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Indian Air Force has a shortage of 405 pilots: Centre

not 100 % certain I think 4 were,delivered 4 months 2 flown just now so I think it's 6
I heard 7 will be delivered in quick succession.
current build is 8 in one assembly plant
and 4 in another assembly
a 3r assembly plant is being readied for mark1a
why is it vital

just quick question how the chinease getting on with your block 3 still testing or have you actually received one yet . getting conflict g reports you were to have 50 by 2025

So you posted picture of LCA and how MIG-21s will be retired quickly. You have 4 FOC planes in service. You have 120 MIG-21s.

Can you do maths?

Unsure what "conflict g" reports you are getting, but now there are 130 Block I/11s in service with PAF, 16 in service with Myanmar, 3 in service with Nigeria. 2 Block 3 Prototypes with full scale production having started in November 2020.

This is not a comparison you will win. Trust me. Better go back to boasting about how quickly France is making your Rafales, it's better for you that way....
So you posted picture of LCA and how MIG-21s will be retired quickly. You have 4 FOC planes in service. You have 120 MIG-21s.

Can you do maths?

Unsure what "conflict g" reports you are getting, but now there are 130 Block I/11s in service with PAF, 16 in service with Myanmar, 3 in service with Nigeria. 2 Block 3 Prototypes with full scale production having started in November 2020.

This is not a comparison you will win. Trust me. Better go back to boasting about how quickly France is making your Rafales, it's better for you that way....

no the question was how are the chinease doing with your block 3 delivery
Block 3 is being assembled at PAC. 2 in Prototype form. We get there quicker then LCA MK1A.

I should hope so with Chinease backing.
and looks like you will need them.cant see anything else,happening but I think you know that too .
need to replace those,200 vintage mirages and f7 your still.using it 50 % of your fleet apparently.
but let's worry about Rafale and tejas delivery for now and falling pilots numbers
we pay our pilots,35000 dollars,a year in contrast commercial airline pilots earn 3 times,this. This is the issue i think
I should hope so with Chinease backing.
and looks like you will need them.cant see anything else,happening but I think you know that too .
need to replace those,200 vintage mirages and f7 your still.using it 50 % of your fleet apparently.
but let's worry about Rafale and tejas delivery for now and falling pilots numbers
we pay our pilots,35000 dollars,a year in contrast commercial airline pilots earn 3 times,this. This is the issue i think

Yes, best worry about the massive shortage of pilots, 6 MIG-21 squadrons and the fact IAF now has to cancel exercises in order to save flight hours on equipment. I would say you have more to worry about than just the PAF.

Issue is in the past being an IAF pilot was not just about the money, but also prestige and service to country. Granted it maybe symotomatic of the Indian economy developing rapidly that it can offer the middle class better jobs, in Pakistan however, being a PAF pilot is seen as a massive privilage across the spectrum of society.

I imagine the poor media the Indian Armed Forces get in general does not help. Crashes, wife-swapping, corruption, caste issues etc.
Issue is in the past being an IAF pilot was not just about the money, but also prestige and service to country. Granted it maybe symotomatic of the Indian economy developing rapidly that it can offer the middle class better jobs, in Pakistan however, being a PAF pilot is seen as a massive privilage across the spectrum of society.

I imagine the poor media the Indian Armed Forces get in general does not help. Crashes, wife-swapping, corruption, caste issues etc.

crashes will.come down because vintage migs being replaced by very modern fighters like tejas and Rafale with superb quaruplex fbw systems ..that will.be resolved.

second did not know caste.system was an issue the indian military that was mobilised so impressively in ladakh came from different regions even ladakh scouts punjab Bihar etc.
finally you get crimes.and bad behaviour in all military circles not just indian army
I suggest you read about rape of Berlin by Russian soldiers in ww2
the brutal massacares of bosian women by.serb army
the rape of east pakistan w8men by pak army in 1971
does not take any thing away from military fighting capability
we digress which is Pakistani style in forum.
shortgage of pilots in indian air force
equipment getting better much better
concrete plans to modernise no secrets no hush hush secret j10c talks,here in India like you pakistan is. which adds up to nothing in the end as no finance.
clear concise well.audited military budget and clear idea what equipment is coming and when and what is,being planned .
I can guarantee now more Rafale,and tejas mark 2 and Amca
numbers and dates not certain but the equipment yes
You have your viewpoint of Operation Gagan Shakti.

I stated mine.

The problem for Indians is if PLAAF attacks first instead of PAF.

This Bharati Startegy of taking down PAF in 2 days and than taking on PLAAF goes into garbage than.

Will wait for More Indian Excuses like we werent Ready.

we were more than ready in ladakh it's your daddy China that ran back to Shanghai taking their toys with them.
all bravado and we told you Pakistanis they are doing nothing. They ran we will remind you constantly
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crashes will.come down because vintage migs being replaced by very modern fighters like tejas and Rafale with superb quaruplex fbw systems ..that will.be resolved.

second did not know caste.system was an issue the indian military that was mobilised so impressively in ladakh came from different regions even ladakh accounts punjab Bihar etc.
finally you get crimes.and bar behaviour in all military circles not just indian army
I suggest you read about rape of Berlin by Russian soldiers in ww2
the brutal massacares of bosian women by.serb army
the rape of east pakistan w8men bybpak army in 1971
does not take any thing away from military fighting capability
we digress which is Pakistani style
pilots and indian air force
numbers,of shortage dropping
equipment getting better much better
concrete plans no secrets no hush hush secret j10c talks,here
clear concise well.audited military budget and clear idea what equipment is coming and when and what is,being planned .
I can guarantee now more Rafale,and tejas mark 2 and Amca
numbers and dates not certain but the equipment yes


Let us do maths (again), as this seems like a subject area you do not seem to perform well on.

We have 4 (possibly 6) FOC Tejas in service. If IAF is very lucky it will get another 8 this year, lets be charitable and assume so. That gives you around 12-16 Tejas this year and 36 Rafales. 3 Squadrons. No new Rafales deal has been signed, so safely assume that for the next 2 years no new Rafales above the 36 being delivered. No to Tejas, HAL are already behind on deliveries (again!) thus year, so you will get 8 per year.

By 2022 end you will have 1.5 Tejas FOC units and 2 Rafales units. So around 3 squadrons.

Currently IAF has 6 MIG-21 units and 6 Jaguar units.

12 Squadrons of planes that are 40-50 years old. You see where this is going wrong right?

Let us do maths (again), as this seems like a subject area you do not seem to perform well on.

We have 4 (possibly 6) FOC Tejas in service. If IAF is very lucky it will get another 8 this year, lets be charitable and assume so. That gives you around 12-16 Tejas this year and 36 Rafales. 3 Squadrons. No new Rafales deal has been signed, so safely assume that for the next 2 years no new Rafales above the 36 being delivered. No to Tejas, HAL are already behind on deliveries (again!) thus year, so you will get 8 per year.

By 2022 end you will have 1.5 Tejas FOC units and 2 Rafales units. So around 3 squadrons.

Currently IAF has 6 MIG-21 units and 6 Jaguar units.

12 Squadrons of planes that are 40-50 years old. You see where this is going wrong right?

I'm.sorry we go in circles
by 2024 the migs are going whether we deliver a tejas or not this is clearly documentated.
phase,of mig21 is not based in delivery of tejas which is,in your head it appears,

272 su30 mki I love saying this 13 sqs
60 mig29 smt 3 sqds
45 mirage2000 2.5 sqds
36 Rafale 2 sqds
40 Tejas 2 sqds
120 jaguar 5.5 sqds

this,is,worst case by 2024

possibly 21 mig29smt additional equals,one more,sqds

we are number Plating the mig21 bison all to go regardless of tejas delivery by 2024
Any way don't worry about our Mig 21 you have serious issues,

what 150 mirage 50 year old second generation fighters,
55 f7 at least mig21 or is it 100

and as,it looks no option bar thundetsx
more than ready in ladakh it's your daddy China that ran back to Shanghai taking their toys with them.
all bravado and we told you Pakistanis they are doing nothing. They ran we will remind you constantly

Sure. We saw how ready you are when you shot down your own MI 17 killing 6 IAF personnel.

The reason your generals are not talking about a two front war.

Operation Gagan Shakti did not include rafales and s400.

but call centre trolls talk about stuff Indians arent even prepared to use.
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Let us do maths (again), as this seems like a subject area you do not seem to perform well on.

We have 4 (possibly 6) FOC Tejas in service. If IAF is very lucky it will get another 8 this year, lets be charitable and assume so. That gives you around 12-16 Tejas this year and 36 Rafales. 3 Squadrons. No new Rafales deal has been signed, so safely assume that for the next 2 years no new Rafales above the 36 being delivered. No to Tejas, HAL are already behind on deliveries (again!) thus year, so you will get 8 per year.

By 2022 end you will have 1.5 Tejas FOC units and 2 Rafales units. So around 3 squadrons.

Currently IAF has 6 MIG-21 units and 6 Jaguar units.

12 Squadrons of planes that are 40-50 years old. You see where this is going wrong right?

MISINFORMED using out of date DATA from out of date websites

Striaght off the Indian press (WHO WILL KNOW more than any western media ) since its our air force

We have 4 sqds MIG21 bison ( i thought it was 3 now)
AND ARTICLE CLEARLY states all retired BY 2024
CLEAR PLAN well documentated by ACM OF IAF and media

Regardless of Tejas production speed whch is picking u mind you

The story of IAF’s tryst with MiG-21 fighter planes | Hindustan Times
I'm.sorry we go in circles
by 2024 the migs are going whether we deliver a tejas or not this is clearly documentated.
phase,of mig21 is not based in delivery of tejas which is,in your head it appears,

272 su30 mki I love saying this 13 sqs
60 mig29 smt 3 sqds
45 mirage2000 2.5 sqds
36 Rafale 2 sqds
40 Tejas 2 sqds
120 jaguar 5.5 sqds

this,is,worst case by 2024

possibly 21 mig29smt additional equals,one more,sqds

we are number Plating the mig21 bison all to go regardless of tejas delivery by 2024
Any way don't worry about our Mig 21 you have serious issues,

what 150 mirage 50 year old second generation fighters,
55 f7 at least mig21 or is it 100

and as,it looks no option bar thundetsx

So loss of 6 MIG-21 squadrons will result in an IAF of 26 Squadrons, as you admit above? 5 of those being Jaguar squadrons.


60 F-17PGs in service, these were manufactured in 90s and have Grifo radars in 3 units
80 Mirages in service in 4 units.

Rate of JF-17 production has been 1 Sqd per year now for last 3 years, so by 2024 it is likely we will have phased out another 4 Mirage/F-17 units leaving 3 units (Probably upgraded ROSE I/II/III) Strike mirages.
This will also enable PAF squadron strength to be maintained at 18 units.
MISINFORMED using out of date DATA from out of date websites

Striaght off the Indian press (WHO WILL KNOW more than any western media ) since its our air force

We have 4 sqds MIG21 bison ( i thought it was 3 now)
AND ARTICLE CLEARLY states all retired BY 2024
CLEAR PLAN well documentated by ACM OF IAF and media

Regardless of Tejas production speed whch is picking u mind you

The story of IAF’s tryst with MiG-21 fighter planes | Hindustan Times

INCONTRAST all PAF is getting 50 Thunders
so how will 50 Thunders replace 200 F7 mirage 5

Looks like your mirage 5 & F7 will contiune until 2030+
operation gagan shakti proved our sortie rate in war conditions
14000 sorties,in 13 days
97% service availability of planes
by the way 1100 planes,where involved
half of them combat planes.

no offence but this exercise cost more than the entire annual service budget of pakistan in one year .
to operate 1100 planes,in 13 days need a serious fuel and money especially in a,giant country like India as we demonstrated a,2 front war.

peace time pilots numbers or service levels,do not depict true war potential.

ie look at our efficiency in.ladakh against China. we were and are ready

no doubt
Yes IAF proved things on February 27 and the fact that the Chinese have moved the LAC to their 1959 line by liberating land from India without firing a shot speaks volumes of the IAF and IA capability

the,response,was to the assertion of poor sortie rates and shortage of pilots .
gagan shakti

and more,recently ladakh stand off proved otherwise,
really did it really, over 50% availability was it really true? I think you are confusing numbers again . Need proof!

neutralizing pakistan in 2 days is definitely plan and with s400 arrival and Rafale and Pakistani.having done nothing in response, hardly it becomes more than just possible
India would look to inflict as much damage on pakistan rapidly before attention to defending the north against the chineazec

well not sure about the s-400s , maybe patriot batteries. As for the response, wait for our surprise we will surprise you at a time and place of our choosing 😀

Yes IAF proved things on February 27 and the fact that the Chinese have moved the LAC to their 1959 line by liberating land from India without firing a shot speaks volumes of the IAF and IA capability

really did it really, over 50% availability was it really true? I think you are confusing numbers again . Need proof!

well not sure about the s-400s , maybe patriot batteries. As for the response, wait for our surprise we will surprise you at a time and place 😀


Wont be Surprised if Indians shoot down their own Rafales with s400.
MISINFORMED using out of date DATA from out of date websites

Striaght off the Indian press (WHO WILL KNOW more than any western media ) since its our air force

We have 4 sqds MIG21 bison ( i thought it was 3 now)
AND ARTICLE CLEARLY states all retired BY 2024
CLEAR PLAN well documentated by ACM OF IAF and media

Regardless of Tejas production speed whch is picking u mind you

The story of IAF’s tryst with MiG-21 fighter planes | Hindustan Times

No, Indian media is known (worldwide) for innacuracy, below is a reliable compliation giving 6 MIG-21 units and 1 MIG-21 OCU. Lying all the time means you get caught out often

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