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We should have used the money to buy 18 more rafales.

Another bad move

18 rafales


32 su30mki mig29upg

I take rafales

U need to take into account the price
21 Mig29s will cost Rs 5000 crore or around 670 Million USD
12 SU30MKIs will cost Rs 4200 crore or 550 million USD
That's around 1.2 Billion USD

18 Rafales along with Weapons and maintenance package will cost us 2.5 billion USD

Now u can guess which provides a more bang for buck

Their are rumors that mmrca 2.0 could again be cancelled in favor of 36-54 Rafales
Directly from France , since it would be faster and cheaper
And will allow Hal to focus on producing LCA MK1A as well MWF and AMCA in future
U need to take into account the price
21 Mig29s will cost Rs 5000 crore or around 670 Million USD
12 SU30MKIs will cost Rs 4200 crore or 550 million USD
That's around 1.2 Billion USD

18 Rafales along with Weapons and maintenance package will cost us 2.5 billion USD

Now u can guess which provides a more bang for buck

Their are rumors that mmrca 2.0 could again be cancelled in favor of 36-54 Rafales
Directly from France , since it would be faster and cheaper
And will allow Hal to focus on producing LCA MK1A as well MWF and AMCA in future

I can guarantee you now that these Russian migs are coming there will be no more rafale purchase.. the defended dept will say concentrate on lca only
We should have used the money to buy 18 more rafales.

Another bad move

18 rafales


32 su30mki mig29upg

I take rafales

As mentioned earlier, these are existing deals that have been in the works for a long time.

the 12 Su-30s are attrition replacements and after that HAL will not be building any more Su-30s. The assembly line will be closed. Our final numbers of Su-30s will be in the range of 270.

the 21 MiG-29s are from the Algerian deal. These are Izdeliye 9.19 SMT standard MiG-29s that were being built for Algeria before the deal was scrapped. They will now be upgraded to Izdeliye 9.20 standard that is the MiG-29UPG.

It is the fastest and cheapest way to add one more squadron of fighters. And from reports, the MiG-29UPG has been quite impressive. The upgrade really has worked wonders for the MiG-29, addressing it's primary shortcomings of analog cockpit, high pilot workload, older avionics and poor range.

This move by the Chinese will definitely lead to a quicker order of additional Rafales. That'll happen, but the case now has to be moved to the MoD. These other 2 deals were already with the MoD. They were just pushed through so that they can be closed ASAP.
These are small tid bits if you ask me. My speculation is that much bigger deals for IAF are coming.
I can guarantee you now that these Russian migs are coming there will be no more rafale purchase.. the defended dept will say concentrate on lca only

On the contrary, now that there is a crisis, the IAF's request for more squadrons will be taken seriously. Previously, the govt only gave lip service to the IAF's 42 squadron requirement to handle both fronts. Now, it is clear that the situation is actually likely and the govt. will be heavily criticized if the IAF's needs are not met.

Gen Bipin Rawat had talked about follow on Rafale purchases 3-4 years after the first 36 were delivered. That may get speeded up, IMO.
On the contrary, now that there is a crisis, the IAF's request for more squadrons will be taken seriously. Previously, the govt only gave lip service to the IAF's 42 squadron requirement to handle both fronts. Now, it is clear that the situation is actually likely and the govt. will be heavily criticized if the IAF's needs are not met.

Gen Bipin Rawat had talked about follow on Rafale purchases 3-4 years after the first 36 were delivered. That may get speeded up, IMO.


I would be so happy if we ordered another second natch of rafales x 36 or 54
IAF's Apaches, Su-30MKIs and MiG-29UPGs are all now being seen at Leh in Ladakh, not very far from the Galwan Valley.

article link

And the Brahmos-A ALCM has been cleared for combat use, with the Fleet Release Clearance being given by the certifying authorities. Currently only a few Su-30MKIs have been modified to carry the Brahmos-A, but as more enter service with the IAF's No.222 'Tigersharks' squadron, we will likely see detachments of these Brahmos-A equipped Su-30MKIs up north.

article link

Hopefully the order for the first 15 LCH will also be processed by this year. Need it in large numbers to be used for the northernmost areas of India, which are all at high elevation.

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I would be so happy if we ordered another second natch of rafales x 36 or 54

Where is the money for all these purchases? China virus has decimated the economy, and now China is on the borders......
Where is the money for all these purchases? China virus has decimated the economy, and now China is on the borders......

Money has come from Saudi and UAE pockets
Thanks to cheap oil
Modi saved 50 billion USD in forex which led to biggest ever single year jump in our foreign exchange reserves

Now u will see some of those savings going to the forced

why did india not buy the f 15?

it’s expensive
100 million USD For latest F15QA standards vs 25 million USD for Mig29UPG which we already operate and have full infrastructure for maintenance and training

this deal could very well be followed by purchase of some second hand mirage2000Ds from France
France currently has some 70 Mirage 2000D which were inducted between 1996-2000
These airframes have only done between 2000 to 2500 flight hours and have at least 15years of combat life left in them
With a proper MLU to Mirage 2000Dash5 standards they could serve 20 more years
France is asking 5 million USD each for these airframes
Add another 20 million USD for MLU and u could get 3 More squadrons of Mirage2000 along with 300 Mica BVRAAM for like 2 billion dollars
There won't be any second hand Mirage-2000Ds purchased. France is upgrading them and intends to keep them in service till 2030 at least.

The only possible Mirage-2000s that may become available in the next couple of years will be Qatari Mirage-2000-5s.
Just get more rafale x 44 planes now
Order now delivery to start after first 36 arrive by 2022

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