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Indian Air Force Ready 24x7 to Attack Terrorist Camps Across LoC in Azad Kashmir if Need Arise: IAF

That is the problem with you Hindutva, your only education comes from WhatsappU
So logical and sensible question to you.
If India "won" every war, why does the line of control exist?
Weird how the winner was unable to take all of Kashmir.

But then when you can call grass Biryani then you can call anything a "win"

like I told u unlike muslims Hindus have high tolerance for muslims thats why even after pakistani defeat and taking 93000 pakistani soldiers as POW India treated them well and didnt want to include any pakistani territory to live in peace but as we can see now pakistan is doing proxy war against India...
like I told u unlike muslims Hindus have high tolerance for muslims thats why even after pakistani defeat and taking 93000 pakistani soldiers as POW India treated them well and didnt want to include any pakistani territory to live in peace but as we can see now pakistan is doing proxy war against India...

You don't even have the tolerance to answer my questions, much less tolerance against minorities.

Even gulf, Canada and New Zealand are speaking about your "tolerance"

Anyway, go back to the hindutva hole you crawled out of, you clearly don't have the ability to face actual reality.
like I told u unlike muslims Hindus have high tolerance for muslims thats why even after pakistani defeat and taking 93000 pakistani soldiers as POW India treated them well and didnt want to include any pakistani territory to live in peace but as we can see now pakistan is doing proxy war against India...

tolerance??? .blinding people in kashmir, rapping ten of thousands of kashmiri muslim girls, openly calling for their rape, 1947 communal violence killing millions of muslims, taking citizenship away from your own fellow indian muslims, electing a known terrorist who subjugated and threatened minorities ..
you can sell this manjaan in the west countries,
tolerance??? .blinding people in kashmir, rapping ten of thousands of kashmiri muslim girls, openly calling for their rape, 1947 communal violence killing millions of muslims, taking citizenship away from your own fellow indian muslims, electing a known terrorist who subjugated and threatened minorities ..
you can sell this manjaan in the west countries,

wrong facts... actually its the pakistani sponsorship to terrorists in kashmir who raped Hindu kashmiri girls murdered Hindus brutally in 1990 .. a million of Hindus Kashmiri fled kashmir in a week ... running from genocide from muslims.., still no Indian treat kashmiri muslims differently...

And where did u read taking citizen of muslims in India.. CAA is a law that gives citizenship of refugee from pakistan and bangladesh most of them hindus who ran from forces coversion.. rapes and loot murder from pakistani and bangladesh majority... this law only provides those refugees non muslims an Indian passport
Ce we have something for you and your brothers and fathers and sons. Come take it from our hands we wait in azad kashmir :butcher:
vegetable Biryani?
So we are just making up random "foods" with random names now?
Okay, here is what Indians call a pizza

to be fair, it's not far off from their food.

lol, this is what someone ate to make the bomb..... and that bomb is sitting with no use.... useless.

Humiliated and junkard incompetent iaf can bitch all it wants, but it wont do jackshit----Last time it tried to breach our air space, PAF literally announced the thrashing and went to next day and got IAF pants down

laughed at you :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:





Millions of people all over the world saw these headlines, and saw Indian air force's helplessness. The world learnt how PAF dominated Indian air force. Millions saw your bloodied pilot being paraded by superior Pakistan military.

You can not change that fact. Inferiority-complex stricken Indians just got drowned further in their own inferiority by Pakistan Air Power! :D

Even Christiane Fair mocked your air force. Imagine.....

Islamic Republic of Pakistan has tens of thousands of Madrassas (Islamic Seminaries) with millions of students from all over the world getting educated in Islamic sciences, arts, history, Arabic, Qur'an, Dawah, and so on. Thousands of these students graduate and go all over the world and make their communities more Islamic through teaching, dawah, educating, leading Islamic prayer services, establishing Mosques etc---From China, to Bonsia, to Europe----thousands of Imams, preachers, and Islamic religious leaders and practitioners got trained by Pakistan's vast ecosystem of Islamic schools/Madrassas/Universities etc. Alhamdulillah.

You tried (and failed miserably lol) to target just one such small seminary on a hillside, and PAF's F-16s, JF-17s, and Mirages pounced on you like Tigers pouncing on helpless pigs dying in their own sh!t :lol:. Shot down your jets, bombed your military targets, captured your wing commander alive, and causing you to shoot down your own helicopter in panic....all without sustaining a single loss on our side.

Imagine what we'd do to you if you tried your antics once more and end up hiting something this time by luck? :pop: Our Islamic Republic is thriving and you hate that fact....but Hindus can keep their hate to themselves and drink cow piss. As soon as you dare to act on your hate, humiliation at the hands of smaller but superior Muslim forces is your fate, as always has been the case throughout history... Inshallah! :)

You can care about the world media and specially about the nyt. The same media call pakistan a terrorist country day and night.... same pakistan who goes about to beg for money and give salary hikes to its army and not put that money to the poor and hungry people's pocket.

India has exposed the this type of media again and again, we dont care about it. The action in Balakot has severe consequences.... very first question that comes to my mind is,

where the the god damn bomb????

your ministers were threatening to us that "Mandir me ghantiya nahi bajengi"
your pm ik literally says nuclear whenever he opens his mouth.... anyone care than the nyt?? anyone came to pakistan to give a shoulder to cry for? introspection is the word.

let me put some examples of pakistani pilots fly f16 ... and no this is not the latest march crash of f16.... (notice the bold red text)

Date Status Local S/N Aircraft AF/Unit Version Info Details

04 Sep 1989
[w/o] 84712 81-0910
F-16A Block 15Q Details
During a night sortie and a few minutes after take-off from Sargodha AB, the wingman informed his lead - Sqn.Ldr. Zafar Ahsan - and ground control that he is disoriented. They tried to help by repeatedly telling him to concentrate on the instruments but he crashed a few miles from Sarghoda, killing the pilot.
29 Apr 1987 [w/o] 85720 81-0918
PAF 14 sqn
F-16A Block 15S Details
Shot down by Wing Commander Amjad Javed - mistakenly shooting down his wingman. Flight Lieutenant Shahid Sikandar Khan ejected safely.

So pakistanis have no ability to fly such sophisticated plane where they shot down their own pilots.... and pilots are disoriented after take off... dont fly and dont put yourself to shame.

and you show one Abhinandan who is a real hero..... see this and then show your chest with pride....

another one that you need to learn today,

In May 1997 a MiG-25R aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) flew deep into Pakistani airspace on a reconnaissance mission, photographed sensitive defense sites and broke the sound barrier, sending a powerful sonic boom over Islamabad. Before the Pakistanis could figure out what had hit them or scramble their fighter aircraft, the intruding MiG-25 – code named Foxbat by NATO – was back in Indian airspace.

post such examples of bravery by pakistani forces....



You want to see more?? i can show you more.... humiliation.....
lol, this is what someone ate to make the bomb..... and that bomb is sitting with no use.... useless.
what the hell are you taking about?
That made no sense.... but can't really expect much more from you lot.

now go back to eating your grass.

You can care about the world media and specially about the nyt. The same media call pakistan a terrorist country day and night.... same pakistan who goes about to beg for money and give salary hikes to its army and not put that money to the poor and hungry people's pocket.

India has exposed the this type of media again and again, we dont care about it. The action in Balakot has severe consequences.... very first question that comes to my mind is,

where the the god damn bomb????

your ministers were threatening to us that "Mandir me ghantiya nahi bajengi"
your pm ik literally says nuclear whenever he opens his mouth.... anyone care than the nyt?? anyone came to pakistan to give a shoulder to cry for? introspection is the word.

let me put some examples of pakistani pilots fly f16 ... and no this is not the latest march crash of f16.... (notice the bold red text)

Date Status Local S/N Aircraft AF/Unit Version Info Details

04 Sep 1989
[w/o] 84712 81-0910
F-16A Block 15Q Details
During a night sortie and a few minutes after take-off from Sargodha AB, the wingman informed his lead - Sqn.Ldr. Zafar Ahsan - and ground control that he is disoriented. They tried to help by repeatedly telling him to concentrate on the instruments but he crashed a few miles from Sarghoda, killing the pilot.
29 Apr 1987 [w/o] 85720 81-0918
PAF 14 sqn
F-16A Block 15S Details
Shot down by Wing Commander Amjad Javed - mistakenly shooting down his wingman. Flight Lieutenant Shahid Sikandar Khan ejected safely.

So pakistanis have no ability to fly such sophisticated plane where they shot down their own pilots.... and pilots are disoriented after take off... dont fly and dont put yourself to shame.

and you show one Abhinandan who is a real hero..... see this and then show your chest with pride....

another one that you need to learn today,

In May 1997 a MiG-25R aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) flew deep into Pakistani airspace on a reconnaissance mission, photographed sensitive defense sites and broke the sound barrier, sending a powerful sonic boom over Islamabad. Before the Pakistanis could figure out what had hit them or scramble their fighter aircraft, the intruding MiG-25 – code named Foxbat by NATO – was back in Indian airspace.

post such examples of bravery by pakistani forces....

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View attachment 634259

You want to see more?? i can show you more.... humiliation.....
you want to go into history
remember when the spanked your Hindu grand daddy and conquered India

ask your great grand daddy, he is still humiliated by it.

For your generation, we don't even need to conquer, just need tea to humiliate you lot


now shoo
Go back to that hindutva hell hole you came from.
Indian Air Force Ready 24x7 to Attack Terrorist Camps Across LoC in Azad Kashmir if Need Arises, Says IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria
May 18, 2020 02:11 PM IST

New Delhi: The Indian Air Force is always ready to destroy terrorist camps and launchpads across the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir or Azad Kashmir if the need arises, said IAF chief RKS Bhadauria on Monday. Asked if the IAF is ready to take out any terrorist camp or launchpad across the LoC in Azad Kashmir, RKS Bhadauria told news agency ANI: "If the situation demands so, of course, Indian Air Force is ready 24x7."

Reacting to reports that suggested that Pakistan was fearing a retaliation the Handwara attack, in which five security personnel and two terrorists were killed on May 2, Bhadauria said the neighbouring country must be worried. "Whenever there's a terrorist attack on our soil, they (Pakistan) should be worried and they were rightly worried," the IAF chief said. "They've to stop abetting terrorism in India if they've to get out of these worries," he added.

They werent ready the last time..missed spectaculary infront of world high resolution images embrassing the isreali weapons maker.

Noone was punished but infact rewarded..so i will take this as bag of salt
Terrorist Camps
Some people call them freedom fighters.
Indian Air Force Ready 24x7 to Attack Terrorist Camps Across LoC in Azad Kashmir if Need Arises, Says IAF Chief RKS Bhadauria
May 18, 2020 02:11 PM IST

New Delhi: The Indian Air Force is always ready to destroy terrorist camps and launchpads across the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir or Azad Kashmir if the need arises, said IAF chief RKS Bhadauria on Monday. Asked if the IAF is ready to take out any terrorist camp or launchpad across the LoC in Azad Kashmir, RKS Bhadauria told news agency ANI: "If the situation demands so, of course, Indian Air Force is ready 24x7."

Reacting to reports that suggested that Pakistan was fearing a retaliation the Handwara attack, in which five security personnel and two terrorists were killed on May 2, Bhadauria said the neighbouring country must be worried. "Whenever there's a terrorist attack on our soil, they (Pakistan) should be worried and they were rightly worried," the IAF chief said. "They've to stop abetting terrorism in India if they've to get out of these worries," he added.


@Horus Please add smile emojis
what the hell are you taking about?
That made no sense.... but can't really expect much more from you lot.

now go back to eating your grass.

you want to go into history
remember when the spanked your Hindu grand daddy and conquered India

ask your great grand daddy, he is still humiliated by it.

For your generation, we don't even need to conquer, just need tea to humiliate you lot


now shoo
Go back to that hindutva hell hole you came from.

typical of so called elite members from pakistani group. hot air, pathetic and useless as usual.

this is how you posted all those thousand's of posts. you should be ignored in future for good.... enjoy your time

Terrorist Camps
Some people call them freedom fighters.

those are actually Uighurs .... time will come when muslim world need to talk about this topic.
typical of so called elite members from pakistani group. hot air, pathetic and useless as usual.

this is how you posted all those thousand's of posts. you should be ignored in future for good.... enjoy your time

those are actually Uighurs .... time will come when muslim world need to talk about this topic.
Do not label our Uyghur terrorists, our Uyghur people are peaceful people.It may be that very few Uighur terrorists have returned from other countries such as Syria, but it has nothing to do with Uighurs, and Uighurs do not like them too.

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