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Indian Air Force has a shortage of 405 pilots: Centre

INCONTRAST all PAF is getting 50 Thunders
so how will 50 Thunders replace 200 F7 mirage 5

Looks like your mirage 5 & F7 will contiune until 2030+

You totally did not read my original reply to this, if you cannot be bothered to do that and read my answers I really cannot be bothered to reply to your continous stream of BS.......
operation gagan shakti proved our sortie rate in war conditions
14000 sorties,in 13 days
97% service availability of planes
by the way 1100 planes,where involved
half of them combat planes.

no offence but this exercise cost more than the entire annual service budget of pakistan in one year .
to operate 1100 planes,in 13 days need a serious fuel and money especially in a,giant country like India as we demonstrated a,2 front war.

peace time pilots numbers or service levels,do not depict true war potential.

ie look at our efficiency in.ladakh against China. we were and are ready

no doubt
Dearest Mav, my savli salooni mehboba, the reason I know you are wrong is math

14000 sorties / 1100 aircraft gives us 12.72 sorties / aircraft

12.72 sorties divided by 13 days gives us a 0.97 sorties flown / day. That is dismal even by Indian against flying standards!

So loss of 6 MIG-21 squadrons will result in an IAF of 26 Squadrons, as you admit above? 5 of those being Jaguar squadrons.


60 F-17PGs in service, these were manufactured in 90s and have Grifo radars in 3 units
80 Mirages in service in 4 units.

Rate of JF-17 production has been 1 Sqd per year now for last 3 years, so by 2024 it is likely we will have phased out another 4 Mirage/F-17 units leaving 3 units (Probably upgraded ROSE I/II/III) Strike mirages.
This will also enable PAF squadron strength to be maintained at 18 units.



1 sqds BLOCK 52 v 2 sqds rafale
3 sqds F16mlu v 5.5 sqds mirage2000/mig29
9 sqds thunders v 13sqds mki
3 sqds F7 v 2 sqds Tejas
4 sqds mirage 5 v 5.5 sqs Jaguar

A bit simplistic because we have far superior missle defense system S400 starts Arriving November this year
1 week max in a full war i cant see any other result OTHER than F16 and 50 Thunders theres not a lo

Let us do maths (again), as this seems like a subject area you do not seem to perform well on.

We have 4 (possibly 6) FOC Tejas in service. If IAF is very lucky it will get another 8 this year, lets be charitable and assume so. That gives you around 12-16 Tejas this year and 36 Rafales. 3 Squadrons. No new Rafales deal has been signed, so safely assume that for the next 2 years no new Rafales above the 36 being delivered. No to Tejas, HAL are already behind on deliveries (again!) thus year, so you will get 8 per year.

By 2022 end you will have 1.5 Tejas FOC units and 2 Rafales units. So around 3 squadrons.

Currently IAF has 6 MIG-21 units and 6 Jaguar units.

12 Squadrons of planes that are 40-50 years old. You see where this is going wrong right?

You know what that's actually about right air Force plans to retire 6 sqds of mig21 by 2024 . let's assume your right there 6 units today 120 planes
we are,receiving ad you 1.5 sqds of tejas foc by 2022 or 2 sqds by 2023 as planned by iaf
ie one ioc a d one foc..
2 sqds of Rafale by 2022 that's 76 new fighters to replace 114 mig 21 bison
but here we add mig29smt one new order should be,delivered by 2024
there by 97 planes in 5 sqds effectively replacing 114 mig 21 bison..

5.5 jaguar will remain full stop I saw the swarm drones,tested on jaguar and they have aesa radar and asraam missle too
neutralizing pakistan in 2 days is definitely plan and with s400 arrival and Rafale and Pakistani.having done nothing in response, hardly it becomes more than just possible
India would look to inflict as much damage on pakistan rapidly before attention to defending the north against the chineazec
Pakistan already has a response versus the Rafale so it is no too worried about it. Plus it has done something, which is not very obvious. Counter to a plane is not necessarily always another plane. There are cheaper alternates. As far as the S400 is concerned, the final story on them has yet to be written.
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