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Indian Air Force has a shortage of 405 pilots: Centre

operation gagan shakti proved our sortie rate in war conditions
14000 sorties,in 13 days
97% service availability of planes
by the way 1100 planes,where involved
half of them combat planes.

no offence but this exercise cost more than the entire annual service budget of pakistan in one year .
to operate 1100 planes,in 13 days need a serious fuel and money especially in a,giant country like India as we demonstrated a,2 front war.

peace time pilots numbers or service levels,do not depict true war potential.

ie look at our efficiency in.ladakh against China. we were and are ready

no doubt

Yet you still lost a plane (possibly two) to us and shit down your own chopper. No offence, like some Arab countries, you have money but no idea.
neutralizing pakistan in 2 days is definitely plan and with s400 arrival and Rafale and Pakistani.having done nothing in response, hardly it becomes more than just possible
India would look to inflict as much damage on pakistan rapidly before attention to defending the north against the chineazec

Enough of the crack smoking right now. It is abundantly clear to the world, not just this forum, that India could never defeat Pakistan now.

1) Feb 27th shows you need a hell of a lot of improvment
2) If Pak losses so severe we go nuclear

Time to stop the fantasies
do you understand that ratio means nothing......why

you assume 100% serviceability of fleet it could be lower which increases 1.5 ratio to 1.6 or 1.7
second there is guarantee that all.550.or 600 planes,are flying daily ie the jaguar may only fly specialist strike mission 3 times in 10.days
finally planes will.get lost or stop.flying quickly in war .

so it's not 1.5 hours or 18 hours
more likely reality 2 pilots per available sortie.

by The way India has 3855 pilots in air Force with 2000 planes,.of which only 700 are combat planes including navy and combat trainers,

too many loose assumption

You really are ignorant.

IAF knows it's own servicability, it knows how many planes it will have available in war and it formulates it's requirements around that. That is how armed forces work in the real world, not on paper on some internet forum maths that you like to do.

The fact it is 405 pilots short for it's wartime requirements means it simply does not have enough pilots to utilise it's AVAILABLE fleet. Can you understand this concept or do I need to get the crayons out for you?

Most sources give IAF pilot to plane ratio as 1.1/1,2 to each AVAILABLE plane.
The fact it is 405 pilots short for it's wartime requirements means it simply does not have enough pilots to utilise it's AVAILABLE fleet. Can you understand this concept or do I need to get the crayons out for you?

Most sources give IAF pilot to plane ratio as 1.1/1,2 to each AVAILABLE plane.

I refer you to effectiveness of gagan shakti over 14 days
I refer you to ladakh which was a massive war level.redployment against a super power and included 200 plus combat planes and over 200 logistics planes,including c17 il76 mi17 apache gun ships and even navy p8 Poseidon .
no such shortage of pilots noted in gagan shakti or ladakh.
I rest easy at night knowing what India can do in a,war against what pakistan has and can do .
our resources,are deep very deep in fact ten fold in many cases .
so no worry about pilots here based on those examples
I refer you to effectiveness of gagan shakti over 14 days
I refer you to ladakh which was a massive war level.redployment against a super power and included 200 plus combat planes and over 200 logistics planes,including c17 il76 mi17 apache gun ships and even navy p8 Poseidon .
no such shortage of pilots noted in gagan shakti or ladakh.
I rest easy at night knowing what India can do in a,war against what pakistan has and can do .
our resources,are deep very deep in fact ten fold in many cases .
so no worry about pilots here based on those examples

An exercise is not war. In exercises pilots do not get shot down and mistakes do not kill 6 airmen. Do we have the full results of the exercise? Do we know what went wrong? Did we know how many blue and blues there were in the exercise? No, of course not. I do not neither do you. Just participating in an exercise is what every air force on the planet does.

Of course there was no shortage of pilots in the exercise, as every available one that was available would have been sent. That is a far far cry from operationalising the entire IAF.

The exercise involved 200 planes right?? Do you know how many planes there are in the IAF? Over 800.

In your world and on this forum you have "guaranteed" us that all the IAF is completely networkd (without providing any evidence)

You have claimed there is no pilot shortage despite statement of 405 pilots shirt in THE INDIAN PARLIAMENT yesterday. Again you provide no evidence to back up any of your fantasies other then "we flew an exercise a few years ago so everything is fine".

Black is white, white is black, earth is flat.

Biggest clown on the forum right now. Well done.

Done wasting my time on your fantasies, impressive you have not been banned yet
neutralizing pakistan in 2 days is definitely plan and with s400 arrival and Rafale and Pakistani.having done nothing in response, hardly it becomes more than just possible
India would look to inflict as much damage on pakistan rapidly before attention to defending the north against the chineazec

China can squash India before its oversized military can even come near the border with Pakistan. India will fall like Iraq in a two front war.
An exercise is not war. In exercises pilots do not get shot down and mistakes do not kill 6 airmen. Do we have the full results of the exercise? Do we know what went wrong? Did we know how many blue and blues there were in the exercise? No, of course not. I do not neither do you. Just participating in an exercise is what every air force on the planet does.

Of course there was no shortage of pilots in the exercise, as every available one that was available would have been sent. That is a far far cry from operationalising the entire IAF.

The exercise involved 200 planes right?? Do you know how many planes there are in the IAF? Over 800.

In your world and on this forum you have "guaranteed" us that all the IAF is completely networkd (without providing any evidence)

You have claimed there is no pilot shortage despite statement of 405 pilots shirt in THE INDIAN PARLIAMENT yesterday. Again you provide no evidence to back up any of your fantasies other then "we flew an exercise a few years ago so everything is fine".

Black is white, white is black, earth is flat.

Biggest clown on the forum right now. Well done.

Done wasting my time on your fantasies, impressive you have not been banned yet

You know this troll claims that IAF can take down PAF because IAF has more planes.

But when we use the same logic and tell him that PLAAF has more planes than IAF meaning PLAAF can take down IAF.

He somehow doesnt believe that and refuses to believe that PLAAF cant beat IAF.

Strange isnt it.
1.2 billion + people and you can't find 400 odd people to fly your jets?

Imagine this, all you hear your entire life about IAF is it's jets are getting shot down by the PAF, or PAA, or crashes due to poor maintenance, and when it comes to making a career decisions, would you really want to risk your life, when you can go and earn a lot more elsewhere ?

India's middle classes look down at military service and they have even less reason to join the IAF, or IA ... They view military service as something "the lower classes should do" which is another problem as far as recruiting the best into the armed services.

Indian's middle class have done an excellent job of improving their economy to buy the best weapons systems out there, but they turn their noses down at operating them, leaving that to the lower classes. ergo, the poor performance of Indian Armed Forces, despite having the best equipment available.

IAF performance is substandard because it cannot attract the best from its middle class ranks, who prefer to go and work elsewhere.

This is why all of the Indian service chiefs, IAF, IA, IN are all such idiots that we all laught at them everytime they open their mouths, they have had to scrape at the bottom of the barrel to find "even" find these idiots.
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