trillion worth of swaps -- complex derivatives -- according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) data and several other key benchmarks between 2005 and 2009. Yes, $650 trillion is written $650,000,000,000,000 and that amounts to more than 10 times the entire world's annual output! A one basis point manipulation in that number is still equal to $65 billion which is written $65,000,000,000! Now there will be offsetting positions as well as back-to-back positions and not all those swaps key off just from LIBOR but it sets the ballpark for the quantum of manipulation involved. In addition, this action sends false market signals and creates a false market in one of the key planks of the global financial system. This is a terrible lapse of the moral compass and contributes in "unknown unknown" ways to cascading risks which produce butterfly effects!

If you do not have facts about your own corruption magnitude,I suggest you contact Paul Craig Roberts,Former US treasury secretary.He will enlighten you a lot.

Your statistical data consists of, "there is a huge rise in the number of people who use food stamps... therefore, a race war is about to occur". Are you really dumb, or just desperate to win this pointless debate?

Food riots.Race war is also high because obama regime wants it as a diversion .

First of all, Obama will never start nuking American cities, second of all Americans will refuse to nuke their own families.

there is a difference b/w shooting and nuking. You were the one to say that the nuclear silo operators are white. US military will obey orders to execute its own citizens if it has to be via shooting .Nuking will lead to loss of property ,which the fascists will not want as property will be destroyed by nuking or heavy weaponry
BS. Check the magnitude of the Libor Scandal and Federal reserve's manipulation of Interest rate swaps and SEC's cover up which is magnitude of hundreds of trillions.MF global scandal and the escape of Jon Corzine with help from Holder also proved your claim about corruption is spurious.

Libor Scandal? I didn't know the United States was a part of the UK...

And since when were the Fed's manipulation of interest rates illegal? They are not... we are not obligated to keep the Indian rupee, or any other 3rd world country for that matter, afloat by not flooding the market with US dollars.

this is from Paul Craig Roberts former treasury secretary of USA. Get your facts straight before posting such BS.

And you are asking me to get my facts straight in the same sentence? He was one of TEN Assistant Secretaries servine at the time. Don't try to BS me again.

If you do not have facts about your own corruption magnitude,I suggest you contact Paul Craig Roberts,Former US treasury secretary

I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself. One Assistant Treasury Secretary, one of ten personal assistants to the real Sec., is not important.

It would do you good to focus on your own country, which is in financial failure at this very moment.

US military will obey orders to execute its own citizens

No it won't retard. We are not your people. Please avoid projecting your own personalities and moral bankruptcy onto our people. We would never kill our own people at the demand of any president, and Obama would not do that regardless (no matter how angry he is that America has not collapsed yet).


Former United States serviceman, who would never nuke a US city under orders from ANY president, White, Black, or Blue.
Libor Scandal? I didn't know the United States was a part of the UK...

And since when were the Fed's manipulation of interest rates illegal? They are not... we are not obligated to keep the Indian rupee, or any other 3rd world country for that matter, afloat by not flooding the market with US dollars.

And you are asking me to get my facts straight in the same sentence? He was one of TEN Assistant Secretaries servine at the time. Don't try to BS me again.

I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself. One Assistant Treasury Secretary, one of ten personal assistants to the real Sec., is not important.

It would do you good to focus on your own country, which is in financial failure at this very moment.

No it won't retard. We are not your people. Please avoid projecting your own personalities and moral bankruptcy onto our people. We would never kill our own people at the demand of any president, and Obama would not do that regardless (no matter how angry he is that America has not collapsed yet).


Former United States serviceman, who would never nuke a US city under orders from ANY president, White, Black, or Blue.
wow... your post is one of most retarded ones...it is illegal to manipulate any market. That is stated by law .
Libor Scandal? I didn't know the United States was a part of the UK...

And since when were the Fed's manipulation of interest rates illegal? They are not... we are not obligated to keep the Indian rupee, or any other 3rd world country for that matter, afloat by not flooding the market with US dollars

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...8-algs-arunachal-pradesh-2.html#ixzz2dYSFOypJ

You do understand that rigging of the markets is a crime. If you cannot understand corruption then don't BS about it.

He was one of TEN Assistant Secretaries servine at the time. Don't try to BS me again.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...8-algs-arunachal-pradesh-2.html#ixzz2dYTBVxW1
And certainly thousands of times more knowledgable than you on financial markets,corruption and liberty.

Former United States serviceman, who would never nuke a US city under orders from ANY president, White, Black, or Blue.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...8-algs-arunachal-pradesh-2.html#ixzz2dYT1PNZf

hmm , not a wonder you are so blind to facts.

quoting Henry Kissinger-Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

Thanks for proving Kissinger right.

who would never nuke a US city under orders from ANY president,

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...8-algs-arunachal-pradesh-2.html#ixzz2dYU22pE3

I have stated shoot not nuke . You were the one who brought this that nuclear silo operators are white. You will obey orders too,even if it came to shooting your own people.Your attitude and tunnel vision proved Kissinger right.


Market Trader ( who isn't a Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy which you are)
wow... your post is one of most retarded ones...it is illegal to manipulate any market. That is stated by law

I'm the retard, you Indian queef?

If what our country is doing is illegal, then go ahead and arrest our country's leaders. Send the Indian Armed Forces if you dare.

I have stated shoot not nuke

Again, it won't happen.

You will obey orders too,even if it came to shooting your own people

Thanks for telling my what I will do you incompetent Indian. I didn't know that from a simple conversation on the internet some red-*** would know more about me than myself.

Oh, you are a market trader? Why so am I; I've sincerely enjoyed shorting the Rupee on it's way to collapse. Made me a small fortune. Thanks for the free illegal money.
Libor Scandal? I didn't know the United States was a part of the UK...

And since when were the Fed's manipulation of interest rates illegal? They are not... we are not obligated to keep the Indian rupee, or any other 3rd world country for that matter, afloat by not flooding the market with US dollars.

And you are asking me to get my facts straight in the same sentence? He was one of TEN Assistant Secretaries servine at the time. Don't try to BS me again.

I suggest you stop embarrassing yourself. One Assistant Treasury Secretary, one of ten personal assistants to the real Sec., is not important.

It would do you good to focus on your own country, which is in financial failure at this very moment.

No it won't retard. We are not your people. Please avoid projecting your own personalities and moral bankruptcy onto our people. We would never kill our own people at the demand of any president, and Obama would not do that regardless (no matter how angry he is that America has not collapsed yet).


Former United States serviceman, who would never nuke a US city under orders from ANY president, White, Black, or Blue.

You sound like the fool from Florida who got banned here recently. made another another account here did you bagger?

Libor scandal also included us and not just UK. U.S. banks scrutinized in Libor scandal probe

As noted, The only rate of interest the Fed can actually set is the discount rate. That's the rate charged to financial institutions when they borrow from the Fed. If the Fed wants interest rates to fall, it can lower its discount rate; banks will then borrow more from the Fed and have a greater supply of loanable funds. It is the greater supply of loanable funds that lowers rates of interest. But the Fed can only influence, not set, these rates.

please stop embarrassing America :no: Mr. storm front guy with a new account...
I'm the retard, you Indian queef?

If what our country is doing is illegal, then go ahead and arrest our country's leaders. Send the Indian Armed Forces if you dare.

Again, it won't happen.

Thanks for telling my what I will do you incompetent Indian. I didn't know that from a simple conversation on the internet some red-*** would know more about me than myself.

Oh, you are a market trader? Why so am I; I've sincerely enjoyed shorting the Rupee on it's way to collapse. Made me a small fortune. Thanks for the free illegal money.

Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy which you are....

ALERT: Barack Hussein Obama has just taken a giant leap forward in his drive to institutemartial law: according to 2009 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jim Garrow, he claims he was told by a top military veteran that the Obama administration’s “litmus test” for new military leaders isn’t whether they are the best military commanders…

It’s whether or not they will obey an order to fire on U.S. Citizens!

Garrow was nominated three years ago for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize and is the founder of The Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from “gendercide” in China. Garrow has been personally involved in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death.” He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing.

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed,” Garrow wrote on his Facebook page, later following up the post by adding the man who told him is, “one of America’s foremost military heroes,” whose goal in divulging the information was to “sound the alarm.”
RIGHTMARCH: Obama Wants Military to Fire on Citizens

Yawn ,enjoy what is coming in a matter of time.... If you refuse orders you will be charged with treason . NDAA already enables torture ,detention and murder of american citizens .

The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens.

In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for ‘Civil Disturbance Operations’ (PDF) dating from 2006. Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.

The 2006 document outlines how military assets will be used to ‘help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order’ in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.

On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of ‘deadly force’ in confronting “dissidents” on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, ‘Warning shot will not be fired.’

Given that second amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terrorists by the federal government and local law enforcement, Garrow’s claim is sure to stoke controversy given that Americans are seeing their gun rights eviscerated while the federal government itself stockpiles billions of bullets.”
You sound like the fool from Florida who got banned here recently. made another another account here did you bagger?

Libor scandal also included us and not just UK. U.S. banks scrutinized in Libor scandal probe

As noted, The only rate of interest the Fed can actually set is the discount rate. That's the rate charged to financial institutions when they borrow from the Fed. If the Fed wants interest rates to fall, it can lower its discount rate; banks will then borrow more from the Fed and have a greater supply of loanable funds. It is the greater supply of loanable funds that lowers rates of interest. But the Fed can only influence, not set, these rates.

please stop embarrassing America :no: Mr. storm front guy with a new account...

Jay, I beg to differ. Go into the total workings of the interest rate swaps. Only with Glass Steagall ,it is possible to restore sanity .Refer to the works of Paul Craig Roberts or Rob Kirby or Doug Casey.I know you will disagree but still.

Demand restoration of Glass Steagall act . It will spare the world of financial insanity.
You sound like the fool from Florida who got banned here recently. made another another account here did you bagger?

Why don't you ask them to check my IP address retard? I'm very happy that other Americans feel the same way about you though... maybe you'll leave your squat-hole one day and go back home.

And no I'm from Georgia, not Florida.

I am as much a Stromfront Supremacist loving NAZI as you are an American. I'm also a moderate who tends to lean liberal on social issues. So much for your idiotic characterization of me...
Jay, I beg to differ. Go into the total workings of the interest rate swaps. Only with Glass Steagall ,it is possible to restore sanity .Refer to the works of Paul Craig Roberts or Rob Kirby or Doug Casey.I know you will disagree but still.

Demand restoration of Glass Steagall act . It will spare the world of financial insanity.

Honestly, I have not followed your debate with that bagger bigot . I just picked up on the last bits. I am for glass-steagall and specifically the bill the "21st Century Glass Steagall Act,"

From 1797 to 1933, the American banking system crashed about every 15 years. In 1933, we put good reforms in place, for which Glass-Steagall was the centerpiece, and from 1933 to the early 1980s, that’s a 50 year period, we didn’t have any of that – none. We kept the system steady and secure.
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy which you are....

Why is my income 10x higher than the total net worth of your slave-wage Indian family then? Why is it that our great nation, far more pro-military than most, is so powerful, prosperous, and technologically advanced? Why is yours the polar opposite, even though you hate your troops so much?

Also, why are you even on a military forum in the first place?

I'm not even in the military; I served and now I'm done.. unlike you Indians, 98% of whom are happy to pay no income tax, us Americans are happy to serve our nation. You can keep on being an individual selling yourself to the highest bidder. You remind me of someone - Noshir Gowadia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yawn ,enjoy what is coming in a matter of time.... If you refuse orders you will be charged with treason . NDAA already enables torture ,detention and murder of american citizens

Post as much conspiracy crap as you want, it simply won't happen. I keep telling you dude, you are projecting the Indian mentality onto us. Our great nation has been stable and without revolution for 240 years... we are not about to fall into one because some incompetent Indian (who hasn't had a single stable nation-state in their ENTIRE history) says so.
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