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Indian Air Force Chief Arup Raha To Take Maiden Flight In Tejas

You are actually contradicting yourself. It is very well known, that LCA Tejas was developed with trainer and Naval version from the start. Comparison of JF-17 and LCA Tejas is foolish, because LCA is the program to developed inhouse technologies needed for the development of the fighter plane in India, and on those quest developed a plane what you saw here is LCA Tejas. JF-17 is the industrial venture to get the fighter plane quickly, which is more focused in getting the product quickly and not getting the technology and know how to build the fighter planes.

Again you are confused here, number of JF-17 which is inducted in haste, without any IOC certification is due to the fact that PAF don't have much choice for the replacement of the J-7, Nanchang Q-5 and Mirrage 3/5 thus is supporting this program, and developed by the Industrial giant, China which have superior industrial base, and CALTIC was already working on this super Sabre project but needed the money which Pakistan invested to complete this plane from off the shelf products developed by the Chinese.

And on the other hand IAF have very stringent demand of FOC, and they had only settled to SOP-2018 standard and agreed for 20 IOC-2 standard, 20 number of FOC standard, and 80 of SOP-2018 standard. That means all the capabilities and the features would be present in the Tejas, which was not present in JF-17 when inducted.

And if you are actually interested in the number than for you

TD 1, and TD-2 -- 2 number (Tech demonstrator)

PV-1 to PV-6 -- 6 number

LSP-1 to LSP-8 -- 8 number

SP-1 to SP-4 -- 4 numbers

NP-1 to NP-2 -- 2 numbers (Naval Variant)

NP-3 to NP-5 --3 number Design worked almost complete (MK-2 Naval variant)

SP-5-SP-20 -- 16 numbers is on the build.

For the sake of you here is the link which will answer to many of your questions -- Interview from the CMD of HAL himself.


LOLZ the Jaguar fighter plane in IAF was developed as the trainer. The sabre Slayer GNAT was the trainer developed by the UK.
Again same old repetitions. We want to know how many birds you have in AIR in these last 30+ years of development. Likewise how many birds we have. Secondly every Airforce has it's own procedure and criticizing that will leave to pointless argument. Therfore, as I said before good to hear that you are nearing full fledged induction and after that we will compare whose bird is better.
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